P.E(Wednesday and Friday) ENGLISH As Writers, we are going to be recounting a famous story about the brothers who pioneered the aviation industry and using this real life story to imagine we were there when humans first flew aeroplanes. Our imaginations will be let loose with the story of a young girl who discovers magical lands in ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker. We will get the chance to invent our own magical lands too. Finally, we will use our knowledge of instructions to create a set which explains how to wash a woolly mammoth. It is sure to make us all laugh a lot! MATHEMATICS As Mathematicians, we will be using mathematical language to create directions, compile timetables and write our own word problems based on these. We will using our understanding of measurement to help us with theme based problems involving distance and speed. This will be additional to our usual mathematics lessons. READING As Readers, we will read a variety of fiction and non-fiction which links to our theme. Through finding out about the famous story of the Orville bothers in the book ‘Taking Flight – Adam Hancher’ we’ll link the history of this to our writing. Furthermore, this term we will be summarising larger pieces of text and interrogating a variety of genres in order for us to become better readers. Swallow Journey by Vivian French will be our class novel and we will get to know how these incredible small creatures can make the most amazing journey of migration every year. Let’s Move! Year 3 – Term 3 P.E(Wednesday and Friday) As Gymnasts, our class will make the basic body shapes such as static shapes, shapes in the air, symmetrical shapes and shapes incorporating rhythmic gymnastics apparatus. We will put together sequences and routines involving a variety of these and other gymnastic movements in pairs and small groups. Please ensure that your child has a full PE kit including trainers. At times, children will be completing lessons outside if the weather is fine. HISTORY As Historians, we are going to be absorbing ourselves in one of the earliest known civilizations – The Ancient Egyptians! We will complete an in depth study on their many achievements including how they communicated, their social hierarchy and their architecture. We will conclude our study by exploring the Egyptian creation story and retelling that in our own way. DT As Designers, we will use our scientific knowledge of the transference of forces to choose appropriate mechanisms for a product (such as levers, winding mechanisms, pulleys and gears). We will test out different types of rotary and linear movement to create our own toys. SCIENCE As Scientists, our understanding of pushes, pulls and magnets will help us move into the science topic of forces. We will investigate friction in its many forms and work scientifically and collaboratively to explore the movement of objects over different surfaces. GEOGRAPHY As Geographers, we will use our theme to focus on the journeys we make locally. This will include a study of our locality which will allow us to give directions, collect and record evidence and locate important geographical areas in the neighbourhood of our school. ART As Artists, our theme will help us to observe and make quick studies to record action and movement on paper. Through this, we will create textured surfaces using different tools and work on how to express motion in its many forms. WIDER CURRICULUM This term we have number of exciting events happening in school Fife lessons every Tuesday Parent event – 11th February 2019 SCHOOL TRIP – 8th February 2019 – Aerospace Museum