Latvian folk legend The Daugava river making – excavating.
When God had created trees, forests, animals, birds and fishes, the river Daugava did not exist yet. All animals and birds started to quarrel among themselves.
Then God decided to give our wildlife work Then God decided to give our wildlife work. He called all the animals, birds and fishes. When all had come together, God wished them to dig a river.
They started to work immediately They started to work immediately. Hare and fox - they have agile legs - measured the way for the river. The hare jumps first, and then fox dragged with the tail the river path border.
Mole immediately drew the first furrow and the badger scratched to expand it. Bear carried the land and patter in piles along the banks of the river making the mountains. Like other animals, birds and fishes worked very hard. All quarrels were over. Work quickly parted and the river valleys were excavated soon.
Then God came to see the work Then God came to see the work. At first he saw the mole and bear, which had not been able to get clean after work. God praised them as diligent workers and wished them the honour of wearing the black work clothes. Wolf also worked hard, so God also left him black for life.
Geese and ducks were praised for big work and God granted them to swim in the river and wash. Other birds, which also worked, but not so hard-working, were granted only to drink river water.
Then God saw rain bird on tree branches Then God saw rain bird on tree branches. He asked why it did not work as other birds. Rain bird responded quite quickly that his yellow jackets would become dirty in the mud. God replied, "Obviously, your beautiful skirt is more important to you. Keep it! But you will never drink clear water not from the river, not from the pond. You can drink only water which is on the leaves of trees and the water, which is on the rocks“ . So when the storm approaches other birds are silent, but rain bird sadly, sadly weeps for his pride.
Then God saw the fish – plaice, how it goals in the sand Then God saw the fish – plaice, how it goals in the sand. He said, "Oh, you poor plaice!" But place did not like such compassion, so she aped, "O Ku, poor plaice!" Then God said, "May your mouth remain crooked, which you do pulled!" This is also why even now plaice’s mouth is crooked.
God then asked, "Where is the cancer. I can’t see him God then asked, "Where is the cancer? I can’t see him?" But the cancer roughly said, "Do you have eyes behind you that you can’t see me?" The cancer was severely punished because of such a response by God. The cancer was determined to go backwards.
After that God poured the golden cup water into the excavation ravine and showed where to run and reach the sea. The broad stream ran to the sea. God named the river - Daugava.