Did young people support the Nazis? Nazis and Control of the Church Social Policy Lesson 2 Did young people support the Nazis? Nazis and Control of the Church
Good learning: Understand opposition and support from Youth and Church Great learning: Explain how young people and religious leaders responded to the Nazis Even better: Analyse how much support there was for the Nazis
Youth Make notes about youth in Nazi Germany from this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpqY2W815iA Good learning: Understand opposition and support from Youth and Church Great learning: Explain how young people and religious leaders responded to the Nazis Even better: Analyse how much support there was for the Nazis
Did all young people support the Nazis? Make a list of all the reasons that explain why young people supported the Nazis Produce profiles the ‘Swing’ youth and the Edelweiss Pirates. Include why they opposed the Nazis and the kind of things they did. How did the war impact on youth movements and young people? At the end of the war some of the lasts groups fighting for the Nazis against the Russians were groups of Hitler Youth. Why do you think this was? Good learning: Understand opposition and support from Youth and Church Great learning: Explain how young people and religious leaders responded to the Nazis Even better: Analyse how much support there was for the Nazis
Opposition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOPTURrhzDw Good learning: Understand opposition and support from Youth and Church Great learning: Explain how young people and religious leaders responded to the Nazis Even better: Analyse how much support there was for the Nazis
Nazis and the Church Concordat with Catholic Church- 1933 Nazis created Reich Church headed by Protestant Bishop Ludwig Muller Bishop Galen (Catholic) criticized Nazis in the 1930s and led protest against the killing of the mentally ill and physically handicapped in 1941. Martin Niemoller and Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Protestant) preached against the Nazis and were involved in opposition activity. Complete Focus task P91 Good learning: Understand opposition and support from Youth and Church Great learning: Explain how young people and religious leaders responded to the Nazis Even better: Analyse how much support there was for the Nazis