PITCHING YOUR PROJECT Consider the content first. Think about: How will you open? How will you connect to the audience? How will you effectively summarize your issue? How will you state your campaign goals?
Mission Statement Checklist What are your goals? (PURPOSE) How will you fulfill your purpose? (BUSINESS) What are the beliefs that guide your work? (VALUES)
Our mission statement is Short and concise – no more than 4 sentences. Memorable. Realistic. Easy to understand Motivational / Inspiring. Full of strong verbs. We believe in our mission statement.
EXAMPLE OF MISSION STATEMENT Free the Children “Our mission is to free young people from the idea that they are powerless to bring about positive social change, and encourage them to act now to improve the lives of young people everywhere.”
BE PERSUASIVE 1. Do your homework! Research.. 2. Back up your reasoning with examples and evidence 3. Use introductory phrases, structures and phrases to connect your sentences
BE EFFECTIVE 1. Use numbers 2. Use past events and figures and compare them to recent ones.
STRUCTURES Expressing Your Opinion SHOWING CONTRAST ORDERING Express your opinions as you consider the pros and cons. In my opinion, I feel / think that ... Personally, SHOWING CONTRAST However, On the other hand, Although ....., ORDERING First of all, Then, Next, Finally, SUMMARIZING Summarize your opinion at the end of a paragraph. To sum up, In conclusion, In summary, All things considered,
EXERCISE Choose an for and against argument from one of the following themes Attending College / University Getting Married Having Children Changing Jobs Moving Write down five positive points and five negative points Write down your own personal opinion (for final paragraph)
PRESENTATION TECHNIQUES When you have good eye contact, you appear confident Articulation and Enunciation: speak in a clear, strong voice Speak at an appropriate pace and use appropriate body language.