Issues with Comparative Essays Michael D Geoffrion
Issues with Comparative Apples and Oranges Prompt: Analyze similarities and differences between apples and oranges during the period 1997-present. Issues we are having Thesis Direct Comparison Analysis
Thesis: Apples and Oranges Your thesis is simply your answer to the prompt. It should include at least two valid and specific similarities and two valid and specific differences: “Apples and Oranges from 1997 to present are different in texture, color, and the fact that apples have an edible skin while the orange’s skin is not typically eaten. They are similar in that they are both fruit and grow on trees. Also, despite growing seasons, both fruits can be purchased year round .” This is not an adequate thesis: Apples and Oranges have many similarities, but also a lot of differences. This makes me wish I didn’t have eyes so I could avoid reading it: Apples and oranges are the same, but different.
Generic Comparative Thesis First of all, understand that I am not trying to put anyone in a “box.” I don’t believe that is anyway to promote creativity. However, some people appreciate the security of the “box” when they are first learning to write. Below is a generic comparative thesis: During the time period (beginning date) to (ending date), (thing you are comparing 1) and (thing you are comparing 2) were similar in that both (similarity 1) and (similarity 2). However, where (thing 1) (difference 1), (thing 2) (difference 1). Also, (difference 2). This is essentially fill in the blank, but each blank could contain anywhere from 3-10 words.
Direct Comparison A direct Comparison should be a single sentence in a body paragraph in which you highlight a similarity or a difference. I recommend making these as often as possible: “In the United States, apples tend to grow in cool, temperate climates such as those in Ohio and Michigan, whereas oranges, on the other hand, require a warmer climate, with adequate rain fall, as found in Florida or parts of California” “Despite all of their differences apples and oranges are both fruit that grow on trees.”
Analysis You must analyze the reason why a similarity or difference. I recommend doing this at least twice, but more is better: “It would seem that both of these fruits evolved to grow on trees, as bushes and vines (such as those that grow berries) would not support the weight of an apple or orange.” Do not simply analyze a feature of what you are comparing: “Oranges taste sweet due to high levels of fructose.”