Roman City You have been assigned to be master architect for the Roman cities being planned for the Roman frontier. Your city plan will need to follow the basic design of a typical Roman City. You will need to include examples of Aqueducts, Thermae, Insula, a Forum, and Ampitheaters The rest of the city plan is yours to design. As with all good maps, it should have TALDOGS – Title, Author, Legend, Date, Orientation, Grid, and Scale. GOOD LUCK!!!
Roman City To begin you must pick a section of the Roman Empire to put your new city. Think about being near WATER, including a river or lake in your city
Roman City Along with having water, keep in mind other types of terrain: mountains, etc…
Thermae Roman Bath House
Insula Apartment building for mid-low class people to live
Forum Plaza in the center of the city that held government buildings
Amphitheater Large circular venues with seating
Aqueducts Arches constructed to carry water into the city
Roman City Design your city “blueprint” from an aerial point-of-view. Make sure you are labeling the parts of your city and you give your new city a proper Latin name.