Community Service Why We Give Back
What is community service What is community service? Voluntary work intended to help people in a particular area. It’s not just giving money. It can benefit someone directly You do not get paid (troop fundraising)
Why do community service Why do community service? Community Awareness Good Turns = Marketing Tools Families Want It JTE Rank Advancement Good Turn Daily Scout Oath Scout Law
Who should do community service Who should do community service? All Scouts of All Ages Leaders & Parents Siblings
Want to plan a service project? It should have these items: Be significant. Be democratic. Be clearly defined. Be prepared well. Be promoted. Include reflection
What does your Unit do?
Resources • Journey to Excellence, JourneyToExcellence.aspx • Unit Tips for Success, JourneyToExcellence/unit_tips.aspx • Service Hours Reporting, Security/Login.aspx • Boy Scout Handbook, 13th edition (No. 34554)