Micro Status Report of SLAC Phase II Plan Tom Markiewicz SLAC US LHC Accelerator Research Program bnl - fnal- lbnl - slac Micro Status Report of SLAC Phase II Plan Tom Markiewicz SLAC 03 February 2005
Collimation CloseOut - T. Markiewicz 1st Order Goal Giving up DAMAGE-free criteria is it remotely possible to build a ROTATING METAL COLLIMATOR - that we can Cool - that has reasonable collimation system efficiency - that satisfies mechanical space & accuracy requirements FLUKA/ANSYS results of 90kW/450kW loss scenarios shown at 10/21 LARP meeting at NAPA and at November CERN-LARP Video meeting implied answer is YES!! Thin Cu (5mm) over Be Be Aluminum all seem approximately feasible from Heat Load point of view So general feeling is to PROCEED LARP, Napa - 21 Oct. 2004 Collimation CloseOut - T. Markiewicz
Collimation CloseOut - T. Markiewicz Energy Deposition in Metal Phase II Secondary Collimators w/ Carbon Phase I Collimators Open LARP, Napa - 21 Oct. 2004 Collimation CloseOut - T. Markiewicz
Collimation CloseOut - T. Markiewicz Power absorbed in one TCSH1 jaw at 10s when 80% (5%) of 450kW of primary beam interacts in TCPV (TCSH1) LARP, Napa - 21 Oct. 2004 Collimation CloseOut - T. Markiewicz
Steady State Temperature of TCSH1 at shower max when jaw at 10s is in contact with 20°C H2O and 80% (5%) of 90kW of primary beam interacts in TCPV (TCSH1) 25mm Jaw: 25x80mm Solid Cu PTOT=1270W CV Cu taken as constant 80mm Doyle: 2004-09-28 Power Density to H2O 0.38 MW/m2 (H2O boils at 1 atm @ 1.3E6) Boundary Condition: Convection Coefficient HCH20=11880 W/m2/°C LARP, Napa - 21 Oct. 2004 Collimation CloseOut - T. Markiewicz
Steady State Cooling Estimate for 90kW loss rate OK OK LARP, Napa - 21 Oct. 2004 Collimation CloseOut - T. Markiewicz
Collimation CloseOut - T. Markiewicz Next Steps 1) Work out conceptual engineering of a ~1m metal cylindrical collimator with ~10kW cooling that meets stability/accuracy requirements 2) Define exact parameters of a (potentially expensive) prototype Is there not a better way of achieving the desired system efficiency by changing the lengths, materials & gaps of the current system that leaves us with an easier collimator to build? Yunhai Exact roles of scattering, inelastic interactions, primary, secondary, tertiary & absorber devices What will the heat loads be on each jaw of this system? Lew Incorporate loss maps Understand heat load on each collimator, not just those after primary LARP, Napa - 21 Oct. 2004 Collimation CloseOut - T. Markiewicz
Collimation CloseOut - T. Markiewicz Problems We do not seem to understand the basic behavior of the collimation system Why does efficiency change in manner it does as parameters are changed? 2) Technical difficulties in running more complicated FLUKA to get richer information about more devices LARP, Napa - 21 Oct. 2004 Collimation CloseOut - T. Markiewicz
Collimation CloseOut - T. Markiewicz Next Goal By Spring: Commit SLAC to delivering prototype Acquire lab space & infrastructure (vacuum, measurements, heating, cooling) Begin post-doc search Have better concept of engineering team LARP, Napa - 21 Oct. 2004 Collimation CloseOut - T. Markiewicz