Supported study- International influence of the USA
Economic influence One way that the US has an influence over other countries is through trade. The USA imports goods from other countries and also exports many products which allows the USA to flourish economically, due to the revenue generated from manufacturing and selling Gross Domestic Product. This will encourage other countries to enter trade partnerships with the world power as this will be economically beneficial for them. For example, some of the US’s biggest trading partners are Canada and China and it exports goods including machinery, oil and vehicles.
Economic influence The US also influences other countries because many individuals migrate to the USA. This could be because of better economic opportunities such as jobs. Many migrants come to the US to achieve what they perceive to be economic prosperity accredited to the American Dream. This has an impact on other countries as it could effect their countries economy, losing citizens to the USA. For example, millions of Mexicans have entered the US over the last several decades in search of jobs and better lives.
Economic influence The USA is economically influential as it is home to a host of iconic companies. The USA is home to many entrepreneurs and has created many iconic products which are highly sought after around the world. For example, Apple and Facebook. For example, the world’s 500 largest companies, 132 are headquartered in the USA
Military Influence The US also has a huge influence over other countries because of its military expenditure. The US spends a massive amount of money on their military. This deters other countries going to war with the USA remains the most prominent military superpower. For example; The US has the most powerful military in the world and spends more money on its defence than the UK, Russia and China combined.
Military Influence The USA has a influence over other countries due to its nuclear weapons. Arguably, this acts as a deterrent for other countries whom may consider going to war with the USA. This links military strength to political power and influence. For example; Currently, the US has 6,800 nuclear warheads (second only to Russia- 7,000)
Military Influence The USA has influence over other countries due to the sheer size of its military. The US has the largest naval fleet in the world with the most advanced technological hardware. The scale of the US navy allows it to have a military presence anywhere in the world. Therefore, deterring other countries going to war with the USA. For example, the USA have military bases all over the world including; Germany, the UK and France.
Political Influence The US is an influential member of United Nations. This gives the US huge influence as they have a key part to play in decisions affecting other countries, including whether to impose economic sanctions or take military action against a country. For example, It is one of the five permanent members (P5) on the UN Security Council. For example; It is the biggest single contributor to the UN budget, providing 22% of its total Arguably, the USA has major influence due to the large economic contribution which funds many projects internationally.
Political Influence The USA is politically influential as it is a founding member of NATO. the USA is the dominant player within NATO. It contributes far more troops, resources and finances than any other single member of the alliance. As a result it is the country most able to set the NATO agenda. For example; The USA played the lead role in NATO's mission to Afghanistan in 2001 post 9/11.
Political Influence The USA politically influential as it is a leading member of the G8 and G20. These group contains most of the countries in the world with the largest economies. US and other group members to develop closer economic ties to expand trade. This gives the US massive influence as this means the world power will take part in important decisions. For example; during summit meetings the USA will use this as another forum to discuss issues of global concern such as: environmental issues, terrorism, conflict and poverty.