Verb To be (Simple Past) Haver (Existir)
Present. Past Affirmative form Present Past Affirmative form There is a nation called Brazil There was a man called Cabral There are some Indians there now There were Indians in Brazil in 1500
There is not (There isn´t) There was not (There wasn´t) Present Past Negative form There is not (There isn´t) There was not (There wasn´t) There are not (There aren´t) There were not (There weren´t)
Present Past Interrogative form Is there...? Was there...? Are there...? Were There...? Was there a monarchy in the history of Brazil? Yes, there was Were there flowers in the garden. No, there weren´t
Short answers Yes, there is/are Yes, there was/were No, there isn´t/aren´t No, there wasn´t/weren´t