The Big Four and Common Assessments
Balanced Assessment Did your goals and strategies make a difference? Responsive Teaching Common Benchmark Assessment State Testing Value-Added Analysis & Class Reports Check & Change Formative Instruction What will you do to improve teaching and learning? Look for Strengths & Weaknesses; Formulate Goals District Assessment 1 – Grade-level “Pre-test” – All CFA growth is measured against the DA until a second benchmark is given. Standard growth should be 25% from DA to each CFA. Difficult standards are reassessed and retaught if not meeting 25% growth target.
Standards-based Feedback The Big Four Well Articulated Curriculum Standards-based Feedback Plan for Instruction Varied Assessment Where does balanced assessment belong?
What is effective teaching? Balanced Assessment “How Well?” Clearly Defined Curriculum “What?” Daily Formative; Common Formative; Summative Assessments: Local Benchmarks and State Standards; Curriculum; Scope & Sequence / Pacing Framework is a modified version of “Effective Teaching” as presented by Battelle for Kids Instruction “How?” Proven Practices; Differentiation; Collaboration; etc.
Common Formative Assessments Common Assessment results are posted in each school. Teachers are given access to their Akindi page, in addition to raw scores from each school or teacher.
Individual, School, and District Level Analysis The item analysis pages were modeled after supports provided by the East CORE office.
Student Achievement Boards Teacher Tracking
School Level Data Wall Teacher Tracking
Pay Attention to the reduction in Below Basic Students! Implementation Data Pay Attention to the reduction in Below Basic Students!
Year 1: Maynardville Elementary Change BB -25.92% B 11.79% P 7.89% A 6.25% P/A 14.14% Maynardville Elementary was a level 5 school Year 1: Maynardville Elementary
Year 2: Maynardville Elementary Change BB -30.2% B .54% P 18.91% A 10.49% P/A 29.4% This proves sustainability across multiple years. Year 2: Maynardville Elementary