InsSciDE Inventing a shared Science Diplomacy for Europe General Presentation InsSciDE has received funding under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No 770523), 2018-2021
Motivating InsSciDE - Global Context Science diplomacy as a ‘promising’ or ‘essential’ instrument Our global ‘apocalyptic imagination’ (Beck, 2009): Beck, U. 2009. World at risk. Cambridge; Malden: Polity. Carlos Moedas: 'Scientific cooperation has an indisputable role in effective European neighborhood policy…’ Climate change Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction Infectious disease Energy security Large scale migration Across the globe, regions and states increasingly view science diplomacy as a promising or essential instrument to secure influence, resolve conflict, foster prosperous stability and ensure peace. Beyond this, we must respond appropriately to our so-called global ‘apocalyptic imagination’ (Beck, 2009) composed of numerous borderless threats including: Climate change Infectious disease Energy security Proliferation of of weapons of mass destruction Large scale migration In 2015, the European Union Commissioner for Science, Research and Innovation stated: 'Scientific cooperation has an indisputable role in effective European neighborhood policy, international relations, and development policy. (…) I want to see the EU play an increasingly active and visible role in international science diplomacy' (Moedas, 2016) InsSciDE has received funding under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No 770523), 2018-2021 InsSciDE has received funding under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No 770523), 2018-2021
Defining ‘Science Diplomacy’ The nature and utility of the term ‘science diplomacy’ is itself a point of debate. We begin with: ‘Diplomacy for science’ – diplomacy can facilitate international cooperation in science ‘Science in diplomacy’ – science can directly inform and support diplomacy ‘Science for diplomacy’ – science can indirectly help build and improve international diplomatic relations The nature and utility of the term ‘science diplomacy’ is itself a point of debate among researchers and experts in the field. Some argue that it is more useful to begin by looking at examples of science diplomacy, and to work on drawing insights from there. But the InsSciDE project proposes that we can certainly begin by looking at the following phenomena: ‘Science in diplomacy’ - science can directly inform and support foreign diplomacy and diplomatic objectives; scientists can become essential components of diplomatic processes ‘Diplomacy for science’ - diplomacy can facilitate international scientific cooperation ‘Science for diplomacy’ - scientific collaboration, and science more generally, can help build and improve international diplomatic relations (outside of ‘direct involvement’ in diplomacy) InsSciDE has received funding under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No 770523), 2018-2021
The InsSciDE Project The InsSciDE project begins with two hypotheses: Europe has a great capital of science diplomacy experience. But this experiential knowledge is fragmented and underutilized There is a need to reveal, formalize and communicate this intangible capital In a sentence: by engaging in rigorous historical research we can better understand science diplomacy, and thereby develop new and modern frameworks for a shared European science diplomacy The InsSciDE project begins with two hypotheses: Firstly, European Member States have a great capital of science diplomacy experience upon which they can draw. Domestic and transnational initiatives have long used science in global diplomatic engagements, in a diversity of ways and contexts. But this valuable knowledge and experience is fragmented, heterogeneous and underutilized. Secondly, there is a need to reveal, formalize and communicate this intangible capital, develop its conceptual bases and elaborate tools to help European science diplomacy emerge and blossom. Doing so will help the European and global communities in a wide variety of ways. The InsSciDE project in a sentence: by engaging in rigorous historical research we can better understand science diplomacy as it has existed, and develop a modern framework for a stronger shared European science diplomacy. InsSciDE has received funding under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No 770523), 2018-2021 InsSciDE has received funding under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No 770523), 2018-2021
Objectives Reveal and connect European experiences Map this knowledge into theoretical and strategic frameworks Generate guidance for policy reflection Foster dialogue, competence-building, networks, and more Disseminate the learning to a wide audience and sustain its continuing use. The InsSciDE project aims to: Reveal and connect European experiences, showing how and why science and diplomacy have been combined and coordinated (or not) by Europe and by Member States when addressing global challenges. Map this knowledge into theoretical and strategic frameworks. Generate guidance for policy reflection and action choices at both EU and Member State levels: strategy, best practices for science diplomats, awareness and training activities for stakeholders. Foster dialogue, competence-building, self-reflexivity, networks, and inter-professional linkages among practitioners and other stakeholders. Disseminate the learning to a wide audience and sustain its continuing use. InsSciDE has received funding under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No 770523), 2018-2021 InsSciDE has received funding under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No 770523), 2018-2021
Research themes InsSciDE researchers focus on science diplomacy in relation to: Additionally, there are two ‘transversal’ research strands: ‘Power’ - mapping science diplomacy in the corpus of political science theory on power ‘Science Diplomats’ - examining science diplomacy as a social practice Heritage Environment Health Space Security InsSciDE researchers focus on science diplomacy in relation to a number of key themes. These are: Heritage Health Security Environment Space As well as two ‘transversal’ research strands: ‘Power’ - mapping and framing science diplomacy as a concept, practice and strategy in the corpus of political science/international relations theory on power ‘Science Diplomats’ - examining science diplomacy as a social practice, analysing the networks, organisations, identities and institutions that support and ‘carry’ science diplomacy, and which result from science diplomacy InsSciDE has received funding under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No 770523), 2018-2021 InsSciDE has received funding under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No 770523), 2018-2021
Upcoming Events For a regularly updated list of upcoming InsSciDE events, please go to InsSciDE will be represented at the following events: Lithuanian CAST Meeting (10 May) Diplomacy and Development: Trends and Challenges for Europe and Its partners (14-15 May) EASAC Council Meeting (31 May - 1 April) EAD Warsaw VSPS Session (14-17 June) ESOF Conference (9 - 14 July) Campus Africa Conference (11 - 28 July) AAAS Science Diplomacy Conference (13 September) CILAC Conference (22-24) October For a regularly updated list of upcoming InsSciDE events, please go to InsSciDE has received funding under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No 770523), 2018-2021 InsSciDE has received funding under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No 770523), 2018-2021
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From all of us at InsSciDE: thank you for listening! InsSciDE has received funding under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No 770523), 2018-2021 InsSciDE has received funding under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grant agreement No 770523), 2018-2021