How to Help Your Student Experience a Successful Year Created by Terese Ewing
Graduation Requirements Must pass English each year to be promoted! 10th: 6 credits 11th: 12 credits 12th: 20 credits
Something to consider … How has your student’s attendance been each year? What do your student’s notes look like? Does your student use notebooks for each class? How much time does he/she spend studying each day? Do you know your student’s grades and attendance in each class at any given time?
Attendance If students are not in class (late or absent), they don’t get to hear what’s important and will miss work. What students completed over a full year in middle school is covered in half a year in high school. More than 8 absences (no matter what kind) = Failure Consider appointments at different times rather than always during same period.
Taking Notes If teacher writes it on board, repeats it, or says it’s important, WRITE IT DOWN! Listen carefully. Impossible when on Twitter, FB, or cell phone Ask questions. Find out when teachers stay after for tutoring Write examples and page numbers Organize notes at night Recopy Title, date @ top; headers above sections Put possible test questions in margin If notes seem to be missing something, call a reliable peer in same class
Getting Organized 1 folder for each subject on desktop, labeled as course name Save all assignments, notes, projects to desktop folders Keep names simple – the assignment name Record assignments BEFORE the bell rings Also record long-term projects, games, practice, meetings, etc. Use laptop tools: Calendar, Reminders, Stickies Lay out clothes, laptop, backpack, practice gear before go to bed Set time and TIDY place aside for homework/studying No TV, cell phone, FB, Twitter, Instagram, etc. during that time Don’t wait until night before to study or do project Health Team Relationships World History English I Health/PE
Studying Do homework when assigned Review notes DAILY Read Recopy Make flashcards Summarize reading in your own words Mnemonic devices (next slide) Have someone quiz you Make your own test
A+ Mnemonic Devices Tricks to help you remember Words or sentences Colors of spectrum: ROY G. BIV Order of operations: Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally Planets: My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas. Rhymes Columbus sailed the ocean blue in ____ I before E except __________ , and when sounding like "ay" as in Neighbor or Weigh A+
Why does it even matter?
Get Parent portal! Access your student’s grades and attendance at any time from home See Mrs. Cooper (Data Manager) with your driver’s license to sign up Call counselor to set up a meeting with all teachers 9th Grade: Mrs. Terese Ewing HLS 10th – 12th Grade: Mrs. Sally Adams ITL 10th – 12th Grade: Mrs. Sara Battles