Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) Annual Performance Plan for 2018/19 Presentation to Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Science and Technology 19 April 2018
ASSAF Mandate To honour distinguished scholars in all fields of scientific enquiry To generate evidence-based solutions to national and global challenges
ASSAf Goals Recognition & reward of excellence Promotion of innovation & scholarly activity Promotion of effective, evidence-based scientific advice Promotion of public interest in & awareness of science & science education Promotion of national, regional & international linkages
Alignment with Government Goals Responsive, coordinated and efficient National System of Innovation (NSI) Increased knowledge generation Human capital development Using knowledge for economic development Knowledge utilisation for inclusive development
Alignment with Government Goals Strategic Outcome-oriented Goals Activities Government Goal Statements (1) Recognition and reward of excellence Targeted membership drives to increase and diversify Academy Membership Award of 2 Science-for-Society gold medals per annum Award of Humanities Book Prize Support of South African Young Academy of Science Human capital development
Alignment with Government Goals Strategic Outcome-oriented Goals Activities Government goal statements (2) Promotion of innovation and scholarly activity 1 Distinguished Visiting Scholar per annum Regional scholarly lectures Annual Humanities lecture Publication of SA Journal of Science Convening of workshops on variety of topics Conducting project-related activities Implementation of Scholarly Publishing Programme Young scientists’ activities Human capital development
Alignment with Government Goals (3) Promotion of effective, evidence-based scientific advice Implementation of Scholarly Publishing Programme Implementation of evidence-based studies in targeted areas such as health, education, climate change, energy, etc. Dissemination of study reports for improved uptake and impact of evidence-based studies Increased knowledge generation Human capital development Using knowledge for economic development
Alignment with Government Goals (4) Promotion of public interest in and awareness of science and science education Publication and promotion of Quest: Science for South Africa magazine Publication of SAJS Participation in national science events Hosting of public lectures on a wide variety of topics Implementation of STEM Education Committee activities Human capital development
Alignment with Government Goals (5) Promotion of national, regional and international linkages Strengthening and initiating bilateral Academy agreements Strengthening and initiating science academies in Africa, particularly the SADC region Hosting and supporting ICSU ROA and TWAS ROSSA Increased knowledge generation
Direct Contributions to Triple Challenges & NDP Poverty Standing Committee on Science for Reduction of Poverty & Inequality reconstituted Inequality Transformation of ASSAf Membership in terms of race & gender Ensuring Membership of Standing Committees is fully representative Unemployment Employment of interns & ensuring equipped with marketable skills Position SA Promote international liaison Activities reflect SDGs
Indirect Contributions to Triple Challenges Poverty Hosted Annual Meeting of African Science Academies (AMASA) in November 2016 – theme Poverty Reduction Inequality Values of ASSAf embrace Constitution of SA Hosted Young Scientist Conference on Human Rights in September 2016 Unemployment Raising of science awareness & providing information on science careers through Quest
Scholarly Publishing Programme Science Advisory Programme Secretariat Governance and Administration Liaison Activities Scholarly Publishing Programme Science Advisory Programme ASSAf Programmes
Programme 1: Governance and Administration Sub-programme: Communication Implement communication strategy Achieve greater social media presence Implement e-publications strategy for study reports Provide effective & targeted communication
Scholarly Publishing Programme African Open Science Platform (AOSP): Goals for 2018/19 are: In collaboration with Botswana and Madagascar to prepare for national forums to explore the adoption of Open Science/Open Data strategies for each country; In collaboration with the DST to create a framework in preparation for a policy on Open Science in SA; To host a joint meeting with SADC to advance the Cyberinfrastructure Framework in Southern Africa and to seek ways to expand it to the rest of Africa; To conduct training workshops on data management and curation
Scholarly Publishing Programme Strategic Objective 1: Increase visibility, accessibility & searchability of SA accredited scholarly journals Maintain the SciELO SA open access platform Prepare newly published issues of 64 journals Introduce new version of SciELO SA platform, with enhanced statistics and discovery tools Monitor and evaluate impact of platform Provide support for long-term preservation (Portico) Advocate for SciELO SA journal editors to use to ORCID ID Provide service to editors & add DOIs to articles
Scholarly Publishing Programme Strategic Objective 2: Improve quality of SA journals & books Continue limited peer review of journals Utilise webinar technology for seminars – 4 webinars in 2018/19 Assist journal editors to comply with DOAJ criteria Monitor impact of DHET Research Output Policy Publish report on Scholarly Publishing Increase impact of ASSAf publications through Institutional Repository
Strategic Objective 3: Promote visibility & impact of SA & African research through SAJS Publish high-quality research with regional focus & interdisciplinary interest Expand & enhance SAJS website & social media Improve openness & transparency through sharing journal statistics & open data sets Communicate value proposition of SAJS to enable journal to continue to play leadership role Migrate peer review & publication open source content management system = cost cutting
Quest Strategic Objective 4: Promote awareness of science among youth through Quest Develop social media presence Ensure improved & targeted dissemination Include abstracts in one indigenous language Develop article linkages to science, geo- graphy & mathematics school curricula Fund raising drive to sustain publication & dissemination
Liaison Programme Strategic Objective 1: Increase & diversify Membership Increase women & black Membership Maintain up-to-date data base of Members Plan second Legends of SA Science
Liaison Programme Strategic Objective 2: Recognise & reward excellence in science & promote scholarly activity Ensure Distinguished Visiting Scholar (DVS) includes one HDI per lecture tour Increase opportunities for DVS to engage with public Host Annual Humanities Lecture Employ webinars for lectures Implement ASSAf-Embassy Lecture series Implement Science-for-Society Gold Medal awards Implement Humanities Book Award
Liaison Programme Strategic Objective 3: Collaborate & strengthen African academies and strengthen strategic partnerships Establish BRICS academies platform & initiate activities Collaborate with SADC and SADC academies Implement overseas collaboration engagement framework e.g. Leopoldina Promote TWAS ROSSA activities Promote cooperation with ICSU ROA
Liaison Programme Strategic Objective 4: Increase participation of young scientists Host Annual Young Scientists’ Conference Support SAYAS and assist with fundraising Implement activities for young scientists, e.g. TWAS Young Affiliates & Lindau Nobel Laureate programme
Liaison Programme Strategic Objective 5: Increase participation of women & promote application of gender lens Increase number of OWSD National Chapter members Distribute calls, announcements & opportunities Assist with the formation of WISET national chapters Apply gender lens to ASSAf activities Implement GenderInSITE programme
Science Advisory Programme Strategic Objective 1: Facilitate scholarly engagement on key national and global challenges Strategic Objective 2: Provide evidence-based science advice in support of policy development Consolidate activities in line with NDP & SDGs Promote scholarly debate on national, regional & global issues Engage with relevant stakeholders & policymakers Improve dissemination & uptake of reports Monitor & evaluate impact of reports
Science Advisory Programme Health Studies Disseminate findings, monitor consensus study on Reconceptualising Education and Training of Appropriate Health Workforce for Improved Health of Nation Finalise, disseminate & monitor consensus study on Mental, Neurological and Substance Use (MNS) Disorders Finalise, disseminate & monitor consensus study on Ethical, Legal and Social Issues Related to Human Genetics & Human Genomics in SA Host workshop on Infectious Diseases and Comorbidities with Leopoldina & Ugandan Academy of Sciences ng
Science Advisory Programme Education Studies Disseminate findings & monitor consensus study on Revitalising Agricultural Education and Training in SA Finalise, disseminate and monitor consensus study on Status of Postgraduate Research Training in Engineering
Science Advisory Programme Science for Reduction of Poverty & Inequality Disseminate & monitor policymakers’ booklet on Social Protection Initiate consensus study on topic related to poverty and NDP & SDGs Host workshop on poverty reduction Humanities Host annual ASSAf Humanities Scholarly Lecture Implement ASSAf Humanities Book Award Plan consensus study on Humanities topic
Science Advisory Programme Biosafety and Biosecurity Disseminate & monitor consensus study on State of Biosafety and Biosecurity in SA Disseminate & monitor consensus study on New Breeding Technologies Collaborate with SADC science academies on biosafety & biosecurity Climate Change Finalise Second Biennial Review of Climate Change Science and Technology Research in SA
Science Advisory Programme Energy Studies Disseminate findings & monitor consensus study on Technical Readiness of South Africa for Hydraulic Fracturing Assist with the development of the Science Action Plan for Shale Gas Industry Disseminate findings & monitor consensus study on The State of Energy Efficiency Technologies in SA
PROJECTED BUDGET SUMMARY FOR 2018/19 TO 2020/21 MTEF PERIOD DETAILS 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 Projected budget INCOME R Revenue from non-exchange transactions - Government funding (34,815,652) (33,105,000) (33,595,775) DST - Baseline (25,668,000) (27,105,000) (28,595,775) DST - Contract funding (Lindau Nobel Laureate) (2,443,702) - DST - Contract funding (South African Academy of Engineering (158,550) DST - Contract funding (Inclusive Development Learning Interventions) (545,400) DST - Contract funding (International support) (5,000,000) DST - Contract funding (Journal of Energy in S A) (1,000,000)
Revenue from non-exchange transactions - Local funding (2,588,270) (2,863,097) - National Research Foundation (African Open Science Platform) Revenue from exchange transactions (1,336,000) (1,340,000) (1,344,000) Interest receivable (1,200,000) Membership fees (96,000) (100,000) (104,000) Secretarial fees (40,000) Total projected revenue (38,739,922) (37,308,097) (34,939,775)
EXPENDITURE Total projected expenditure 38,739,922 37,308,097 34,939,775 Governance & Administration Programme 10,004,135 10,290,459 10,495,959 Liaison: International & National Programme 12,517,014 10,789,298 9,503,691 Science Advisory Programme 4,155,681 4,182,440 4,127,570 Scholarly Publishing Programme 12,063,092 12,045,900 10,812,555 Surplus/Deficit -
Abbreviations & Acronyms AMASA Annual Meeting of African Science Academies AOSP African Open Science Platform ASSAf Academy of Science of South Africa BRICS Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa DHET Department of Higher Education and Training DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals DOI Digital Object Identifier DST Department of Science and Technology DVS Distinguished Visiting Scholar GenderInSITE Gender in Science, Innovation, Technology and ICSU ROA ICSU Regional Office for Africa Africa MNS Mental, neurological and substance use
Abbreviations & Acronyms MTEF Medium-term Expenditure Framework NDP National Development Plan NSI National System of Innovation ORCID Open Researcher and Contributor ID OWSD Organisation for Women in Science in the Developing World SADC Southern African Development Community SAJS South African Journal of Science SAYAS South African Young Academy of Science SciELO SA Scientific Electronic Library Online - South Africa SDGs Sustainable Development Goals STEM Science, technology, engineering and mathematics TWAS The World Academy of Sciences TWAS ROSSA TWAS Regional Office for sub-Saharan Africa WISET Women in Science, Engineering and Technology
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