TAG Pick up a tag paper at the door Find all your art(it should be about where you usually sit) please make sure to help others get their art too If there is something at your table that doesn’t belong to anyone at the table find the owner or please give it to me(incase they aren’t here today)
Agenda TAG critique Acrylics 1.0 Next classes: Friday - Acrylics 2.0 Tuesday - Acrylics 3.0 Thursday-Petite Impressions Competition!!! Clean-Up – how to clean acrylics Exit Pass
Critique Etiquette Main goals of the critique: Help each other to see what we can do to improve as artists Learn from others and how others see your art to help you improve as an artist I think we can all agree, none of us are done as an artist, there is always more work to do and how we can improve
Critique Flow Set out all your work If there are a few pieces you don’t want to show, you can stack them off to one side face down on your folder I need to photograph all your work, incase you are in AP and so you have documentation of your work (college applications, sharing with others, etc.) Look at each others work, comment on two people’s work Put the sticky note on the square, so that each person get’s two comments
After the critique Respond to the questions on your sticky note paper after the critique Pick out the piece you want for the art show Turn both of the things above in(put them on the cart in the basket) – thanks!
Acrylics 1.0!!! You will need: Apron – acrylics can stain Set of paints – careful taking off the tinfoil we need to reuse it A round brush and a flat brush Water in a container A red cloth Paper – two sheets
Exit Pass 10.31.2017 1) What is one thing you liked today about working with acrylics? 2) What’s one question you have today about working with acrylics? 3) What are you most excited for this term working with acrylics?
More Brushes!