Exploring our data Karen O’Keeffe
Review FDNH HOP Aims Reduce harm from PI by 20% Reduce harm from falls by 20% Reduce CLAB by 40%
Defining our initial measures Group of experts met Robust discussion Agreement – on definitions What is a PI What is a Fall Grades of PI Levels of Harm
Current Data Processes Linked to our 3 key aims Reduction of harm from falls by 20% Reduction of PI by 20% Reduction of CLAB by 40% (national project) Developed by expert group Acute care and ARRC representation. Data for improvement
Pressure Injury Agreed process Agreed operation definitions Random monthly sampling Percentage per 100 patients Data forward to FDNH website - secure (see Regional falls / pressure injuries Agreed operational definitions)
Falls Data Review of monthly incident reports Agreed operational definitions Fall rates per 1000 bed days DHBs have provide year worth of base line data Ongoing monthly reporting (see Regional falls / pressure injuries Agreed operational definitions)
Combined data
National Indicator Development Work underway at a national level Falls and PI – focused at acute care Issues with accountability vs. data for improvement
What Data are you currently collecting ? Incident reporting process Surveillance auditing Coding data What does it tell you about your system? Can this be used for your improvement work? What can be done more frequently – opportunity to learn and improve more quickly
Thank you and happy hunting