Personalized Learning Plans Frederick Douglass ES Personalized Learning Plans Loudoun County Public Schools 2017-2018
Personalized Learning at Frederick Douglass ES Why Engineering an educational journey so that all stars shine together. #PLshiningstars How Station Rotation Model Video link Table of Contents: Instructional Models School & PL Team Commitments Classroom Commitments School Priority Areas PL Support Plan Communication Digital Content and Tools
What The mission of Loudoun County Public Schools is to empower all students to make meaningful contributions to the world. Authentic and challenging problems are at the heart of all learning in Loudoun County Public Schools. One to the World learning experiences includes four key elements: (1) Students work on significant content and competencies (2) Students engage with authentic challenging problems (the heart of learning in LCPS) (3) Students create public products (4) Students connect with the world to improve the quality and amplify the impact of their work. Gold Standard Project Based Learning reflects practices that build on the One to the World key elements to attain greater student engagement and deeper learning. You can find out more about Gold Standard PBL practices here. Personalized Learning is dynamically tailoring learning experiences to students’ strengths, needs and/or interests. A PL approach supports PBL and One to the World by encouraging the following: (1) Access to significant content for students who may have learning gaps (2) Challenges for students who have shown basic mastery (3) Relevance for all students as their interests help shape the direction of “meaningful contributions to the world.” The outcome of learning in LCPS is students who are knowledgeable critical thinkers, communicators, collaborators, creators and contributors. These traits allow students to make meaningful contributions to the world.
Empowering all students to make meaningful contributions to the world. Students need a way to feel supported in the learning process because they are afraid of risk taking that may result in failure. Learning tasks are built in part on student interests and roles may incorporate specific strengths. Students exhibit choice in audiences or types of products created Connections that students make are tailored to their interests and strengths Foundation Cultivating Classrooms of Authentic Creative Thinkers Who Are Intrinsically Driven. Integrated Digital Content Targeted Instruction Data Driven Decisions Student Reflection + Ownership Differentiated Instruction and Practice Use digital content to deliver on-level instruction for 15 minutes per day. Student Grouping Use data from digital content providers/tools/anecdotes to pull groups. Data-Tracking Use data collected from assessments, digital content, and observations to create a data portfolio. Goal Setting Have students set and track goals each quarter. Digital Direct Instruction Use digital content to deliver guided practice for 60 minutes per week. One to One Instruction Identify students who need one to one interventions. Assessment Use MAP, digital content, and grade level unit assessments to drive instruction and grouping. Student Choice Provide students with choices in space and seating within the classroom. Independent Exploration Provide students with opportunities for online research to support one to the world and PBL projects. Small-Group Instruction Implement small group instruction to reteach, generate inquiry questions, or extend learning Student Interests Learn more about students interests and backgrounds in your classrooms through a survey. Reflection and Feedback Provide opportunities for students to assess their own learning and progress monthly. Actions Core Four Tactics Bank
Customized Station Rotation Models Base Model: Station Rotation Description: Students to visit various stations or centers during the allotted time for a specific subject. Stations may be assigned by teacher, or self-selected by students. Digital content plays a role in delivery of content, aligned with offline curriculum. Benefits: Stations can address different levels of depth with students Teachers can work with smaller groups of students to provide targeted instruction Students have opportunities for collaborative and self-led learning Students have multiple opportunities to reflect their learning in different ways Customized Station Rotation Models
Closing: Check for Understanding 3 Station Rotation w/ Co-Teacher, Two Targeted Pull-Outs Targeted Small Group Pull-Out Independent Work Targeted Small Group Pull-Out Topic of Need Additional Topic of Need Whole Group Opening Check for Understanding 3 station rotation Collaboration Introduce or review new concepts followed by a quick check for understanding. Student Reflection or Check for Understanding Examples: Stop Light, Thumbs up/middle/down, Emojis, Online Poll or Exit Ticket Digital Content If you have... Whole Group Opening Station Rotation Closing: Check for Understanding 90 mins 10-20 mins 20 minute Rotations x 3 = 60 minutes (5-10 mins to rotate); SG pulled as needed flexibly 5-15 mins 120 mins 30 minute Rotations x 3 = 90 minutes (5-10 mins to rotate); SG pulled as needed flexibly This instructional model can be implemented in any subject area.
3 Station Rotation w/ Co-Teacher, Two Targeted Pull-Outs Math 3 Station Rotation w/ Co-Teacher, Two Targeted Pull-Outs Targeted Small Group Pull-Out Independent Work Targeted Small Group Pull-Out Topic of Need Additional Topic of Need Reflection Warm-Up Focus Lesson 3 station rotation Introduce or review new concepts followed by a quick check for understanding. Collaborative Activity Student Reflection or Check for Understanding Digital Content Warm-Up 5 mins Focus Lesson 15 mins Small Group Guided Math and Stations 30 mins Reflection 5-10 mins This instructional model can be implemented in any subject area.
Pathways Reader’s Workshop Small Group Guided Reading Independent Reading Whole Group Mini Lesson or or Data Driven Decisions: Pre and Post Assessments Mid Workshop Teaching Point Purposeful Share Connection Teaching Point Active Engagement Link Additional Station Small Group Guided Reading Independent Reading 10 mins 20 mins 2 mins + Rotate 5 mins
Our common instructional commitments as a school... Commitment 1: Everyone in our school will use a station rotation model. Commitment 2: Each teacher will decide how to set up their station rotation (2 stations, 3 stations, 4 stations, etc.) Commitment 3: Integrated Digital Content Tactic -using ALEKS and Dreambox (Math) and Achieve 3000 (Reading) Commitment 4: Targeted Instruction Tactic - All teachers will work with a small group of students during station rotations to target their individualized level of instruction. Example
Frederick Douglass ES PL Priority Areas Our goal is to... We will know we are there when... provide ongoing support to our teachers our staff feel comfortable asking for assistance and guidance from the PL team and their PL contact provide role models for teachers teachers feel comfortable observing teachers and being observed be comfortable using digital tools to make instructional decisions small groups are created based on data and changed as data determines Resource: EE PL Implementation Framework Examples: PL Implementation Framework Resources and Examples Access all Images of Bingo Board Pieces Here
Frederick Douglass ES PL Communications Plan To Update at Launch in August Our goal is to communicate our educational journey through Personalized Learning to our community. OPTIONAL: You may edit this slide or add to your PL Toolkit. If you do not add here, delete this slide. Mode Message Audience Target Draft Date Target Send Date or Update Owner Parent Letter Explaining to parents that we are beginning our journey into PL. Community Done First Day Packets Editor: Erica, Cathe, Anna Writer: unknown Sender: Melissa Logan Email/Staff Meeting Updates Updates and PL progress Staff Ongoing During CLT’s/Staff Meetings Editor: Team Contact Updater: Team Contact Parent Updates Update Parents on PL journey Monthly Update the 1st of the Month in newsletters Creator: Grade level Teams Example OPTIONAL: create a Twitter handle for PL or add your school twitter handle here. #LoudounPL #Insert School PL Hashtag
Frederick Douglass ES Digital Content & Tools To Update at Launch in August Content Provider or Tool Subject Area Purpose and Usage ELA 30 to 60 minutes per week during the digital content tactic of the station rotation model Additional Info: Achieve 3000 EE One Pager Achieve Support Math Additional Info: ALEKS Math EE One Pager ALEKS Support Science & Social Studies Additional Info: Discovery Ed Tech Books EE One Pager Discovery ED Support OPTIONAL: You may edit this slide or add to your PL Toolkit. If you do not add here, delete this slide. English Language Arts: Achieve 3000 EE One Pager Mathematics: ALEKS Math EE One Pager Social Studies & Science: Discovery Ed Tech Books EE One Pager PD and Training for Digital Content Schedule Need support? Reach out to Kevin Heenan, Instructional Facilitator, Technology ( for support with digital content and PL devices.
Differentiated Learning then…. Personalized Learning now... Centers Stations Data driven decisions Traditional desk seating Flexible seating Small, teacher led groups Research based computer programs