“The Crucible” 2009 Question 2
Question 2. Choose a play which you feel is made particularly effective by features of structure such as: dramatic opening, exposition, flashback, contrast, turning-point, climax, anticlimax, dénouement . . . Show how one or more than one structural feature employed by the dramatist adds to the impact of the play.
Question 2. Choose a play which you feel is made particularly effective by features of structure such as: dramatic opening, exposition, flashback, contrast, turning-point, climax, anticlimax, dénouement . . . Show how one or more than one structural feature employed by the dramatist adds to the impact of the play.
Question 2. Choose a play which you feel is made particularly effective by features of structure such as: dramatic opening, exposition, flashback, contrast, turning-point, climax, anticlimax, dénouement . . . Show how one or more than one structural feature employed by the dramatist adds to the impact of the play.
…turning-point… What is a turning point? The point in a play which the dramatist has been building up to; when something happens that changes the direction of the action. The turning point in “The Crucible” occurs in Act Three when Elizabeth is brought before the court to prove John’s claim that he has committed adultery with Abigail Williams. Should Elizabeth confirm that her husband did commit adultery , it brings the integrity of the whole court and its proceedings into question. If Abigail is lying for her own purposes then her claims of witch craft cannot be believed. Elizabeth, in a dreadful struggle with her Christian beliefs and conscience, lies for her husband. She does so, out of love, to protect his reputation.
…adds to the impact of the play… In terms of the action. Dramatically Character development Themes – integrity; conscience