PETRA PETRA’s Next Steps
Bridge Over Bridge Over Proposal Period – April 1, 2016 – June 30, 2016 Focus This coming funding year will be a bit different. We are asked to submit a bridge over proposal which will cover the activities over the period of April 1, 2016 – June 30, 2016. A draft proposal has been submitted to the Dept. From there will well add on the activities for the rest of the fiscal year for approval. In the coming weeks I will be working on completing that. The focus of the bridge over activities is finish up work the are outcomes/relates to activities of this year I will go into this further in the next slides. From there, it has been suggested to see how we can align our future work in the area of prevention.
Proposal Membership and Stakeholder Engagement Workshop Steering Committee meetings Website and Listserv Revealing the Truth: A Tobacco Media Awareness Resource for Teachers Promote resource Evaluation A lot of this work is focused at the Coordinator position, however is what helps keep us all engaged, not to mention organized! Under Membership and Stakeholder Engagement - Coordinate a workshop for PETRA members and stakeholders - Organize, coordinate and support meetings of the steering committee and working groups - Maintain PETRA’s website and listserv as required Revealing the Truth: - Continue to work closely with multi-stakeholder working group to promote the resource to teachers with the aim to increase usage. - Conduct evaluations: - Online survey with Physical Education and Language Arts teachers, those engaged at the PEITF booth. - Qualitative evaluation with teachers who attended the January 2016 In-Service training session (subcontracted)
Proposal cont… Apps – Support Young Island Adults Age 20-25 Who Want to Quit Smoking Review Focus Group results Distribute resource/ promotion piece Cessation for Young Island Adults Age 20-25 and Adults Age 45-55 Leader Training Additional pilot program for nordic pole walking Our current plan has us.. Due to some unforseen circumstances we are a bit behind as we just had our focus group late last week and need to allow the facilitator enough time to report the report and our working group to review the results. Therefore, over the bridge over period the working group may need A longer period to continue to review results from the focus group and determine next steps related to the strategy of promoting the use of existing technology to young adults as a tobacco cessation method Distribute resource/ promotion piece that was produced from the information gathered at the focus group held on February 25, 2016. Cessation - Host a focus group evaluation with working group. -Host a second leader training opportunity. - Host and evaluate a second pilot Nordic Pole Walking program – preferable in different part of the Island/ gather more information on success/ need for program expansion As I mentioned, From here, it has been suggested to see how we can align our future work in the area of prevention. The Steering Committee is meeting later this week, were we will have a chance to discuss this further and the planning cycle for this period has just started.
Tammy’s Farewell