Unit 1 Introduction to Forensics Crime Scenes 101 Unit 1 Introduction to Forensics
Target 1-2 I can ask questions based on observations and evidence at a crime scene.
Crime Scenes Primary Crime Scene Where the actual crime took place Ex) a mugging took place on a sidewalk
Crime Scenes Secondary Crime Scene A location other than the primary crime scene, where important evidence is located Ex) a suspect’s home or car Ex) a location where a body was dumped
At the Crime Scene Scan and isolate the scene The “scene” must contain all the evidence Keep the scene safe from outside influences (people, weather, vehicles, etc.)
At the Crime Scene Photograph the scene and all evidence Keep evidence in its original location Use rulers in photos to record size and shape
At the Crime Scene Sketch the scene Rough sketch first Scaled sketch second
At the Crime Scene Collect all the evidence Keep all evidence separate Label evidence with date/time, location, and description
Preventing Contamination Contamination = when a piece of evidence is mixed with any other substance Ex) Another piece of evidence Ex) Other people’s fingerprints Ex) Rain
Preventing Contamination To prevent contamination: Wear gloves at all times Avoid touching or stepping on evidence Keep the scene protected from animals, weather, and people
You Try! Examine the photos as though you are an investigator who has just arrived at this scene. What will you do?
You Try! Isolate the scene Describe where you would draw the boundaries of the crime scene. How will you try to protect the crime scene?
You Try! Photograph the Scene What will you take pictures of? What evidence do you see?
You Try! 3. We will skip the “Sketch the Scene” step for now.
You Try! Collect Evidence a-d. Identify four pieces of evidence. How will you label them? (location, date/time, and description)
You Try! What do you think happened here? What questions do you have? What would be the first thing you want to investigate further?
You Try! Isolate the scene Describe where you would draw the boundaries of the crime scene. How will you try to protect the crime scene?
You Try! Photograph the Scene What will you take pictures of? What evidence do you see?
You Try! 3. We will skip the “Sketch the Scene” step for now.
You Try! Collect Evidence a-d. Identify four pieces of evidence. How will you label them? (location, date/time, and description)
You Try! What do you think happened here? What questions do you have? What’s the first thing you would want to investigate?