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Presentation transcript:

Adjutant General School BOTD SHOW SLIDE 1: ADMINISTER ENLISTED PROMOTIONS AND SELECTION ADMINISTRATIVE DATA: Academic Hours/Methods 6 hrs Conference / Discussion 2 hr Practical Exercises 1 hr Quiz 10 mins Quiz Review 9 hrs/10 min Total Hours SECTION II. INTRODUCTION: Today we are going to discuss Administering Enlisted Promotions and Selections Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio is: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 5 mins Media: Large Group Instruction MOTIVATOR: How many of you are prior enlisted? How many had to go in front of a promotion board? How many of you were SFC or Above? All of you have seen first hand how the enlisted promotions system works. As S1s, you are going to be in charge of overseeing that system. You’ll see some similarities and some differences compared to the Officer Promotions system. NOTE: Determine the level of experience and knowledge of your Soldiers to gauge the level of detailed required to properly deliver this lesson. The most crucial difference for you to understand is that you are NOT responsible for managing enlisted promotions day-to-day. Enlisted Promotions are enlisted business. As such, your NCOIC will work with the BN CSM to manage this system. However, as the officer, you are ultimately responsible for everything your shop does or fail to do. Additionally, it is not unusual for officers who have mismanaged the promotion system to be relieved of their duties. For this reason, you need to know what right looks like, so that you can supervise and QC enlisted promotions. However, give your NCO the freedom to run daily ops, until they give you a reason not to trust them. USAR/ARNG info – Today’s class is primarily focused on AA. For those of you who are USAR/ARNG, it’s still important to know, because you may deploy and/or serve as a S1 for AA. I will mention some aspects of Reserve-component promotions today, but this folder also has some great info. I encourage you to look over AR 600-8-19 on your own time. Administer Enlisted Promotions and Selections February 2018

Terminal Learning Objective LESSON OUTCOME: This lesson integrates the principles of the decentralized promotion system, the semi-centralized promotion system, and the centralized promotion/selection system into unit operations to ensure accurate management of the enlisted promotion program. Army Learning Areas (ALAs) – General Learning Outcomes (GLOs) 1. Mission Command – GLO 6 2. Professional Competence – GLO 13 & 14 Action: Administer Enlisted Promotions and Selections Condition: In a classroom environment, given AR 600-8-19, NGR 600-200, MILPER Message 17-181, MILPER Message 17-400, 1 Student Handouts, eMILPO Functional Guide and Users and awareness of Operational Environment (OE) variables and factors. Standards: Demonstrate competency in the basic concepts of enlisted promotions and receive 70% or higher final grade. Determine the appropriate promotion authorities for each level of enlisted promotions. 2. Identify the principles of the Decentralized Promotion System. 3. Identify the principles of the Semi-Centralized Promotion System. Identify the principles of the Centralized Promotion System. Review monthly PR Metrics to ensure compliance. . SHOW SLIDE 2: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE NOTE: Army Learning Areas (ALA) are the baseline focal points Soldiers and Army Civilians must possess to prevail in the ambiguous environments that challenge the Army today. The four ALAs are: Army Profession and Leadership; Mission Command; Human Dimension; and Professional Competence. The Army Learning Area taxonomy provides a framework to assist in grouping the General Learning Outcomes. The four Army Learning Areas serve as the framework to catalogue the 14 General Learning Outcomes.   The GLOs are essential outcomes resulting from training, education, and experience along a career continuum of learning. There are three primary purposes for the Army General Learning Outcomes. First, they provide trainers and educators a lens into how effective they are in conveying their support material. Second, it assists in improving instructional design and/or training support packages. Finally it places responsibility on training and education proponents to be nested with ALAs. ALA: Mission Command encompasses how Army commanders and leaders apply the foundational MC philosophy with the MC WfF. Together, the MC philosophy and MC WfF guide, integrate, and synchronize Army operations throughout the conduct of ULO. There are four GLOs for the Mission Command ALA. GLO 6: Soldiers and Army Civilians demonstrate proficiency in the mission command system. This includes Common Operating Picture and Mission Command Information Systems. ALA: Professional Competence is the demonstrated technical and tactical proficiency in Army and joint doctrine largely revolving around the concept of ULO codified in ADP 3-0. There are three GLOs for the Professional Competence ALA. GLO 14: Soldiers and Army Civilians are technically and tactically competent; includes Branch and Career Management Field proficiency, Career Programs, Series Technical Certifications, and Warfighting GLO 13: Soldiers and Army Civilians support Army policies, programs and processes; includes Understanding and contributing to Army Systems that manage, develop, and transform the Army. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with DA PAM 385-30, Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DD Form 2977 Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation 350-29. Everyone is responsible for safety. No food or drink is allowed near or around electrical equipment (CPU, file servers, printers, projectors, etc.) due to possible electrical shock or damage to equipment.  Exercise care in personal movement in and through such areas.  Avoid all electrical cords and associated wiring.  In event of electrical storm, you will be instructed to power down equipment. RISK ASSESSMENT LEVEL: Low ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM 3-34.5 Environmental Considerations and GTA 05-08-002 ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. Instructional Guidance: Throughout this lesson, solicit from students the challenges they experienced in the operational environment (OE) and what they did to resolve them. Encourage students to apply at least one of the critical variables: Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, Infrastructure, Physical Environment and Time (PMESII-PT). Conditions: With an awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. EVALUATION: You will be given a graded end of module examination which will include Administer Enlisted Promotions and Selections. A passing score on this end of module examination is 70% for AA students and 60% International Students. INSTRUCTIONAL LEAD-IN: Promotion of personnel is inherent in the life of the Army. The Army needs and will continue to need Soldiers and NCOs to fill its ranks at various levels of responsibility. The enlisted promotion system exists to ensure sufficient and qualified personnel exist at various levels to meet the needs of the Army. Ideally, these Soldiers and NCOs represent the best available. Promotions are a very public and ceremonial event and directly impacts your reputation and that of your organization. GLO 14: Soldiers and Army Civilians are technically and tactically competent; includes Branch and Career Management Field proficiency, Career Programs, Series Technical Certifications, and Warfighting Skills.

SHOW SLIDE 3: LARGE SCALE COMBAT OPERATIONS Refer Students to FM 3-0, Operations. FM 3-0, Operations, covers large scale combat operations. Once FM 1-0, Human Resources Support is updated and FM 4-0, Sustainment Operations is implemented, they will align with FM 3-0. Therefore, some of the information presented during this course may change. Until regulations change, the information presented is valid. Refer students to paragraph 1-4, to understand FM 3-0’s description of Large-scale combat operations. Large-scale combat operations are intense, lethal, and brutal. Their conditions include complexity, chaos, fear, violence, fatigue, and uncertainty. Future battlefields will include noncombatants, and they will be crowded in and around large cities. Enemies will employ conventional tactics, terror, criminal activity, and information warfare to further complicate operations. To an ever-increasing degree, activities in the information environment are inseparable from ground operations. Large-scale combat operations present the greatest challenge for Army forces. Refer students to FM 3-0, Operations, Figure 1-4. Figure l-4 shows the Army's strategic roles. FM 3-0 LSCO    IAW Paragraph 1-143, During LSCO, deployments will be conducted at Corps level with Divisions, Brigades and other units as identified by the operational order, deploying in support of the Corps’ mission. This means Corps will be supporting a Theater Army Organization. During LSCO, Administer Enlisted Promotions and Selections is a continuous that starts during SHAPE and continue throughout all strategic roles. Effective and Administer Enlisted Promotions and Selections, contributes to units’ ability in executing their assigned mission. Review the definition of SHAPE to highlight its importance during LSCO and Administer Enlisted Promotions and Selections . Emphasize that all the strategic roles are important; however, SHAPE will be reviewed because it ensures the successful execution of the other roles. Shape: paragraph 1-62. Army operations to shape bring together all the activities intended to promote regional stability and to set conditions for a favorable outcome in the event of a military confrontation. Army operations to shape help dissuade adversary activities designed to achieve regional goals short of military conflict. As part of operations to shape, the Army provides trained and ready forces to geographic combatant commanders (GCCs) in support of their theater campaign plan. The theater army and subordinate Army forces assist the GCC in building partner capacity and capability and promoting stability across the AOR. Army operations to shape are continuous throughout a GCC's AOR and occur before, during, and after a joint operation within a specific operational area. Refer Students to FM 3-0, Appendix A, Command and Support Relationships. Highlight to the students that your organization’s command and support relationships with other organizations are vital during LSCO. Depending on the deployment location and the mission the unit is supporting, units command relationships may change. Working with your unit’s S3/G3, can assist S1/G1 in identifying the reporting hierarchy (upper/lower echelons). An OPORD will identify a unit’s reporting hierarchy during a contingency operations. A-1. Establishing clear command and support relationships is a key aspect of any operation. Large-scale combat operations present unique and complex challenges that demand well defined command and support relationships among units. These relationships establish responsibilities and authorities between subordinate and supporting units. Some command and support relationships limit the commander's authority to prescribe additional relationships. Knowing the inherent responsibilities of each command and support relationship allows commanders to effectively organize their forces and helps supporting commanders understand their unit's role in the organizational structure. Review Tables A1-A3.

Objectives Promote the best qualified Soldiers to fill authorized enlisted positions Provide for career progression Recognize & retain the best-qualified Soldiers Preclude promotion of unproductive or not best qualified Soldiers Provide for an equitable promotion system Apply select-train-promote methodology SHOW SLIDE 4: OBJECTIVES AR 600-8-19, Para 1-5

Promotion Systems Decentralized (Chapter 2) Promotion to PV2 thru SPC Promotion Authority: Unit CDR Semi-Centralized (Chapter 3) Promotion to SGT & SSG Promotion Authority: BN CDR Centralized (Chapter 4) Promotion to SFC thru SGM Promotion Authority: HRC SHOW SLIDE 5: PROMOTION SYSTEMS Learning Step / Activity 1. Determine the Appropriate Promotion Authorities for Each Level of Enlisted Promotions. Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 5 mins Media: Large Group Instruction a. Three promotion systems exist for enlisted personnel: decentralized, semi-centralized, and centralized. We will discuss each one in detail. (1) Decentralized system, which is covered in Chapter 2 of AR 600-8-19. Promotions to PV2 thru SPC – junior enlisted Promotion authority – Company CDR (Unit CDR is reg). However, the BN CDR is approval authority for waivers to SPC (2) Semi-centralized promotion system, which is covered in Chapter 3. Promotions to SGT and SSG – Junior NCOs Promotion authority – Battalion CDR (Unit CDR is reg). However, the Army provides the promotion point level for promotions to the next level to control the NCO population of a specific MOS at any given time. (3) Centralized promotion system, which is covered in Chapter 4. Promotions to SFC thru CSM – Senior NCOs Promotion authority - HRC. It is becoming more and more of the Soldier’s responsibility to ensure they are ready for the board and their board file is correct, but, as HRs, you’ll assist your NCOs. b. Chap 5-6 discusses USAR; Chap 7 discuses ARNG

Decentralized Promotions PV2, PFC, & SPC SHOW SLIDE 8: DECENTRALIZED PROMOTIONS Learning Step / Activity 2. Identify the Principles of the Decentralized Promotion System Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 1 hr 25 mins Media: Large Group Instruction a. The first system we will cover is the Decentralized Promotion System. This system covers promotions to PV2, PFC, and SPC and involves two different types of calculations. The calculations are not difficult and you are allowed to use your calculator. b. This is an important system to know because, as the BN S1, you will manage this system entirely at your level. Plus, if you become a unit CDR, you will serve as the promotion authority. NOTE: Ask students to provide you with a positive experience they had when they were promoted within the decentralized system. If non of your students are prior enlisted, provide a positive a personal experience.

Two Types of Promotions: Promotion Criteria Based on BASD (TIS) and DOR (TIG) Two Types of Promotions: Automatic – eMILPO advances the Soldier automatically, unless HR blocks the promotion Waiver – CDRs can select a limited number of Soldiers to promote early SHOW SLIDE 9: PROMOTION CRITERIA (BASED ON BASD (TIS) AND DOR(TIG)) c. The promotion criteria to determine eligibility for promotion is the BASD and DOR. The BASD provides the TIS and the DOR provides the TIG. Soldiers must meet certain time requirements in both categories to get promoted. d. There are two types of promotions/advancements: Soldiers may be promoted automatically or promoted with a waiver approved by the BN CDR. (1) An automatic promotion: The Soldier has met all time-in-service (TIS) and time-in-grade (TIG) requirements to be automatically promoted by the TAPDB. This type promotion is blocked if the Soldier has been Flagged. (2) A promotion with a waiver: The Soldier did not meet one or more of the required TIS or TIG requirements to receive an automatic promotion. However, the promotion authority waived the requirement and accelerated the promotion. a. The unit CDR is authorized to approve waivers for promotions to PV2 and PFC. b. The BN CDR is authorized to approve waivers for promotions to SPC. e. Promotions for USAR Soldiers are automatic in Regional Level Application Software (RLAS) unless deferred by the CDR. The advancement will be announced on DA Form 4187. The DA Form 4187 must be sent to Finance to ensure their pay starts on the date of advancement. f. ARNG Soldiers are promoted immediately with promotion orders to be posted in the automated personnel file and/or master military file. AR 600-8-19, Para 2-2, 2-3, 2-5

Promotion Criteria BASD → TIS DOR → TIG AR 600-8-19, Para 2-3 SHOW SLIDE 10: PROMOTION CRITERIA f. These are the eligibility criteria for promotions. This slide will be used during your exam. BASD → TIS DOR → TIG AR 600-8-19, Para 2-3

AAA-117 (Enlisted Advancement Report) Official promotion instrument for promotion to SPC & below Monthly report generated in eMILPO on the 2nd to 5th working day prior to the promotion month Forwarded to the CDR within 1 working day for approval/denial of promotion SHOW SLIDE 11: AAA-117 (UNIT ENLISTED ADVANCEMENT REPORT) g. The AAA-117 is the official promotion instrument for decentralized promotions for the RA. The report is generated by the BN HR on the 2nd to 5th working day of the month prior to the promotion month within eMILPO. h. The BN HR is responsible for making necessary corrections, computing the waiver allocations, and forwarding the report to the unit CDR within 1 working day. i. The unit CDR is responsible for selecting eligible Soldiers for promotion by annotating on the AAA-117 if the promotion is approved/denied. NOTE: The official promotion instrument for the USAR is the Enlisted Promotion Application; the ARNG uses the DA Form 4187 or promotion orders. AR 600-8-19, Para 2-3, Table 2-1

NOTE: The first character is a number and not a letter. SHOW SLIDE 12: PROMOTION REPORT – UIC SELECTION NOTE: Have students login to eMILPO and follow along as you go through the slides. Students will go into eMILPO several times during this lesson to gain more experience using this system. j. The following instructions are provided to assist you in logging into EMILPO to generate an AAA-117. Issue all of your students an eMILPO training database username and password. The user name will be c??.s?? The first pair of question marks represents the classroom that you are using, for example (c71 or c22). The second pair of question marks represents the student’s number, for example (s13 or s44). The user name for student 10 in classroom 25 will look like this: c25.s10). The password will be 0p-lim-e for all users. NOTE: The first character is a number and not a letter. When the students have logged on to the AHRS Web Portal Main Menu, have them select “eMILPO”. You are taken to the eMILPO Main Menu. Select the Enlisted Advancement Report (AAA-117) under the Promotions category. Students have the option to select one or more UICs then click "View" to proceed. For this exercise have Students select UIC (WS_ _ _ _) Report type “PFC”. Have the students replace the first 2 dashes with the class number and the last 2 dashes with their student number + 50 (e.g. a student in class 11 with a student number of 07 would enter WS1157). The Enlisted Advancement Report (AAA-117) is the primary eMILPO report used to determine advancement eligibility of Soldiers for promotion to SPC who are assigned or attached to a unit.

Enlisted Advancement Report SHOW SLIDE 13: ENLISTED ADVANCEMENT REPORT NOTE: Students should have the AAA-117 on their computer screen. Ensure that all students were able to create the AAA-117. k. There are 3 parts to the AAA-117, that shows which Soldiers are eligible, eligible with a waiver, or ineligible for promotion. eMILPO automatically calculates the eligibility for promotions and the number of waivers authorized and currently in use. However, the BN HR must verify the report for accuracy by manually calculating the waiver allocations. l. The CDR is required to circle yes/no for each eligible Soldier, then date and sign the AAA-117. As mentioned before, the unit CDR is the approval authority for decentralized promotions for PV2 to SPC; and the BN CDR is the reviewing authority for promotions to SPC that require a waiver. The AAA-117 requires a signature from the unit and BN CDR. Group Discussion: Ask students what type of mistakes can be found on the AAA-117 and what type of processes that can be put into place to prevent mistakes.

AR 600-8-19, Para 2-3, Table 2-1, eMILPO Functional Guidance Reviewing AAA-117 Recommend YES Automatic – NO ACTION REQUIRED Eligible Circle & initial; submit 4187 & eMILPO Flag transaction; counsel Soldier NO YES If waiver available: Circle & initial; submit 4187 & eMILPO GRCH transaction Eligible w/ waiver NO NO ACTION REQUIRED YES Circle & Initial: submit 4187 & eMILPO GRCH SHOW SLIDE 14: REVIEWING AAA-117 m. When reviewing the AAA-117, the report will place Soldiers into one of three categories: Eligible, Eligible w/waiver, or Not Eligible. n. The following actions occur, once the CDR determines the status of the Soldier’s promotion next month: (1) When the Soldier is eligible for promotion and meets the TIG and TIS requirements, and the CDR circles YES; the promotion will occur automatically by eMILPO. (2) When the Soldier is eligible and the CDR circles NO the CDR (or BN HR) will prepare a DA Form 4187 to deny the promotion. Next, they will submit a DA Form 268 to initiate a Flag, prior to the automatic promotion month, using the PA code to stop the promotion. The Flag must be submitted NLT 20th of the month and closed using code PE, NLT the 2nd working day the Soldier would have been promoted. Additionally, the Soldier must be counseled by their first line leader using DA Form 4856. The DA Form 4187 and the DA Form 4856 must be attached to the AAA-117. (3) When the Soldier is eligible to be promoted with a waiver, and the CDR circles YES; the BN HR will prepare a DA Form 4187 and submit a GRCH transaction to initiate the promotion. In contrast, if the CDR circles NO, then there is no action required. (4) When the Soldier was ineligible for automatic promotion (Flagged, barred from reenlistment) previously, and the CDR circles YES; the BN HR will prepare a DA Form 4187 to be filed in the AMHRR, and complete a GRCH transaction. The effective date and the DOR will be the date the CDR signs the DA Form 4187. In contrast, if the CDR circles NO, then there is no action required. (5) The BN HR is responsible for providing the DA Form 4187, creating and providing promotion certificates to the promotion authority for signature, and coordinating the promotion ceremony for all eligible Soldiers recommended for promotion. Not Eligible NO NO ACTION REQUIRED Provide the DA Form 4187s, promotion certificates, and coordinate promotion ceremonies for eligible recommended Soldiers. AR 600-8-19, Para 2-3, Table 2-1, eMILPO Functional Guidance

SHOW SLIDE 15: DENY PROMOTION-SUMMARY o. A “Deny Promotion” transaction allows you to record the CDR’s decision to block an automatic promotion to PV2, PFC, and SPC as noted on the Unit Enlisted Advancement Report (AAA-117). If a Soldier is denied advancement on their automatic promotion date, The DA Form 4187 denying the promotion (in lieu of DA Form 268) will be used by the BN HR to initiate a Flag transaction using code PA as the initial and reason code and input the transaction into the automated system no later than the 20th of the month prior to the promotion month. This will stop an automatic promotion. The Flag must be closed using Flag code PE not later than the second working day following the date the Soldier would have been automatically promoted. Section III of the DA Form 4187 should contain an "x" in the "other" block and "Advancement Denied" should be entered after the word "specify". The DA Form 4187 and the developmental counseling must be attached to the AAA-117.   NOTE: Refer Students to the eMILPO training database to initiate a “Deny Promotion” transaction. Assume the CDR has denied advancement by signing a DA Form 4187 and the Flag transaction is already processed. Now, have the students initiate the Deny Promotion transaction within the eMILPO database. Have the students use today’s date as the effective date of the transaction. Verify that all students are able to process the transaction. Select “Deny Promotion” from the eMILPO main menu under the Promotions category. Enter the SSN Enter the SSN (9_ _2445_ _) as the Search Criteria. Use “ADD” to add criteria then click “Search”. Select the Soldier by clicking on the corresponding checkbox in the Select/Deselect column. Click “OK” to proceed. THIS SSN WILL NOT WORK UNTIL THIS UIC’S DATES ARE ROLLED BACK BY HR. NOTE: When locating a Soldier within the eMILPO Training Database, the students will use the SSN search criteria. When using the SSN search, use the following formula: (9_ _-XX-XX_ _). Character one is always a “9” Characters two and three (shown as “_ _”) are the class number Characters four through seven are the same as the database Soldier’s SSN characters four through seven. Characters eight and nine (shown as “_ _”) are the student’s number. See example below. Example: 906-33-9801 (06 is the class number) (01 is the student number) Use today’s date as the effective date of transaction (YYYYMMDD). The student will view Flag code PA and click “Save” to save the transaction. NOTE: The system defaults the Reason Code and Reason Type values for the Soldier. You may not edit these data fields.

1 2 Remove Flag SHOW SLIDE 16: REPORT TO SUSPEND FAVORABLE PERSONEL ACTIONS (FLAG) SPC BARBARA MAUFAS p. Have the students find PFC Maufas, Barbara M. on the AAA-294 (page 2) and remove the existing Flag Select “Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions” under the Personnel Services category. In Search Criteria; select SSN from the picklist. Click the drop down icon next to the search criteria to select SSN. There are other search criteria that may be used, but SSN will be the fastest way to input information. NOTE: Have students use the following SSN: 9XX-22-99XX.   (1) Input the SSN of the selected Soldier and click ADD.    (2) Verify that the Soldier's SSN has been entered correctly and click Search. (3) Check Select/Deselect box next to the selected Soldier's name and click OK. (4) Select Remove/Finalize from the picklist to remove the Flag and click Submit. (5) From the Flag Type picklist, select the option that best represents the Flag removal. NOTE: Have students use today’s date as the effective date. (6) Input the effective date of the Flag removal and click Save. The system will prompt you to verify; “Are you sure you want to remove this record?” Click Yes. The Flag has been successfully removed and you are able to print a copy of the DA Form 268. NOTE: From the Report column, have the students click “DA From 268” to view and/or print a copy of the DA Form 268. NOTE: Have the students click DA Form 268 NOTE: Have students Click "Close" to exit the page and terminate the working session. The system will return to the eMILPO Main Menu.

Determine Eligibility to SPC Given a PFC with: BASD: 06 09 02 DOR to PFC: 08 05 02 When is he fully eligible for promotion to SPC? TIS TIG 06 09 02 BASD 08 05 02 (DOR to PFC) 2 + 24 + 6 08 09 02 08 11 02 When is he first eligible with a waiver? 06 09 02 BASD 08 05 02 (DOR to PFC) SHOW SLIDE 17: DETERMINE ELIGIBILITY TO SPC NOTE: Transition from eMILPO to performing eligibility and waiver calculations. Ask students to raise their hands if they have previous experience performing eligibility calculations. If you have students who have experience, ask them to share the job/position that required them to perform these calculations and if they are willing to assist other students who find performing calculations difficult. NOTE: Calculation slides have transition to allow you to discuss the problem without revealing the answer. q. The TIS and TIG calculations are used to determine the eligibility for all decentralized promotions. Remember that the TIS is calculated using the BASD and the TIG is calculated using the TIG. r. The eligibility date determines when a Soldier can be promoted automatically and eligible to receive a waiver to be promoted early. Waiver allocations only apply to RA only. There are no waiver allocations for USAR or ARNG/ARNGUS. s. Promotions with waivers ALWAYS occur on the 1st of the next month. Example: If the calculation shows that a Soldier can be promoted with a waiver on 12 Feb, the promotion will occur on 1 Mar. NOTE: Automatic Promotion to SPC 24 months TIS and 6 months TIG Waiver 18 months TIS and 3 months TIG 1 6 + 18 + 3 07 15 02 +1 -12 08 08 02 08 09 01 08 03 02 AR 600-8-19, Para 2-5, 2-6

Waiver Allocations Promotion to PV2/PFC Promotion to SPC Calculated by company Based on assigned strength PV2: < 20% of total assigned PV2 Soldiers PFC: < 20% of total assigned PFC Soldiers Promotion to SPC Consolidated & calculated at BN level Use current authorized CPL & SPC positions Waiver % published monthly by HQDA Promotions by waiver effective on first of month SHOW SLIDE 18: WAIVER ALLOCATIONS NOTE: Pass out handout #3 to students and inform them that it can be used during your exam because it explains how to calculate the number of waivers available per unit. t. The Battalion HR calculates PV2 and PFC waiver allocations by company. The total assigned cannot exceed 20% of the assigned strength of the company. u. The Battalion HR consolidates and calculates the authorized strength of the CPL/ SPC within the Battalion to determine the waiver allocations. The waiver allocations are established by HQDA. The announcement is made in the monthly enlisted promotions cutoff scores memorandum; Department of the Army Promotion Point Cutoff Scores and Junior Enlisted Issues for the Regular Army (RA). Currently, SPC waiver allocations cannot exceed 17% of the authorized strength for the BN. v. Although the unit CDR is the approval authority for decentralized promotions, the BN CDR is the reviewing authority for promotions to SPC with a waiver. AR 600-8-19, Para 2-5, 2-6, Table 2-2

* Waivers currently in use Unit Personnel Data Company Rank Authorized Assigned Waivers* PV1 10 8 PV2 25 1 PFC 30 32 2 Battalion SPC 50 5 SHOW SLIDE 19: UNIT PERSONNEL DATA w. This slide depicts the authorized and assigned strength of a BN for the current month. This information is required to calculate waiver allocations. The right column shows the Soldiers who are currently utilizing a waiver at that grade. This means they were promoted with a waiver, and they still haven’t met the TIS and/or TIG requirements to be fully eligible for promotion. These Soldiers will utilize one of the unit’s available waiver allocations until they meet both TIS and TIG requirements. NOTE: Ask students the following question to assist in determining if they are grasping the concept: “PV2 Jones has 7 months TIG and 3 months TIS. If the CDR promotes her this month with a waiver; how many more months will she use the waiver?”. 5 more months until she reaches 12 months TIG. * Waivers currently in use AR 600-8-19, Table 2-2

Calculate Waiver Allocations PV2 to PFC 32 Assigned Strength of PFCs x .20 Total allowable with waivers 6.4 Maximum # of waivers for month 6 Drop fractions; do not round up - 2 # currently advanced with waiver SHOW SLIDE 20: CALCULATE WAIVER ALLOCATIONS PV2 TO PFC Provide the following data to calculate the monthly waiver allocations to PFC. PV2 – 25 Auth, 25 Assg, 1 Assigned with a waiver PFC – 30 Auth, 32 Assg, 2 Assigned with a waiver Step 1: Total number of Soldiers assigned for PFCs. Step 2: Multiply step 1 by total allowable with waivers or as announced by HQDA. Step 3: Use whole numbers only. Drop fractions, do not round up. Step 4: Subtract number of Soldiers already assigned with less than the required TIS minus exceptions in Para 2–5h. Step 5: Subtract row 4 from row 3 for total waivers authorized. x. `Annotate amount of waivers available or unavailable and forward the AAA-117 to the unit CDR. 4 # of waivers available for month

Calculate Waiver Allocations PFC to SPC 50 Authorized Strength of CPLs/SPCs at BN x .17 Waiver percent published by HQDA 8.5 Maximum # of waivers for month 8 Drop fractions; do not round up - 5 # currently advanced with waiver SHOW SLIDE 21: CALCULATE WAIVER ALLOCATIONS PFC TO SPC Provide the following data to calculate the monthly waiver allocations to SPC PFC – 30 Auth, 32 Assg, 2 Assigned with a waiver SPC – 50 Auth, 32 Assg, 5 Assigned with a waiver 17% established by HQDA Step 1: Total number of Soldiers authorized for CPLs/SPCs Step 2: Multiply step 1 by total allowable with waivers or as announced by HQDA. Step 3: Use whole numbers only. Drop fractions, do not round up. Step 4: Subtract number of Soldiers already assigned with less than the required TIS minus exceptions in Para 2–5j. Step 5: Subtract row 4 from row 3 for total waivers authorized. y. Annotate amount of waivers available or unavailable and forward the AAA-117 to the unit CDR. 3 # of waivers available for month

Waiver Exceptions Exceptions to TIS/TIG requirements (can be promoted early without a waiver): Promotions authorized by enlistment contract CMF 18 & Ranger School graduates Training promotions for IET Soldiers Battlefield promotions SHOW SLIDE 22: WAIVER EXCEPTIONS z. There are specific exceptions to the eligibility of promotion requirements that allow Soldiers to be promoted early, regardless of their TIS/TIG and without a waiver. Additionally, they are not include in an unit’s waiver allocations. (1) When enlistment contracts authorize early promotions for civilian skills and education through the Army Civilian Acquired Skills Program (ACASP), Stripes for Education Program, and comparable ARNG programs. (2) When Soldiers are holding or training for PMOS in career management field (CMF) 18 or ranger school graduates with at least 12 months TIS. They may be promoted to SPC without regard to the TIS and TIG waiver ceilings provided otherwise qualified IAW para 1-10. (3) Upon graduation from BCT/AIT, CDRs may authorize accelerated promotions for up to 10 percent of each company’s assigned PV1s to PV2 and PV2s to PFC upon completion of training. (4) When CDRs initiate a battlefield promotion to accelerate Soldiers who display courage, and willingly accepts and flawlessly perform at levels of increased responsibility on the battlefield. The promotion applies to all components in support of a specified campaign. AR 600-8-19, Para 2—3h, 2-5j, Chapter 11

Early/Late Promotions A promotion that occurs prior to or after an automatic promotion date requires a DA Form 4187 & GRCH transaction Retain copy of DA Form 4187 with the AAA-117 in BN HR files and/or in the Soldier’s AMHRR. SHOW SLIDE 23: EARLY / LATE PROMOTIONS aa. All promotions that occur before or after an automatic promotion date (waiver, demotion, late promotion, previously Flagged) requires a DA Form 4187 and a GRCH transaction in eMILPO. The DA Form 4187 is maintained in the BNHR files with the AAA-117. Additionally, a copy is maintained in the local file/and or in the Soldier’s AMHRR. bb. Lateral appointments from SPC to CPL also requires a DA Form 4187 signed by the BN CDR and a GRCH transaction. A lateral appointment occurs when a SPC is working in a SGT position in their MOS. More information is available in Para 7-11b-c. AR 600-8-19, Para 2-3i

Promotion Delays-Due to Flags Disciplinary Action Taken or Unfavorable resolution: The date following the Flag removal Other resolution (APFT, Weight, ASAP): Favorable resolution: The date Soldier would have previously been promoted Effective date and DOR are based on resolution SHOW SLIDE 24: PROMOTION DELAYS cc. When there is a delay in a Soldier’s promotion because of an imposed Flag, the Soldier’s promotion effective date and DOR are determined based on the resolution of the final DA Form 268. (1) If the Flag is lifted, and the case is closed favorably, and the individual was eligible for promotion while the Flag was in effect; the effective date of promotion and the DOR is the date the Soldier would have previously been promoted. (2) If the Soldier’s final report was closed, the commander imposed disciplinary actions, and the individual was eligible for promotion while the Flag was in effect; the effective date of promotion and the DOR is the day following the Flag removal. Soldier’s removed from the recommended list will not be promoted according to this rule. (3) If the Soldier’s final report is closed with “Other”, (applies to the Army Body Composition Program, the APFT, and the ASAP) and the individual was eligible for promotion while the Flag was in effect; the effective date of promotion and the DOR is the day following the Flag removal. dd. All delayed promotions will require a DA Form 4187 and a GRCH transaction. AR 600-8-19, Para 1-11

Semi-centralized Promotions SGT & SSG SHOW SLIDE 27: SEMI-CENTRALIZED PROMOTIONS Learning Step / Activity 4 . Identify the Principles of The Semi-centralized Promotion System Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 2 hrs Media: Large Group Instruction The next system we will cover is the Semi-centralized Promotion System. This system covers promotions for all SPC, CPL, and SGTs who are competent in their current rank and meet the basic eligibility requirements for promotion to SGT and SSG. CDRs in the rank of LTC or higher serves as the promotion authority for this system. However, HQDA determines when promotions occur based on the needs of the Army. NOTE: Ask students “Why is the promotion system considered semi-centralized?” and “Who is the promotion authority for this system?”.

Select Train Educate Promote (STEP) Applicable to Title 10 Soldiers (RA and USAR) Selection for promotion is based on individual performance & potential demonstrated over time. The culmination of Training & Education resulting in certification/ validation that a Soldier is fully qualified in their MOS/grade. DESIRED END STATE Promotion eligible to next rank upon completing Professional Military Education. Appropriate training, education, and experience is completed before promotion in order to best prepare our NCOs to fight and win in a complex world as adaptive and agile leaders and trusted professionals for force 2025. Soldier qualified for Selection: Soldier participates in Training: Soldier attends Professional Military Education: Promotion once Soldier is eligible to pin on (cut-off scores/sequence #). APFT/ Ht&Wt Weapons Qual MOS Qualified SSD Complete Demonstrated Character Individual; collective; unit MOS specific Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills Leader Tasks Civilian Ed BLC ALC SLC MLC SMC SHOW SLIDE 28: SELECT TRAIN EDUCATE PROMOTE Army Profession Professional Competence Team Building Lifelong Learning Comprehensive Fitness Adaptability

Select Train Educate Promote (STEP) SSD REQUIRED SSD-1 SSD-2 SSD-3 SSD-4 SSD-5 Eligibility REQUIREMENT for recommendation to SGT Eligibility REQUIREMENT for recommendation to SSG Eligibility REQUIREMENT for board consideration to SFC Eligibility REQUIREMENT for board consideration to MSG Eligibility REQUIREMENT for CSM/SGM Nominative Consideration BLC ALC SLC *MLC SMC Promotion pin-on REQUIREMENT to SGT Promotion pin-on REQUIREMENT to SSG Promotion pin-on REQUIREMENT to SFC **Promotion pin-on REQUIREMENT to MSG SHOW SLIDE 29: SELECT TRAIN EDUCATE PROMOTE – SSD REQUIRED *MLC under development ** Once Implemented Army Profession Professional Competence Team Building Adaptability Lifelong Learning Comprehensive Fitness

Responsibilities Pull order of merit list using EDAS (11th) Field Responsibilities BN CDRs (LTC or higher) serve as promotion authority Conduct promotion boards Approve or deny Soldiers for promotion list integration and through automated PPW by 8th day (promotion points worksheets) Submit all eMILPO transactions for list integration by 8th day Validate the eligibility of all Soldiers who make cutoff HQDA Responsibilities Pull order of merit list using EDAS (11th) Announce promotion cut-off scores Announce monthly by-name promotion list (24th) SHOW SLIDE 30: RESPONSIBILITIES NOTE: MILPER Message 17-400 effective 1 May 2018 new administrative instructions for list integration. b. The semi-centralized promotion system splits the promotion responsibilities between the field (Soldiers’ assigned units) and HQDA. (1) Field: (a) The promotion authority – BN CDR - LTC or higher. (b) Coordinates and executes promotion boards. Determines who will be integrated onto the promotion recommendation list. (c) Ensure all promotion documents are inputted into eMILPO and correctly included in calculated promotion points. Validate the eligibility of all Soldiers who make cutoff (d) Executes promotion ceremonies and issues promotion orders. (2) HQDA: (a) Pull OML and approve promotion allocations. (b) Determines and post promotion cut-off scores and by-name list on the web. USAR – Same, but promotions dependent upon where vacancies exist and the distance the Soldier agreed to travel in relation to the Soldiers home of residence ARNG – The CNGB is the convening and promotion authority for all AGR Title 10 enlisted Soldiers. The AG is the convening and promotion authority for all promotion boards SGT through SGM. They may delegate this authority to their assistant AG, Deputy CDR, Joint Forces Headquarters (JFHQ), and subordinate CDRS in command positions authorized grade of LTC or higher for promotion to SGT and SSG, or to CDRs in command positions authorized grade of COL or higher for promotion to SFC through SGM. CDRs must validate the NGB Form 4100-1A-R-E (Army National Guard (ARNG) Enlisted Promotion Point Worksheet Sergeant Boards) and the NGB Form 4100-1B-R-E (Army National Guard (ARNG) Senior Enlisted Worksheet). The state CSM and/or senior enlisted leader (Army) will maintain oversight of the Enlisted Promotion System (para 7-3). The State Military Personnel Management Office (MPMO) announces the pre-established board dates annually/quarterly in a Memorandums of Instruction (MOI) and publish the promotion list. Chapter 7 Effective 1 May 2018 new administrative instructions for list integration AR 600-8-19, Para 3-1

Monthly Promotion Cycle SHOW SLIDE 31: MONTHLY PROMOTION CYCLE c. Monthly for (RA/USAR AGR) or a minimum of quarterly for (USAR TPU, ARE, and Multicomponent Units), unit CDRs are responsible for considering all eligible Soldiers for promotion recommendation using the unit enlisted promotion report when they are otherwise eligible as indicated in Tables 3-1 and 3-2. d. Commanders may recommend eligible RA Soldiers for board consideration as early as the 20th day of the month proceeding the board month. e. Commanders may recommend eligible USAR Soldiers for promotion consideration up to 60 days prior to the convene date of the board. f. The complete process of recommending Soldiers, conducting board appearances, approving recommendations for promotion list integration, and submitting all monthly eMILPO transactions must be completed no later than the 8th day of the board month. g. Once integrated, promotion points are effective on the 1st calendar day of the following month. Example: A Soldier who is integrated on the promotion list by February 8th, will compete for promotion against the 1 March cutoff scores. h. Monthly, the Army creates a MOS-level order of merit lists to support Army-level promotion decisions using EDAS data as of 0200 hours eastern standard time on the 11th day of the month. The promotion score automatically adjusts when updates occur in eMILPO. On the 11th day of each month, HQDA pulls the order of merit lists for all MOS to determine promotions for the 1st day of the following month. AR 600-8-19, Para, 3-11, Fig 3-3

Board Eligibility Requirements Criteria To SGT To SSG Secondary Zone TIS-17 months TIG-5 months TIS-47 months TIG-6 months Primary Zone TIS-35 months TIG-7 months TIS-71 months TIG-9 months MIL ED SSD 1 Prior to board appearance SSD 2 BLC CIV ED HS Diploma or GED SHOW SLIDE 32: ELIGIBILITY NOTE: MILPER Message 17-400 effective 1 May 2018 new eligibility requirements for PZ TIS/TIG. To SGT 35 months TIS and 11 months TIG. To SSG 71 months TIS and 17 months TIG. i. Soldiers may be recommended and appear before the promotion board after meeting specific criteria. CDRs may recommend Soldiers in the secondary zone as an incentive for those who strive for excellence and whose accomplishments, demonstrated capacity for leadership, and their potential warrant promotion ahead of their peers. Soldiers must otherwise be eligible in accordance Para 1-10. j. Additional References (1) Table 3–1: RA and USAR AGR. (2) Table 3–2: USAR (TPU, ARE, and multi-component commands or units). (3) Table 3–3: RA and USAR AGR. (4) Table 3–4: USAR (TPU, ARE, and multi-component commands or units). Effective 1 May 2018 new eligibility requirements for PZ TIS/TIG AR 600-8-19, Para 1-10, 1-28, 3-9,Table 3-1

AAA-294 SHOW SLIDE 33: AAA-294 k. This report is similar to the AAA-117, however, the AAA-294 is used for the semi-centralized promotion system. l. Monthly for (RA/USAR AGR) or a minimum of quarterly for (USAR TPU, ARE, and Multicomponent Units), unit CDRs are responsible for considering all eligible Soldiers for promotion recommendation using the unit enlisted promotion report, AAA-294. m. Commanders may recommend or deny eligible RA Soldiers for board consideration by circling Yes or No.

Pre-Board Process BN HR prepares for board: Create appointment memorandum and coordinate promotion board Include a current weapon qualification, and APFT card CDRs return with recommendation NLT the 8th day of the month If “YES” – Commander annotates on AAA-294 If “NO” – Commander annotates on AAA-294 and First Line Supervisor must counsel Soldier, using DA Form 4856 BN HR forwards AAA-294 to Company CDRs NLT 20th of each month Effective 1 May 2018 CDRs cannot deny integration onto the PRL SHOW SLIDE 34: PRE-BOARD PROCESS NOTE: MILPER Message 17-400 effective 1 May 2018 CDRs cannot deny integration onto the PRL. Instead, to disqualify individuals who are noncompetitive for promotion, CDRs must use the existing Bar to Continued Service Immediate Reenlistment Prohibition (IMREPR/IRPC code 9K) process (with counseling) to identify soldiers who have demonstrated no potential for continued leadership. n. The BN HR is responsible for coordinating the monthly promotion board and creating an appointment memorandum signed by the promotion authority. AR 600-8-19, Para 3-11, 3-12

Promotion Boards Conducted monthly between the 20th of the preceding month & NLT 4th day of recommending month Members appointed by Promotion Authority Odd number (min 3) of voting members President is senior member Members are minimum one grade senior to those under consideration Possess gender/ethnic representation Once a board convenes, members cannot change Integrate Soldiers into automated system NLT 8th day of the month and verify accuracy NLT 10th day of the month SHOW SLIDE 35: PROMOTION BOARDS NOTE: MILPER Message 17-400 effective 1 May 2018 all RA Soldiers will be integrated on the 1st day of each month onto the PRL automatically through the automated Promotion Point Worksheet (PPW) once all eligibility criteria is met. Provide your personal experience of going before the promotion board. o. The promotion board utilizes a question and answer format, will test the preparedness of the recommended Soldier to determine their potential to serve at the recommended rank. Questions should focus on leadership, awareness of military programs, and knowledge of basic Soldiering and world affairs. The board should consider the Soldier’s overall personal appearance, bearing, self-confidence, oral expression and conversational skills, and attitude when determining each Soldier’s potential to serve at the next level of NCO responsibility. p. The BN HR, MPD, or RSC is responsible for establishing the recommendation and integrating Soldiers onto the recommended list through the automated PPW NLT the 8th day of the board month. All transactions, documents, and points should be verified NLT the 10th day of the board month. Effective 1 May 2018 RA Soldiers will be integrated on the 1st day of each month AR 600-8-19, Para 3-12

Memorandum of Board Proceedings Lists those recommended and not recommended, by grade Signed by Board President Complete immediately after board Review for accuracy SHOW SLIDE 36: MEMORANDUM OF BOARD PROCEEDINGS q. Once the board convenes, the board proceedings are prepared in memorandum format by the BN HR. The board president will review the memorandum of board proceedings for accuracy, sign the report, and forward the report to the promotion authority as soon as possible. The promotion authority has the final decision to integrate a Soldier on the promotion recommended list regardless of the decision of the board. NOTE: Stress the importance of reviewing memorandums for accuracy.   AR 600-8-19, Para 3-12, 3-13, Fig 3-4

Maximum Distribution of Promotion Points SHOW SLIDE 37: MAXIMUM DISTRIBUTIONOF PROMOTION POINTS NOTE: Refer Students to the following paragraphs for computation of promotion points: AR 600-8-19, Para 3-15 for Promotion Board Points AR 600-8-19, Para 3-16 for Military Training AR 600-8-19, Para 3-17 for Awards, Decorations, and Achievements point values AR 600-8-19, Para 3-18 for Military Education Points AR 600-8-19, Para 3-19 for Civilian Education Points r. The automated DA Form 3355 has been replaced by the Promotion Point Worksheet (PPW).  The self-service system for Soldiers updating records was turned off on 6 April 2011. The Soldiers’ (PVT – SGT) can ONLY view and print the PPW by logging in with their CAC or AKO user id and password. There are two separate PPW’s for Soldiers competing to go to the promotion board which are one SGT and one for SSG. NOTE: S-1s will identify a primary and secondary representative by memorandum to have access to the PPW. When competing for selection to SGT: weapons will award 160 maximum points When competing for selection to SSG: weapons will award 110 maximum points When competing for selection to SGT: APFT will award 180 maximum points When competing for selection to SSG: APFT will award 145 maximum points   NOTE: Promotion points will no longer be awarded for combat experience s. Military education will award promotion points for NCOES, resident military courses and computer based courses as follows: When competing for selection to SGT military education will award 200 maximum points When competing for selection to SSG military education will award 220 maximum points Professional military education- courses that Soldiers' must register for through ATRRS and physically sit in a classroom and attend, must be 40 hours in length or longer and be on the Soldiers ATRRS transcript. Academic and/or leadership achievements. Maximum points in this section are adjusted to 60 points for promotion to SGT and SSG. Points will be equivalent to the level of academic or leadership achievement upon graduation of appropriate NCOES, point values are as follows: (1) When competing for selection to SGT: BLC graduates will receive 20 promotion points for being recognized as a member of the commandant’s list. Distinguished honor graduate/distinguished leadership graduate will receive 40 promotion points. (2) When competing for selection to SSG: ALC graduates will receive 20 promotion points for being recognized as a member of the commandant’s list. Distinguished honor graduate/distinguished leadership graduate will receive 40 promotion points. NOTE: Courses formally listed in ATRRS and on the Soldier Training Courses Listed in AR 350-1 and which have a "Y" on the attached list are authorized promotion points at the rate of 4 (four) promotion points per week (defined as 40 training hours) of military training. To reemphasize, "courses have to be listed in ATRRS and reflect on a Soldiers ATRRS transcript." u. Resident military training. Only resident military training courses listed in the army training requirements and resources system (ATRRS) and all tab-producing courses will receive promotion points. Maximum points in this section are adjusted to 80 points for promotion to SGT and 90 points for promotion to SSG. NOTE: Promotion points will no longer be awarded for soldier training courses in AR 350-1. Soldiers previously awarded Soldier training course promotion points will retain 10 points per course until promoted to SGT and SSG. NOTE: Human Resource professionals are to continuously audit Soldiers promotion records. Special emphasis must be placed on resident military training. Any military training that is erroneously listed may result in an administrative reduction in rank. v. Computer based training. Non-resident military training including army correspondence course program (ACCP), distance learning (DL) and army eLearning. Maximum points in this section are adjusted to 80 points for promotion to SGT and 90 points for promotion to SSG. NOTE: Promotion points are only awarded for completed correspondence courses, computer-based training and/or army eLearning courses recorded on the Soldiers ATRRS transcript. No promotion points are given for sub-courses. w. Civilian education. College, degree completion, technical certification and defense language proficiency test (DLPT). Maximum points in this section are adjusted to 135 points for promotion to SGT and 160 points for promotion to SSG. Maximum points for college is adjusted to 2 points per semester hour for promotion to SGT and SSG. Maximum points for degree completion is adjusted to 20 points for promotion to SGT and SSG. Maximum points for technical certification is 50 points for promotion to SGT and SSG, no change. Maximum points for DLPT is adjusted to 25 points for promotion to SGT and SSG. x. The following sections will be discussed in detail in the sections to follow: (1) MILITARY TRAINING (Weapons Qualification, and Army Physical Fitness Test) (2) AWARDS, DECORATIONS, AND ACHIEVEMENTS (Permanent Awards) (3) MILITARY EDUCATION (4) CIVILIAN EDUCATION AR 600-8-19, Section IV

Promotion Points Worksheet for SGT/SSG SHOW SLIDE 38: PROMOTION POINTS WORKSHEET FOR SGT/SSG FOCUS ON AR 600-8-19 Para 3-16a and Para 3-16b

Promotion Points Worksheet for SGT/SSG SHOW SLIDE 39: PROMOTION POINTS WORKSHEET FOR SGT/SSG   FOCUS ON AR 600-8-19 Para 3-17a and para 3-17b

Promotion Points Worksheet for SGT/SSG SHOW SLIDE 40: PROMOTION POINTS WORKSHEET FOR SGT/SSG FOCUS ON AR 600-8-19 Para 3-18

Promotion Points Worksheet for SGT/SSG SHOW SLIDE 41: PROMOTION POINTS WORKSHEET FOR SGT/SSG FOCUS ON AR 600-8-19 Para 3-19

Promotion Points Worksheet for SGT/SSG SHOW SLIDE 42: PROMOTION POINTS WORKSHEET FOR SGT/SSG FOCUS ON Total points and overview y. Computation of Promotion Points. Soldiers earn promotion points based on data contained in their personnel and training records. The AC will calculate promotion scores automatically based on data contained in a Soldier’s personnel (eMILPO) and training (ATRRS) files. The USAR will use DA form 3355 to manually calculate promotion scores. z. Proper care and diligence is essential to ensure accurate personnel information within a Soldier’s record. Every Soldier must take responsibility for the content of their own personnel/training file; ensuring all data elements are accurate. Soldiers must take immediate action to correct data inaccuracies. Soldiers with incorrect promotion points resulting from incomplete or missing data will not result in promotion as an exception to policy based on erroneous scores due to lack of records maintenance.

COMMAND LIST INTEGRATION Formerly referred to as Automatic List Integration (ALI) Soldiers are automatically added and become promotable if they meet specific criteria SGT SSG Commander’s role Retains authority to deny integration if Soldier is not trained and ready Deny list integration NLT 19th of the month List denial requires a formal counseling in writing and a bar to reenlistment Soldiers integrated onto the recommended list as a result of this process receive: 39 points when competing for SGT 14 points when competing for SSG Command List Integration TIS-47 months TIG-11 months TIS-83 months SHOW SLIDE 43: COMMAND LIST INTEGRATION NOTE: MILPER Message 17-400 effective 1 May 2018 Command List Integration (CLI) is rescinded for RA and USAR (AGR) Soldiers and replaced with Mandatory List Integration (MLI). CLI policy remains for USAR (TPU) Soldiers. aa. Command List Integration is an important and critical policy change incorporated over the past 6 years. It sends a message that Soldiers, after being otherwise fully eligible for promotion recommendation in the primary zone for one year, should be trained and prepared for promotion to the next rank. bb. Each month, RA and USAR (TPU, ARE, multi-component commands, or units) Soldiers will be automatically integrated (command list integration) onto the SGT and SSG promotion recommended lists when all of the following criteria are met despite lacking the actual promotion board appearance for RA or promotion consideration for USAR as outlined below— (1) To SGT— 47 months TIS (to become eligible for promotion at 48 months) (b) 11 months TIG (to become eligible for promotion at 12 months) (c) Not denied by the CDR. (d) Soldier must have a minimum of 90 days remaining in service (e) Graduate of SSD level 1. (2) To SSG— 83 months TIS (to become eligible for promotion at 84 months). (b) 11 months TIG (to become eligible for promotion at 12 months). (c) Graduate of the SSD level 2. (d) Not denied by the CDR. (e) Soldier must have a minimum of 90 days remaining in service cc. If the CDR determines that a Soldier should not be integrated on the list, the unit CDR must take action to deny list integration no later than the 19th of the month. The BN HR must submit a “Deny Promotion List Auto Integration” transaction through eMILPO. Failure to deny integration by the 10th of the month will result in the Soldier being integrated onto the promotion standing list. When a Soldier is denied list integration, the individual must be formally counseled and receive a bar to reenlistment. dd. Soldiers integrated onto the promotion list as a result of Command List Integration will receive a total of 39 promotion points for SGT and 14 points for SSG. No additional promotion points are awarded, regardless of qualifications or achievements, unless the Soldier goes through the formal board process. ee. Soldiers approved for integration will become promotable. The BN HR, MPD or RSC will activate the Soldier’s promotion score for inclusion onto their respective promotion list for AA, into the Promotion Point Worksheet DA Form 3355 by the 8th calendar day. The promotion points will be effective on the 1st calendar day of the following month. Effective 1 May 2018 Command List Integration (CLI) will be referred to as Mandatory List Integration (MLI) AR 600-8-19, Para, 3-23

Promotion Eligibility Criteria for Pin-On Factor To SGT To SSG TIS PZ 36 months SZ 18 months PZ 72 months SZ 48 months TIG PZ 8 months SZ 6 months PZ 10 months SZ 7 months Service Remaining Requirement NONE 12 months service SHOW SLIDE 44: PROMOTION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR PIN-ON ff. All Soldiers must meet the following eligibility requirements for promotion to pin-on SGT/SSG. (1) Must be promoted in the Career Progression Military Occupational Specialty (CPMOS) (2) Meet minimum TIS/TIG and Command List Integration requirements (3) Must be able to reenlist (4) Remain physically eligible and posses a current passing APFT score (5) Must meet height and weight standards (6) Cannot be enrolled in the ASAP program; Waiver: Self-referral (7) Cannot be Flagged gg. The BN HR is responsible for verifying the accuracy of the PPW and cutoff scores when a Soldier is promoted. Additionally, they are responsible for providing the promotion orders and coordinating the ceremony. Verify accuracy, provide orders, and coordinate promotion ceremony. AR 600-8-19, 3-9, Table 3-3

Centralized Promotions SFC thru SGM SHOW SLIDE 47: CENTRALIZED PROMOTIONS (SFC THRU SGM) Learning Step / Activity 5. Identify the Principles of The Centralized Promotion System Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 1 hr Media: Large Group Instruction NOTE: Centralized promotions is also taught in the Review Officer Promotions lesson. More detailed information will be given in this lesson. a. The final system we will cover is the Centralized Promotion System. This system covers promotions to Sergeant First Class (SFC), Master Sergeant (MSG), and Sergeant Major (SGM). This system is designed to help fill authorized enlisted vacancies in the NCO ranks with the best qualified Soldiers who have demonstrated the potential to serve in the next higher rank. This is an important system to know because, as BN S1s, you will be responsible for ensuring Soldiers are notified of their promotion eligibility and upcoming boards. Additionally, assisting them to review and/or update their AMHRR. NOTE: Ask students “Who is the promotion authority for this promotion system?”.

Centralized Promotions The Army announces convene dates as needed for SFC, MSG, and SGM Selections for USASMC require post-board screening Local CDRS retain reduction authority HRC approves and announce the board results and release promotions monthly SHOW SLIDE 48: CENTRALIZED PROMOTIONS c. The Army announces convene dates as needed for each grade and MOS. Criteria for primary and secondary zones of consideration for each grade will be announced via MILPER messages (for RA and USAR). The CG, HRC (AHRC-PDV-PE) is the promotion authority. In support of the select-train-promote methodology, the promotion list includes Soldiers who are selected to attend the USASMC. This will prepare them for their promotion to SGM. When Soldiers are selected, they are required to participate in a post-board personnel suitability screening. This process involves a screening into the restricted section of their AMHRR, substantiated DA IG reports, and reports filed with the U.S. Army Crime Records Center. Individuals are notified of derogatory information and will be permanently ineligible for further considerations for promotion and course attendance if found unsuitable. e. Although Soldiers are selected and promoted by HQDA, the local CDRs still retain the authority to reduce Soldiers within this system for inefficiency or conviction by a civil court. HRC approves and announces board results. Individual promotions are announced monthly. USAR – TPU/IRR/IMA): CDR of a GOCOM, ARE, or multi-component unit authorized a general officer is the promotion authority for Soldiers assigned to units of his or her command. ARNG – CNGB AR 600-8-19, Para 4-1, 4-6, 4-7

BN HR Role The BN HR plays an important role helping Soldiers prepare for centralized boards by ensuring accuracy and timeliness of: Upon receipt of board announcement message and list of eligible(s) in your unit; run a query in eMILPO Notify Soldiers in the zone of consideration Updating AMHRR (via iPERMS) Updating Soldier’s ERB (via eMILPO) SHOW SLIDE 49: BN HR ROLE g. The BN HR is responsible for ensuring that Soldiers are notified of their promotion eligibility based on the board announcement message. Additionally, assisting them to review and/or update their AMHRR and ERB. h. The CDR/BN HR for USAR personnel are required to prepare promotion packet for eligible Soldiers and send to the promotion authority according to the instructions contained in the announcement. (1) The following items are required. The current official photograph. A completed record of the NCOER. A copy of DA Form 2-1. Memorandum from security manager verifying security clearance and date of investigation The performance section of the AMHRR. A completed DA Form 7432 (MSG/1SG only). Statement from Soldiers requesting consideration by a command other than that to which they are assigned or outside the geographic location. AR 600-8-19, Para 4-10, Table 4-1

Eligibility Criteria To SFC To MSG To SGM MIL ED SLC SSD 3 SSD 4 DOR and BASD requirements and eligibility requirements are within board announcement message MIL ED SLC SSD 3 *MLC under development ** Once Implemented SSD 4 Can receive conditional promotion before graduating USASMC CIV ED HS Diploma or GED Security Clearance MOS Specific or Interim at the same level Interim Secret or SHOW SLIDE 50: ELIGIBILITY NOTE: MILPER MSG 15-264 have the updated changes as of January 2016. i. All Soldiers must meet the following eligibility requirements for promotion before the HQDA board convenes. (Applies to RA, USAR, AGR) (1) Meet announced DOR and BASD (PEBD for USAR) requirements and other eligibility criteria prescribed within the board announcement message. (2) Be serving on active duty in an enlisted status on convening date of the selection board. (3) Have a high school diploma or GED equivalent. (4) Not be barred from reenlistment under provisions of AR 601–280 or denied continued active duty service under AR 635–200. (5) Not be ineligible to reenlist because of DCSS, retirement, or court-martial. (6) Meet NCOES requirements. j. The NCOES requirements include the following: (1) SSG must be a graduate of ALC and completed SSD 3 to be considered for promotion to SFC. (2) SFC requirements; Master Leaders Course (MLC), once fully implemented, will be a branch-immaterial course that provides an opportunity for Soldiers selected for promotion to MSG to acquire the leader skills required for success at both troop and staff assignments throughout the defense establishment. A future announcement will link MLC and promotion to MSG. (3) MSG must be a graduate of USASMC to receive permanent promotion orders for SGM. Individuals can be conditionally promoted to SGM pending successful graduation of USASMC. Soldiers who are dis-enrolled, or do not attend the course, (due to their fault) become permanently ineligible for promotion consideration to SGM. k. The following requirements are for USAR personnel assigned to TPUs, AREs, or Multi-components , Para 5-7 SFC - 6 yrs TIS, 36 months TIG, MSG - 12 yrs TIS, 36 months TIG, 8 yrs CES (cumulative enlisted service) SGM - 17 yrs TIS, 36 months TIG, 10 yrs CES l. The following requirements are for ARNG personnel, Table 7-1 SFC – 9 yrs TIS, 24 months TIG, 6 yrs CES (cumulative enlisted service) MSG - 13 yrs TIS, 24 months TIG, 8 yrs CES SGM - 16 yrs TIS, 24 months TIG, 10 yrs CES AR 600-8-19, Para 1-15, 1-28, 4-2, 4-8, 5-7, Table 7-1

Processing List/Orders Verify eligibility for STAB consideration, prepare request, and forward to HRC. Ensure counseling is conducted for service remaining requirement and declining promotions. Submit administrative removal from centralized recommended list. Screen monthly sequence number memorandum and by-name list. Forward copy of orders to Soldier’s chain of command and prepare ceremony. Verify list includes all eligible/does not include ineligibles. Notify errors to HRC. SHOW SLIDE 51: PROCESSING LIST/ORDERS m. After the board convenes and the HQDA selection list is published, the BN HR has several responsibilities: (1) Verify and compare the list of eligible(s) to ensure all eligible Soldiers were considered and that the list does not contain ineligible Soldiers. If any errors are found, HRC should be notified immediately. (2) Screen monthly sequence number memorandum and the by name list to determine the Soldiers who will be promoted the following month in your organization. (3) Determine and submit documentation for administrative removals of individuals who are no longer eligible to remain on the centralized recommended list. (reduced, retirement, an error, revoked security clearance, etc.) (4) Reproduce and forward promotion orders and certificate of promotion to the Soldier’s chain of command and coordinate the promotion ceremony. Ensure counseling is conducted to discuss service remaining requirements and for declining promotions. (5) Verify that Soldiers have material errors in their AMHRR and submit a request for the standby advisory board (STAB) to reconsider their promotion. AR 600-8-19, Para 4-11, 4-14, 4-15, Table 4-2, Table 4-3

Additional Promotion Guidelines Counseling for Non-Recommendation Promotion of Critically Ill Soldiers Posthumous Promotions Missing, Detained, or Captured Soldiers SHOW SLIDE 52: ADDITIONAL PROMOTION GUIDELINES n. There are four additional promotion guidelines that can occur in all three promotion systems. They will be discussed in detailed in the following four slides.

Counseling for Non-Recommendation First-line leaders must counsel Soldiers who are eligible for promotion to PV2 through SSG without a waiver: When Soldier initially becomes eligible At least every 3 months thereafter Counseling must be in writing and must explain why the Soldier is not recommended and ways to correct deficiencies Not required to counsel Soldiers non-recommended to SFC thru SGM SHOW SLIDE 53: COUNSELING FOR NON-RECOMMENDATION o. First-line leaders must counsel Soldiers in writing, who are fully eligible (without a waiver) but are not recommended for promotion (or board appearance) to PV2 through SSG. The counseling must be conducted the month the Soldier is initially denied promotion and at least every 3 months thereafter. The counseling should include information that identifies and correct deficiencies, as well as identifies the qualities that exist that reflect a lack of promotion potential. p. There are no requirements to counsel Soldiers who are not recommended for promotion to SFC through SGM. Group Discussion: Why is there no requirement to counsel SFCs thru SGMs for non-recommendation for promotion? Non-selection occurred at DA, not the unit. AR 600-8-19, Para 1-27

Critically/Terminally Ill Soldiers Eligibility/Conditions: Soldiers must be on a current recommended list to SGT or SSG, eligible for promotion up to SPC, or selected for promotion by a selection board. Hospitalization is caused by disease or injury received in the line of duty. Terminal illness is verified by the medical facility CDR. Estimated life expectancy is less than 12 months. - Orders issued for SGT(P) and below: medical facility CDR - Orders issued for SSG(P) and above: HRC SHOW SLIDE 54: CRITICALLY/TERMINALLY ILL SOLDIERS q. The following eligibility/conditions must be met to qualify for a promotion under this guideline: (1) Soldier on an approved promotion standing list (2) Hospitalization is caused by disease or injury received in the line of duty (3) Terminal illness is verified by medical facility CDR (4) Estimated life expectancy is 12 months or less r. For SGT(P) and below, supporting medical facility commander will issue orders for promotion. For SSG(P) and higher, HRC will issue orders for promotion. Notification must be made prior to the death of the Soldier. AR 600-8-19, Para 1-19

Posthumous Promotions Must be officially recommended for promotion prior to death Death was not due to misconduct Will be annotated on DD Form 1300 (Report of Casualty) No financial entitlements associated with promotion May use higher grade on official documents and burial marker SHOW SLIDE 55: POSTHUMOUS PROMOTIONS s. The following eligibility/conditions must be met to qualify for a promotion under this guideline: (1) The Soldier must have been officially recommended for promotion prior to death. (2) The death did not occur due to the Soldier’s misconduct or an unauthorized absence. t. The effective date and DOR for the promotion will be the date of death and is annotated on the Report of Casualty, DD Form 1300 . The promotion will not include any financial entitlements; however, the higher rank may be used on all official documents to include burial marker. AR 600-8-19, Para 1-22

Missing, Detained, or Captured SSG Keith Matthew Maupin Captured 9 April 2004 as a Private First Class Remains found March 2008 HRC Promoted: 1 May 04 1 Apr 05 3 Aug 06 SHOW SLIDE 56: MISSING, DETAINED, OR CAPTURED u. The promotion authority for Soldiers who are declared missing due to beleaguered, besieged, captured, detained, interned, missing in action is HRC. Soldiers who are in an AWOL, deserter, or DFR status is excluded from promotion. After 60 days, Soldiers (PV1 through SGT) will be promoted once they meet the TIS and TIG requirements. Soldiers (SSG through MSG) who meet the established eligibility for consideration by a promotion board without a waiver will be included in the zone. SSG Keith “Matt” Maupin – PFC to SSG (3 promotions) Captured as a PFC when his convoy was attacked near Baghdad by enemy forces with rocket propelled grenades and small arms fire. Listed as DUSTWUN, later changed to Missing-Captured. He remained entitled to rights and privileges for pay and promotions. Later found his remains PV2 Bowe Bergdahl Afghanistan –– stationed in Paktika, near the Pakistan border; wandered off post with 3 Afghans in early Jul 09 captured by the Taliban – listed as Missing-Captured     AR 600-8-19, Para 1-18

Sample HR Metric Roll Up SHOW SLIDE 59: SAMPLE HR METRIC ROLL UP Learning Step / Activity 6. REVIEW MONTHLY HR METRICS TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE. Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 5 mins Media: Large Group Instruction NOTE: Inform students that each month S-1s are to review HR Metrics to ensure compliance. Table 2-3 E4/E5 Unqualified Promotable <2% - The percentage of assigned E4/5 on the promotion standing list and possess a disqualifier on their personnel record (FLAG/ERUP/etc). Unqualified Soldiers who remain on the promotion list have the potential to be erroneously selected for by-name promotion. Erroneous promotions affect morale, strength, and readiness. b. Tool that assist S-1s in accomplishing this task will be eMILPO (AAA-294).

Geometric Close What did you learn that was new, that completed the circle of knowledge? What squared (agreed) with something you already knew? “Z” What did you see from a new angle? What new direction will you go in? What action will you take? SHOW SLIDE 62: GEOMETRIC CLOSE AS AN OPTION FOR THE SUMMARY INSTRUCTIONS: Break students up into groups of 3-4 individuals. Have each group develop a list of responses to the Square, Triangle, Circle, and “Z” and then select a representative to brief the class. Each group is asked to do the following:   1. Find something in the training that “squared” with what they already thought and share it with others. (SQUARE) 2. Find something in the training that made them view something from a new angle and share it. (TRIANGLE) 3. Find some new piece of information that completed or “closed the circle” for them and share it. (CIRCLE) 4. List an action or a new approach they will now take and share it. (“Z”) Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 25 mins Media: Small and Large Group Instruction

Terminal Learning Objective Action: Administer Enlisted Promotions and Selections Condition: In a classroom environment, given AR 600-8-19, NGR 600-200, MILPER Message 17-181, MILPER Message 17-400, 1 Student Handouts, eMILPO Functional Guide and Users and awareness of Operational Environment (OE) variables and factors. Standards: Demonstrate competency in the basic concepts of enlisted promotions and receive 70% or higher final grade Determine the appropriate promotion authorities for each level of enlisted promotions. 2. Identify the principles of the Decentralized Promotion System. 3. Identify the principles of the Semi-Centralized Promotion System. Identify the principles of the Centralized Promotion System. Review monthly HR Metrics to ensure compliance. LESSON OUTCOME: This lesson integrate the principles of the decentralized promotion system, the decentralized promotion system, and the centralized promotion/selection system into unit operations to ensure accurate management of the enlisted promotion program. Army Learning Areas (ALAs) – General Learning Outcomes (GLOs) 1. Mission Command – GLO 6 2. Professional Competence – GLO 13 & 14 . SHOW SLIDE 65: RESTATE TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE Learning Step / Activity 7. Quiz Method of Instruction: Quiz Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 30 mins Media: Large Group Instruction    Learning Step / Activity 8. Quiz Review Method of Instruction: Quiz Review SECTION IV. SUMMARY Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio is: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 25 mins Media: Large Group Instruction Review / Summarize Lesson   NOTE: Emphasize what the TLO was for this block of instruction. Determine if the students have learned the material presented by: 1. Soliciting student questions and explanations. 2. Asking questions and getting answers from the students (Include questions and answers). 3. Providing immediate feedback in context to the material presented and correcting student misunderstandings.  Feedback Requirements: Feedback is essential to effective learning. Schedule and provide feedback on the evaluation and any information to help answer students' questions about the test. Provide remedial training as needed. 1. Schedule and provide feedback on the evaluation and any information to help answer students’ questions about the test. 2. Provide remedial training as needed.