Age appropriate changes & events Height & weight 3 inches / yr. 5 pounds / yr. Doubles 1 yr weight by 5 yrs.
Age appropriate changes & events Muscular control Vigorous play (swing, jump, ride tricycle) Gait resembles adult
The Trusting Three’s Delightful Personal habits -Appetite -Toilet control -Dressing -Hair -Temper tantrums
Play – parallel & associative Loosely associated groups The Trusting Three’s Imaginative Play – parallel & associative Loosely associated groups Converse with each other When uncomfortable – back to parallel Problem with sharing Attention span of 15 minutes
The Trusting Three’s -- enjoyment away from Mom & Dad -- father becoming more important -- romantic attachment to parent of opposite sex --begins to identify with parent of same sex
Frustrating Four’s Active, Noisy, Experimental, Tattles…. Shows fear of physical pain Curious about gender differences Big imagination Masturbation common Wonders about death & dying
Frustrating Four’s Runs Superior behavior Picks up swear words Imaginative (pretend) play; dramatic Aware of own age Interested in family relationships
Frustrating Four’s Attention span 20 minutes Likes music, simple instruments 300 – 400 questions per day Vocabulary of 1500 words Uses scissors successfully
Fascinating Five’s Washes & dresses self Toilets alone 10 hours of sleep; prn rest period Completes tasks Begins to lose deciduous teeth Attention span 30 minutes
Fascinating Five’s Count to 10 Prints name, states days of the week Interested in Aunts & Uncles Speaks in 6 – 8 word sentences Television Understand rules; aware of others feelings Good control over muscles
Fears Increased fears Conquering fear 1. Fear of dark, strangers 2. Fear of bodily harm; loss of body parts Conquering fear 1. Acknowledge fears
Psychosocial Tasks - Erikson Review 1. Trust vs Mistrust 2. Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt
Initiative vs Guilt Direct own actions Likes to plan, start tasks, direct behavior Handle independence & dependence Developing a conscience, learn rules & social roles Defeated, angry, feeling responsible, easily frightened Tension develops Developing reasons Resulting behaviors
Psychosexual Theory - Freud Phallic Stage 1. Identify with same gender parent 2. Aware of & explores body parts 3. Becoming aware of role of genders Interventions 1.Education 2. Reaction 3. Do not punish 4. Public places 5. Simple answers 6. Open discussion 7. Why excessive
Freud Complexes Oedipus complex Electra complex Resolution
Cognitive Development- Piaget Preoperational Stage (2-7yrs) Preconceptual (2-4yrs) 1. Develop language & symbolic functioning 2. Egocentric Intuitive (4-7yrs) 1. Centering 2. Lack reversibility
Moral Development - Kohlberg Preconventional / premoral thinking A. 4 – 7 yrs. B. Learns reasoning C. Rules absolute
Alternative Care Settings In home care Advantages / Disadvantages Family daycare Daycare centers
Effects of Alternative Care Settings
Cooperative play Play Characteristics A. Requirements B. Uncomfortable situation C. Suggested activities -- Consider developmental age not chronological age !!
Speech Development Vocabulary Age 3 – 300 - 800 words, 3 word sentences Age 5 – 2000 words, 6-8 word sentences Delays = 1. Physiological, psychological, environmental stressors 2. Language, cognition, & perceptual abilities necessary for elementary school success
Safety MVA Injuries Drowning Strangers Good touch / Bad touch principles Discuss concerns without shame Safety programs Clothing
Discipline Continuous warm relationship Limits Acceptable behavior results View of discipline When given TYPES Time outs Consistency Role modeling Rewards
Preschool Problems Thumb sucking A. Satisfies & comforts B. Not detrimental if stop before 2nd teeth erupt C. Regression D. Praise & encouragement
Preschool Problems Enuresis A. Types B. Problems for child & parent C. Causes D. Interventions
Preschool Problems Jealousy A. Normal response B. Sibling rivalry C. Behaviors demonstrated D. Interventions