Confession Objectives: Explain why we confess to a priest Identify matter, form, and minister of this sacrament Define conscience Differentiate between Perfect and Imperfect Contrition Distinguish between mortal and venial sin Define and explain what an Indulgence is
Leviticus 16:20 If a young Jewish boy were to ask you why we can’t just go to our tent and tell God we are sorry for our sins. How would you respond God demands it It is good for us
John 20 If a young Catholic boy were to ask you why we can’t just go to our room and tell God we are sorry for our sins. How would you respond God demands it It is good for us
Conscience Placed in my soul by God Knowledge of right vs wrong Judgment: Do good avoid evil The goodness/badness of a particular act at hand I am bound to follow it I must form it properly Parents School Teaching of the Catholic Church
Matter, Form, Minister Matter Form Minister Contrition Confession Desire to do the penance assigned Form “I absolve you of your sins” Minister Bishop Shares this power w/ priests
I. Contrition Sorrow for sins Perfect Imperfect Seeking conversion interior not outward show This movement comes from God Perfect Motivated out of love for God Forgives sin even outside of Confession Imperfect Motivated by fear of God = attrition Examination of Conscience Thought and reflection How have I offended God God is only offended by those acts which are bad for us as humans
II. Confession All serious sins I am conscious of since my last confession Venial sins are good to confess Past mortal sins good to confess Honestly Type, number and any special circumstances
Mortal Sin Serious matter Full consent of the will Missing mass Sex outside of marriage Drunkness/ drug abuse Stealing a large sum Full consent of the will Fear Ignorance Force Reflection of the gravity of the action If any of these conditions are lacking the sin is venial or no sin at all Who do you want to spend eternity with? One mortal sin = Hell
III. Penance Do the assigned penance Not necessarily a reflection of the seriousness of the sin Designed to help you to overcome the tendency to sin General Absolution? Only in very special circumstances
Why Confess to a priest? Jesus tells us to. John 20:21 Reflection makes me think How did I get to this sin Who/what should I avoid Confession causes me to: Be humble Express my sorrow openly’ Involve my whole self in the process I am composed of soul and body I know reality through my senses Forgiveness of sins comes via my senses
Effects Restores sanctifying grace by forgiving sins Remits eternal punishment Actual grace to avoid sin in the future Reconciles with the Church Remits part of purgatorial debt Peace Repair bad habits
Indulgence Remission before God Of Temporal punishment Eternal punishment is Hell Due for sins already forgiven Either by perfect contrition or confession Plenary or partial Taking away all or some of the punishment