ISO/TS Challenges Johannes A. M. Roovers (“Yon”) President, Jan Roovers Associates, Inc. Located in Charlotte, North Carolina Providers of Training and Consulting Services: Quality Management Systems Organizational Development 1 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
ISO/TS 16949:2002 is Based on Eight Quality Management Principles Customer focus Leadership Involvement of people Process approach System approach to management Continual improvement Factual approach to decision making Mutually beneficial supplier relationships 5 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
1. Customer Focus Organizations depend on their Customers and therefore should Understand current and future Customer needs Meet Customer requirements Strive to exceed Customer expectations 6 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
2. Leadership Leaders establish unity of purpose and direction of the organization. They should create and maintain the internal environment in which people can become fully involved in achieving the organization’s objectives 7 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
3. Involvement of People People at all levels are the essence of an organization and their full involvement enables their abilities to be used for the organization’s benefit 8 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
4. Process Approach A desired result is achieved more efficiently when activities and related resources are managed as a process (Will be discussed in great detail later) 9 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
5. System Approach to Management Identifying, understanding and managing interrelated process as a system contributes to the organization’s effectiveness and efficiency in achieving its objectives (Will be discussed in great detail later) 10 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
6. Continual Improvement Continual improvement should be a permanent objective of the organization 11 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
7. Factual Approach to Decision Making Effective decisions are based on the analysis of data and information 12 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
8. Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationships An organization and its suppliers are interdependent and a mutually beneficial relationship enhances the ability of both to create value 13 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
The Process Approach 17 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
Change in Focus QS-9000:1998 based QMS: ISO/TS 16949:2002 based QMS: Requirements driven Conformance to requirements ISO/TS 16949:2002 based QMS: Customer (and organization’s) needs and expectations driven Performance of the QMS and its processes must be demonstrated 18 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
Change in Focus QS-9000:1998 based QMS: ISO/TS 16949:2002 based QMS: Develop procedures based on the 20 elements in the standard Focus was on requirements ISO/TS 16949:2002 based QMS: Develop procedures based on customer (and organization’s) needs and expectations Focus must be on processes 19 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
Process Approach ISO/TS 16949:2002 promotes the adoption of a process approach when developing, implementing and improving the effectiveness of a quality management system, to enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements The application of a system of processes within an organization, together with the identification and interactions of these processes, and their management, can be referred to as the “process approach”. Re: Clause 0.2 Process approach 20 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
Process Approach Quality Management Principle #4 A desired result is achieved more efficiently when activities and related resources are managed as a process Key benefits: Lower costs and shorter cycle times through effective use of resources Improved, consistent and predictable results Focused and prioritized improvement opportunities 21 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
Process Approach Quality Management Principle #4 Applying the principle of process approach typically leads to: Systematically defining the activities necessary to obtain a desired result Establishing clear responsibility and accountability for managing key activities Analyzing and measuring of the capability of key activities Identifying the interfaces of key activities within and between the functions of the organization 22 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
Process Approach Quality Management Principle #4 Applying the principle of process approach typically leads to: (Cont’d) Focusing on the factors - such as resources, methods and materials - that will improve key activities of the organization Evaluating risks, consequences and impacts of activities on customers, suppliers and interested parties 23 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT OF THE QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (and other interested parties) C U S T O M E R (and other interested parties) Management Responsibility R E Q U I M N T S S A T I F C O N Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement Resource Management Product Realization Product Input Output Model of a Process-based Quality Management System 24 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
The QMS must be used for continual improvement ... Improve Processes through PDCA Cycle Results: - Quality - Productivity - Competitive Position Baseline Performance Plan Do Act Check Measure/monitor results against objectives - Improve process and change QMS as needed to achieve and sustain desired results QMS Improvement Objective 25 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
The organization shall: Identify the processes needed for the quality management system and their application throughout the organization Determine the sequence and interaction of these processes Determine criteria and methods needed to ensure that both the operation and control of these processes are effective Ensure the availability of resources and information necessary to support the operation and monitoring of these processes Re: Clause 4.1 General requirements 26 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
The organization shall: Monitor, measure and analyze these processes, and implement actions necessary to achieve planned results and continual improvement of these processes These processes shall be managed by the organization in accordance with the requirements of this International Standard Re: Clause 4.1 General requirements 27 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
The Organization Shall Identify the processes needed for the quality management system and their application throughout the organization 28 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
ISO 9001:2000 ISO 9001:2000 identifies four categories of processes: Management responsibility-related processes Resource management-related processes Product realization-related processes Measurement, analysis and improvement-related processes 29 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
Management Responsibility CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT OF THE QMS C U S T O M E R Management Responsibility C U S T O M E R Operational Management QMS Planning and Objectives Quality Policy - Business Planning QMS Performance Analysis Management Review Internal Communication ---------------------------------------------------- Control of Documents Control of Records Human Resources Training Development Training Delivery Employee Motivation Maintenance Environmental Safety Compliance IT Services Resource Management Customer Issues Internal Auditing Inspections, Testing Control of NC Product Data Analysis Improvement Projects Corrective Action Preventive Action Measurement, Analysis, Improvement Product Realization Process Planning Sales-Marketing Product Design Process Design Scheduling Manufacturing Assembly Testing PPAP Shipping Purchasing Supplier Relations Receiving Storage Inventory Control Calibration and MSA ID/Traceability Production Tooling Laboratory Contract Mgt. Require- ments Realization Processes Support Processes Satis- faction Parts Input Output Acme Auto Parts Corp. Quality Management System 30
The Process Approach per IATF/IAOB 31 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
IATF IATF suggests three categories of processes: Customer-oriented Processes (COPs) Support Processes Management Processes 32 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
Octopus Diagram COPs Output Input Input Output Output Input Input 33 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
Customer Oriented Process “COP” A process that begins with a customer requirement, specification, expectation or implied contract (input) and ends with a fulfillment of the requirement and/or expectation being met (output). 34 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
Customer Oriented Processes (Suggested by IATF) Market Analysis/Customer Requirements Bid/Tender Order/Request Product and Process Design Product and Process Verification/Validation Product Production Delivery Payment Warranty/Service Post Sales/Customer Feedback 35 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
Activity that transforms INPUT into OUTPUT What is a Process? Activity that transforms INPUT into OUTPUT Activity Input Output Resources: People Facilities/Equipment Material Methods Environment Results: Products Services Performance 36 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
PROCESS - a series of steps that add VALUE to the INPUT What is a Process? CUSTOMER has a need PROCESS CUSTOMER need is met INPUT Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 OUTPUT VALUE VALUE VALUE VALUE VALUE VALUE VALUE PROCESS - a series of steps that add VALUE to the INPUT 37 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
Analyzing a Process PROCESS CUSTOMER CUSTOMER has a need need is met What things (equipment, tools, etc.) are needed to complete the activities? Who performs the activities? How have their qualifications been verified? PROCESS a series of steps or activities CUSTOMER has a need CUSTOMER need is met INPUT OUTPUT What measurements are used to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the process? What documentation (procedures, WI’s, records) is needed to ensure activities are completed as planned? Measurements must be based on Objectives for the Process that Align with the Objectives for the Organization Analysis must be based on the Risk to achieving an Output result that Matches the identified Input need 38 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
How is a Process Managed? Monitor and Measure the Process make sure the inputs are right, the transformation activities consistently work, and the desired results are achieved, then - improve the process as needed Activity Input Output Right Resources: Qualified People Right Facilities/Equipment Correct Materials Proven Methods Well-managed environment Desired Results: Quality Products Quality Services Customer Satisfaction 39 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
How is a Process Measured? Efficient No Waste Effective Desired Results Achieved Activity Input Output Right Resources: Qualified People Right Facilities/Equipment Correct Materials Proven Methods Well-managed environment Desired Results: Quality Products Quality Services Customer Satisfaction 40 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
Critical Elements of all Processes (Suggested by IATF) Process owner exists Process is defined Process is documented Linkages of process established Process is monitored Records maintained 41 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
Key questions of each COP (Suggested by IATF) How are customer requirements understood and fulfilled? How is the process value added? What are the results of Process Performance and Effectiveness? (Measurements) What is the evidence of Continual Improvement? 42 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
Examples of Customer Oriented Processes INPUTS Market Data Customer request Purchase Order Cust. Specifications Product Specs Drawings/Process Info Finished Product Invoice Info Warranty Request Performance Data COPs 1. Marketing 2. Sales 3. Contract Management 4. Product Design 5. Process Design 6. Manufacturing/Assembly 7. Packaging/Shipping 8. Billing 9. Warranty/Service 10. Cust. Feedback Analysis OUTPUTS Product Info Bid/Proposal Order confirmed Product Specs Approved Process Finished Product Product Delivered Invoice Paid Warranty Accepted Corr/Prev/Cont. Impr. 43 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
Customer Oriented Process and Support Processes Output Organization 4 3 Support Processes COP 2 1 Input 44 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
Support Process and Sub-support Processes Output Support 4 Support Process 3 Sub-support Processes 2 1 Input 45 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
Support Processes A support process is any planned process whose input, output and transformational activities are established and maintained by the organization in order to comply with requirements or specifications and/or to meet organizational needs in supporting COPs. 46 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
Support Processes Two truths about support processes: 1. They are in place to support COPs or other support processes 2. They are in place to mitigate risk 47 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
Turtle Diagram Inputs (What the Customer wants) With What? (Materials/Equipment) With Whom? (People, their competence, skills and training) Inputs (What the Customer wants) Outputs (What the Customer receives) Process With What Key Criteria? (Measurement/Assessment) How? (Methods/Procedures/Techniques) 48 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
Process Name ___________________ TURTLE DIAGRAM With what? Machines/Equipment: Materials: With whom? People involved with this process: Links/interfaces with involved parties: Process Name ___________________ Process Steps/Activities: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Outputs? Customer need is fulfilled for: Output requirements. What output criteria are used to determine that the output meets the requirements? Inputs? Customer wants: Input requirements. What are the inputs that determine what the process must produce? Measure? With what key criteria? Measurements/Assessments: How? Support processes: (Who helps and how?) Procedures/work instructions/control documents:
TURTLE DIAGRAM (Large Scope) With what? Machines/Equipment: Materials: With whom? People involved with this process: Links/interfaces with involved parties: Stamping presses and tooling Welding machines Inspection and test equipment Mat. handling equipment Production operators Process technicians Material handlers Quality engineers Supervisors Prod.planners Steel Subassemblies Welding supplies Cleaning supplies Supplier contact person Customer contact person Engineering Training Process Name ___________________ Process Steps/Activities: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Outputs? Customer need is fulfilled for: Output requirements. What output criteria are used to determine that the output meets the input requirements? Inputs? Customer wants: Input requirements. What are the inputs that determine what the process must produce? Customer has ordered brakes per P.O. # 342567 Brake Production Process Customer has received brakes per P.O. # 342567 Stamping Welding Testing Customer specifications Gov. and Reg. requirements Production schedule Inspection and test records PPM and Ppk records Delivery performance records Customer feedback Plating Measure? With what key criteria? Measurements/Assessments: How? Support processes: (Who helps and how?) Procedures/work instructions/control documents: PPM Ppk on special characteristics Equipment availability (uptime-downtime) Cost of quality Run-at-rate Tooling management Materials management Logistics Calibration Storage Maintenance Work instructions Set-up instructions Process FMEA Control plans
TURTLE DIAGRAM (Small Scope) With what? Machines/Equipment: Materials: Computer network - Printers Phone system Hand-held computers With whom? People involved with this process: Links/interfaces with involved parties: Audit Team Leader Internal Auditors Technical Experts Auditees Guides Process to be audited Audit prep materials (Turtles) Previous Int. and Ext. audit reports QMS documentation and records Audit working papers Management/ Mgt. Rep Process Owners Registrar/Ext Auditor Customer, STA’s Process Name ___________________ Process Steps/Activities: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Outputs? Customer need is fulfilled for: Output requirements. What output criteria are used to determine that the output meets the input requirements? Inputs? Customer wants: Input requirements. What are the inputs that determine what the process must produce? Mgt. wants audits conducted per annual schedule. Audits contribute to cont. impr. of QMS Conduct Internal Audit Audits completed per annual schedule. Audits contributed to cont. improvement of QMS Plan Prepare Conduct Mgt. memo to Audit Leader Internal audit procedure Cust.-specific audit req’s. Audit reports (Int./ Ext.) Process owner feedback reports Management review minutes Audit performance results Report Follow-up Measure? With what key criteria? Measurements/Assessments: How? Support processes: (Who helps and how?) Procedures/work instructions/control documents: Audits prepared and completed on time Audit reports error-free, submitted on time Audit results are used for continual improvement Process owner and auditee feedback positive No nonconf. discovered by Reg. and/or Cust. Doc. and Rec. Control Management I.T. Accounting Training Audit Proc., Schedule ISO 19011:2002 ISO/TS 16949:2002 Cust. Spec. Audit Req.
Examples of Support Processes Training Calibration Purchasing Maintenance Inventory control Control of documents Control of records Control of NC product Change control Manufacturing 52 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
Management Processes Management processes are defined as those processes necessary to comply with the requirements of the ISO/TS 16949:2002 standard and/or determined by the needs of the organization with respect to the role of Top Management. 53 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.
Examples of Management Processes Business planning Management review Data analysis QMS planning Internal communication Continual improvement Corrective action Preventive action Employee motivation Internal auditing 54 Jan Roovers Associates, Inc.