SIT: Study Abroad, Uganda Development Studies International Education and International Organization Relations: Challenges of obtaining practicum opportunities By Charlotte K. Mafumbo UGANDA DEVELOPMENT STUDIES SAFETY AND SECURITY BRIEF: JUNE 2 2009
SIT: Study Abroad, Uganda Development Studies International Education and International Organization Relations: Challenges of obtaining practicum opportunities A Brief History of International Education in Uganda Types of international education 1962-1971 : Minimal evidence of international education. 1971-1985: International education suffers political upheaval 1986- to date: Reinstating international eduction 1998: School for International Training introduces study abroad SAFETY AND SECURITY BRIEF: JUNE 2 2009
Study Abroad in Uganda 2007-2010 SIT: Study Abroad, Uganda Development Studies Study Abroad in Uganda 2007-2010 Challenges of practicum placement Bureaucratic nature of organizations Nature of reports written in the past Competition over resources Clash in timetables SIT successes and their repercussions Practicum fatigue in organizations and in themes areas SAFETY AND SECURITY BRIEF: JUNE 2 2009
SIT: Study Abroad, Uganda Development Studies How we have managed Networking: NGO Drop off Constant reminders at orientation Continuous reliance on our contacts Post practicum research plans SAFETY AND SECURITY BRIEF: JUNE 2 2009
SIT: Study Abroad, Uganda Development Studies Recommendations SIT sponsorships and further research Shared resources across programs e.g. practicum topics and best practicum/ISP reports Proactive search for new practicum sites SAFETY AND SECURITY BRIEF: JUNE 2 2009
SIT: Study Abroad, Uganda Development Studies Conclusion I believe the challenges faced in practicum placement phase of the semester are not unique to Uganda. We need to put our heads together as a team to see how best to give our students the best experience. SAFETY AND SECURITY BRIEF: JUNE 2 2009
Alternative practicum opportunities Caleb investigated the role played by faith based organization in the development of Uganda. He couldn’t do a practicum with an organization so he set up one for himself. “Preaching at a local church”