Web & Mobile App Directory Structure Imran Rashid CTO at ManiWeber Technologies
Outline Root Folder Naming Conventions Web or Mobile App Structure
Root Folder
Root Folder Every time you create a new web or mobile app make sure you create a folder know as root folder Give it a meaningful name so that when you are working with multiple projects, can uniquely identify each project tic_tac_toe gims shopping_cart
Naming Conventions
Naming Conventions Don’t write special characters anywhere in your folder or file name Don’t use hyphens (-), use underscores (_) instead Don’t add spaces in the names of files or folders Replace spaces with underscores (_) Try to use same case either capital or small for all files and folders Recommended way is to use small case letters all over Either it’s a name of a file or folder, use same naming conventions for all of you app or site assets
Naming Conventions tic_tac_toe gims shopping_cart index.html favicon.ico styles.css scripts.js
Web or Mobile App Structure
Web or Mobile App Structure logo.png app_name images favicon.ico styles.css css scripts.js js index.html
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