National 5 Physical Education
Learning Intentions Pupils will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of their PDP.
What does evaluate mean? Make a judgement based on criteria. Determine the value of something The IVJ System… Identify (tell me what was good or bad – can relate to the whole pdp or a specific part) Judgement (make a judgement on why it helped e.g. it meant I didn’t get bored) Value (tell me the value of this, e.g. this kept my motivation high and I maintained focus)
Evaluate your PDP Identify something from your PDP Was it effective or not? What was it that made it effective or not? What impact did this have on training / motivation / further improvement etc…
Stage 1 - Evaluative language Very Never Sometimes Always Partly Hugely Occasionally
PROGRESSION / OVERLOAD Think back….. SPORT FIT SPECIFICITY Why did you include (netball, volleyball, rugby or dance) skills in your PDP (or not)? Why did you use a particular type of training? How did this help? Or not? TIME How long did you work and rest for in each session? Did this help? INTENSITY How hard were you working throughout your PDP? Did this help? Or not? Why? SPORT FIT PROGRESSION / OVERLOAD Did you progress or overload your programme each week? Did this help? Why? FREQUENCY How many times did you train per week? Did you have a rest day? Why? How did this help? Or not? TEDIUM how did you avoid boredom? Or not? How did this help your progress? Or not?
Stage 3: Linking Sentences & Making the Connections Specificity – relevant to me, activity, weakness, worked on skills and fitness… Progression / Overload – motivation, avoid a plateau, continued to improve Tedium – worked with partner, set targets, music… Frequency - Plenty recovery time between sets - body is ready to work hard again at maximum effort, 3 times per week = quicker improvements Intensity – some exercises easier than others? Worked to full capacity throughout? Time - Programme of 4 weeks, 6 weeks - time to practise, too long, got bored, tired easily and movements slowed down limited progress Use of targets – more focused, determined, working harder… Regular feedback- maximum benefits as was working on correct parts at all time
Answer structure Identify – The duration of my pdp (6 weeks) was partly effective. Value - This gave me time to practise and my body was beginning to get used to the sharp movements. Judgement - However, I needed longer as the improvements were only beginning to take place and more time would have helped me progress further.
Evaluate your PDP - Mental? Did the relaxation techniques / self talk or pre-performance routine help you (or not)? How did it help you (or not)? Which parts did you find most useful? Why? Did you complete your mental training on your own? Was this useful (or not)? Why did this help you (or not)?