Writing a (Technical) report Communication skills B By Jan Bollen
Agenda Company organisation Aim of report Introduction Questions to the aim Use of report, not for all Structure, logical !!! Chapter structure Different reports Cover - Title page Foreword (Executive) Summary Table of contents Abbreviation list List of figures Company organisation Introduction Plan of approach Research Conclusions Recommendations References (apa) What to avoid, examples Excuses, Language style Presentation Graphs, Figures, Tables Assignment Communication B
Aim of report Transfer information Project Internship Final Thesis Connect to knowledge of reader Stimulate the reader for more …
Questions to the aim You have to know clear about what you tell What is the subject? What is the assignment? Who is your reader? How long can the report be?
Use of report Not everyone will read the whole report A summary can be read in a few minutes Key facts and conclusions should be very accessible
Not for all It will be impossible it to be equally easy for everybody Understood by decision makers Short report is better but difficult to make needs a perfect organization likely to be fully read
Structure, logical !!!! Logical, like a joke Good introduction Context and assignment Assignment plan Research Results and conclusions
Chapter structure
Different reports
Different reports
Different reports
Chapter structure Intro Body Ending Company description* Cover page Title page Foreword (Executive) Summary Table of content Abbreviation list List of figures Body Company description* Introduction Subject / Assignment Plan of approach / Theory Method of research / Design Research activities / Testing Ending Results / Conclusions Recommendations References Appendices
Cover page Logo’s company and Saxion Short title Nice picture Authors' name Department and Course name Place and date of submission
Title page Title page = cover + extra information Logo’s company and Saxion Short title Authors' name and ID number (e-mail) Department and Course name Place and date of submission Addresses of University and company Copyright / Statement about confidential Signature student, company & Saxion
Foreword Written in 1st person. Why this report? For who? restrictions ? Information about author. Thanking of people.
(Executive) Summary Accurate representation of the contents in an abbreviated form. Summarizes the whole report in 100-200 words. Decision Go /no go Read / no read
Summary content Assignment Method used Results Conclusion Recommendations Written after the report is complete Normally 1 A4
Summary example
Table of Contents Organization of report. Chapters Sub-chapters Shows the logical structure Page numbers
Abbreviaton list Explanation of used abbreviations A B C D
List of figures tables symbols
Company organisation* Type of company Product range Structure / organogram Amount employers 1 A4
Introduction Represents the subject the purpose the assignment Introduce readers to the problem that you are setting out to solve in your technical report.
Plan of approach Main questions Sub questions Plan of approach Planning (Gannt)
Research Method of research Theory Application of theory Setup of research Test setup or simulation Executing of research Data Results / Graphs
Conclusions The conclusion summarises the main findings of the report and presents 'an answer'. No new information should be put in a conclusion! Discuss what you Use Invented Calculated values Discovered Plots Confirmed Illustrations
Recommendations Suggest further research for undiscovered items possible changes/solutions
References (apa) Book E-book Author, A.A.. (Year of Publication). Title of work. Publisher City , State: Publisher. Finney, J. (1970). Time and again. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster. E-book Author, A.A.. (Year of Publication). Title of work [E-Reader Version]. Retrieved from http://xxxx or doi:xxxx Eggers, D. (2008). The circle [Kindle Version]. Retrieved from http://www.amazon.com/
References (apa) Website article without author Article title. (Year, Month Date of Publication). Retrieved from URL Teen posed as doctor at West Palm Beach hospital: police. (2015, January 16). Retrieved from http://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/Teen-Posed-as-Doctor-at-West-Palm-Beach-Hospital-Police-288810831.html Website article with author Author, A.A.. (Year, Month Date of Publication). Article title. Retrieved from URL Simmons, B. (2015, January 9). The tale of two Flaccos. Retrieved from http://grantland.com/the-triangle/the-tale-of-two-flaccos/
Why references Opportunity to follow up your work. Literature Websites Materials Data / Specifications
What to Avoid Clichés and stock phrases Useless words Excuses Poems Computer program listings
Examples `at the end of the day...', `going forward, we will...' `at this point in time...‘ `in the opinion of the author...‘ These phrases add nothing to the content. They could be replaced by a single word. So use clear and direct language
Excuses !! Do not use statements about how difficult the work was how the report would have been better if the author had more time. People often say these sort of things in reports, and they don't look professional.
Language Style Always check grammar and spelling. Make short sentences. Use direct language. Style Formal, use 3rd person. (not I or you better it ) Switching between formal and informal is not acceptable !
Presentation Your report will be based to a large extent on the first impression made by the presentation. Consistency good structure Graphs and figures complete Margins and lay-out straight General appeal professional
Figures Top-down Left right
Tables V1 = Variable (Unit)
Assignment Communication B Make a short report The subject is: Sustainable energy Give a general introduction to the subject Choose one item of it (Wind Water Sun) Discuss the chosen item Make conclusions Give recommendations Body; minimal 5 pages and maximal 10 pages