Mrs. Beyenhof 6th Grade Pre-Algebra and Science Back to School Night Mrs. Beyenhof 6th Grade Pre-Algebra and Science
About Mrs. Beyenhof Graduated with Bachelor’s Degree and Teaching Credential from Azusa Pacific University Taught 5 years at Cole Canyon 4th year at DMMS LOVES Math! Married for 35 years to my best friend, Ken 2 Grown Children and a daughter-in-law
Curriculum California Content Standards in front of textbooks Pre-Algebra: Text: Prentice Hall Algebraic Expressions, Integers, Equations Decimals, Fractions, Factors, and Exponents Operations with Fractions, Ratios, Proportions, and Percents Solving Multi-Step Equations and Graphing Geometric Concepts, Area and Volume Irrational Numbers and Data Analysis Earth Science – CPO Science Textbook The Scientific Process Earth’s Energy and Structure The Shape of Earth’s Surface Ecology
Grading Policy Grading for Pre-Algebra: Tests 40% Quizzes and Projects 30% Homework 10% Interactive Notebook/Classwork 20% Grading for Earth Science: Quizzes and Projects 25% Homework/Labs 15%
Homework Policy Importance of Homework Late Homework is not accepted! Reinforces what has been learned Prepares student for upcoming lessons Teaches responsibility Helps student develop strong study habits Late Homework is not accepted! Projects get lowered 1 whole grade for each day late (up to 3 days only) Absences Students are responsible for obtaining and completing missed notes and assignments if absent Allowed 1 day for each day of absence to turn in missed work Homework Helper available on my website to reinforce lesson or help those who are absent
Interactive Notebooks Need to be brought to school DAILY Should be checked by a parent nightly to see if homework and classroom notes have been completed. Notebooks will be checked for neatness and completeness at the end of a unit for a grade. Parent Signature is required at that time (signature tells me that you have looked it over and it is complete). Signature is worth 3 points.
Classroom Expectations Be Respectful Be Prepared Be Productive Be a good citizen All students have the right to: Be respected To learn Hear and be heard Be safe Be responsible and respectful to others
Rewards and Consequences Warning Detention Saturday School Prizes (Coupons) – Free Answer, homework pass, sit anywhere for the day, day of grace, etc…
Student Success This is a challenging course that is not for everyone – please talk to me if you feel your child is struggling too much The majority of 6th graders are currently enrolled in 6th Grade Math and will take this Pre-Algebra course next year The expectation is that advanced students should be passing with a C- or better at each grading period.
Supplies Main Supplies Donations (2) SINGLE subject, college ruled spiral notebooks with hard plastic covers 81/2 x 11” *will need a 3rd one in January Small plastic pencil case – filled with supplies listed on my syllabus Reading book – DAILY Donations Reams of pastel colored copy paper Reams of white copy paper Moist wipes to clean desks Thank you for the supplies I have already received!
Contact Website – - announcements, agenda and homework, Table of Contents pages, etc. I am encouraging my students to go on my website often – especially on weekends to copy the next week’s Table of Contents for each subject. Email (Best way) Phone: 951-304-1880 x3521 ABI – information on how to log on to ABI to see your student’s grades will be coming home soon – please get in the habit of checking it regularly so that there are no surprises at grade report time!
I’m looking forward to an amazing year with your incredible students! Thank you for coming! I’m looking forward to an amazing year with your incredible students!