Spatial Information and Urban Analytics for Smart City Policy. Erasmus centre for data analytics Spatial Information and Urban Analytics for Smart City Policy. Gerrit schipper Executive director
Artificial Intelligence The impact of big data Augmented Human Physics Artificial Intelligence Augmented Human Intelligence ROBOTICS DECISION SUPPORT SOLUTIONS
Artificial Intelligence W. Edwards Deming “in god we trust, all others bring data.’ The impact of big data Big Data Artificial Intelligence
“big data is not about big data; it is about analytics” Professor Gary King Harvard University An organisation will not be capable of making the best possible decisions without data. This implies that all organisations have to invest in data analysis competence if they want to sustain our generation and those that follow. The RELEVANCE of BIG DATA versus DATA Analytics * Gary King, Harvard University, making the point that while data is plentiful and easy to collect, the real value is in the analytics.
“smart communities are beyond urban Analytics” Professor Gary King Harvard University INSIGHT DECISION ACTION Analytics that help in understanding: “What happened?” Analytics that help in anticipating; “What will happen?” Analytics that help in responding: “What to do when it happens?” DESCRIPTIVE Analytics PREDICTIVE Analytics PRESCRIPTIVE Analytics Classification method JBR 2017 DIAGNOSTIC Analytics PRE-EMPTIVE Analytics Analytics that help in comprehending; “Why is it happening?” Analytics that help in acting; “How to prevent it from happening?” Classification of analytical methods, Journal of Business Research 70 (2017) 263 - 286
“smart communities are beyond urban Analytics” Professor Gary King Harvard University INSIGHT DECISION ACTION Analytics that help in understanding: “What happened?” Analytics that help in anticipating; “What will happen?” Analytics that help in responding: “What to do when it happens?” DESCRIPTIVE Analytics PREDICTIVE Analytics PRESCRIPTIVE Analytics Wisdom means taking decisions today, that are still good tomorrow .... Data Information Knowledge Wisdom KNOWLEDGE well-applied is WISDOM, not well-applied is FOOLISNESS. This is quite a CHALLENGE INQUISITIVE Analytics PRE-EMPTIVE Analytics Analytics that help in comprehending; “Why is it happening?” Analytics that help in acting; “How to prevent it from happening?” Classification of analytical methods, Journal of Business Research 70 (2017) 263 - 286
Leadership challenges with big data and analytics Data Acquisition & Warehousing Data Mining & Cleansing Velocity DATA Challenges group of challenges related to the characteristics of the data itself PROCESS Challenges Include all those challenges encountered while processing the data MANAGEMENT Challenges tackle e.g. the privacy, governance and lack of skills related to analysing and understanding data Strategy / agility Volume Cost/Operational Expenditures Business Case & Models Variety Data Sharing Visualisation Data Ownership Data Governance Value Security Veracity Ethics Variability Data Integration Analysis & Modelling Privacy Data Aggregation Data Information Knowledge Wisdom Classification of Big Data Challenges, Journal of Business Research 70 (2017) 263 - 286
Leadership challenges with big data and analytics Data Acquisition & Warehousing Data Mining & Cleansing Velocity DATA Challenges group of challenges related to the characteristics of the data itself PROCESS Challenges Include all those challenges encountered while processing the data MANAGEMENT Challenges tackle e.g. the privacy, governance and lack of skills related to analysing and understanding data Strategy / agility Volume Cost/Operational Expenditures Business Case & Models Variety Data Sharing Visualisation Data Ownership Data Governance Value Security Veracity Ethics Variability Data Integration Analysis & Modelling Privacy Data Aggregation How can we leverage spatial info and urban analytics wisely to improve policy-making in complex smart city environments? Data Information Knowledge Wisdom Classification of Big Data Challenges, Journal of Business Research 70 (2017) 263 - 286
Spatial Information and Urban Analytics for Smart City Policy How can we leverage spatial info and urban analytics wisely to improve policy-making in complex smart city environments? Spatial information is the digital connection between location, people and activities. [CRCSI ] Spatial information is any informaton with a direct or indirect reference to a specific location or geographical area. [CSO] Urban Analysis focuses on the understanding of the spatial differentiation and organization of demographic, social, and economic processes shaping cities. Artificial Intelligence DECISION SUPPORT SOLUTIONS ROBOTICS
Spatial Information and Urban Analytics for Smart City Policy How can we leverage spatial info and urban analytics wisely to improve policy-making in complex smart city environments? Urban growth and decline are spatially-conditioned processes,and the outcome at one location is partially affected by events at other locations. Spatial statistics for urban analysis: Paez et al, McMaster University, Ontario; Geojournal 2014; Available from: Artificial Intelligence DECISION SUPPORT SOLUTIONS ROBOTICS
Spatial Information and Urban Analytics for Smart City Policy How can we leverage spatial info and urban analytics wisely to improve policy-making in complex smart city environments? Smart cities governance need a holistic approach to assessing urban participatory policy making Smart cities governance: Castelnovo et al, University of Isurbria, Varese, Italy; Social Science Computer Review 2015; Available from: Artificial Intelligence DECISION SUPPORT SOLUTIONS ROBOTICS
Spatial Information and Urban Analytics for Smart City Policy How can we leverage spatial info and urban analytics wisely to improve policy-making in complex smart city environments?