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Delete this slide from your presentation Instructions/ideas. Delete this slide from your presentation Learn and Share Attendee guide and template for presentation of improvements and innovations at Maternity Improvement Group Meeting.

Delete this slide from your presentation Instructions/ideas. Delete this slide from your presentation Step by Step Guide Organisations will present a short summary overview to the group. Content will be shared and further information may be requested by other attendees. DECIDE 01 Decide upon an improvement, or Innovation you wish to share with the group. Email Chris if you are unsure: 02 REVIEW 03 GATHER Review this template and guide to understand what questions to answer/Information to share. Tips are provided in blue. For inspiration, all Innovations 2012 – 2017 are available on the website. Gather all the Information you need based upon the template, Remember to bring along any any material, policies, SOPs, brochures that were created that may be of interest to include 04 WRITE Use this template to write the content replacing the words with your own. Health Roundtable team members are here to help if you get stuck. 05 SEND After any internal review and approvals you may need, please ensure that you send your completed presentation by Monday 15th April.

TITLE OF INNOVATION / IMPROVEMENT Insert your logo here Please select whether this is an improvement to an existing process, product or service, or a new innovation within your organisation ORGANISATION NAME Presenter(s) name(s) Presenter(s) job title Contact Details for key person HRT 1904 Maternity Improvement Group Adelaide 29th and 30th May 2019

Instructions/ideas so delete this from your presentation Ideate Formulate Create Test/ Refine Implement Identify Measure Normalise Validate WE ARE HERE Please mark where on your improvement Journey where you are by moving the blue bubble to the relevant spot on your Journey. Test and Refine the solution till it meets your needs, Implement it within your organisation including change and adoption strategies to engage with users Identify that there is a problem worth solving, Validate that it exists and is worth solving (eg cost benefit), Measure the effectiveness of the innovation/improvement against the baseline to understand how it has solved the identified problem (or not) and any learnings), Normalise the improvement/Innovation into standard business practice Create ideas (Ideate) for how to solve the problem and select the most appropriate one, Formulate a plan and seek necessary approval/funds etc, Create Develop/ Build/Activate the innovation/improvement Instructions/ideas so delete this from your presentation SUMMARY We identified the following issue/challenge/opportunity: We validated this by: We defined the problem worth solving as: We defined a successful outcome as:

Improvement / Innovation / Project Name Our Innovation Improvement / Innovation / Project Name Tell us or show us your improvement or innovation. What did you and your team come up with as a solution to the problem you identified to meet the key success criteria you defined. Feel free to use photos, images as well as words. Please replace the text above with your own content ( feel free to remove the lightbulb too!)

Innovation into action We sought and gained support by: Standard business case for internal support of funding plus resource allocation, plus a grant provided by a partnership with Melbourne University. We Created/ Designed/Built the solution by: The solution required us to design a new form, and create a messaging solution using an off the shelf solution that enabled us to send pre written messages to patients at key times. We also partnered with and were provided with free access to provide the CSIRO total wellbeing diet to these patients and monitor there progress. We tested it with……… by …….. We asked identified patients who met the criteria if they wish to participate. Those that did completed the forms and were registered in our systems. In addition we instructed cardiac discharge teams to identify potential patients, and support those who wished to participate in the trial. Replace text in table right column with your own, and delete all blue tip text when complete.

Outcomes Tell us or show us the outcomes your improvement or innovation has achieved to date. Feel free to use photos, images as well as words. Please replace the text above with your own content ( feel free to remove the image too!)

       Learn and share       LESSONS LEARNT RECOMMENDATIONS              Please provide key recommendations for others who may wish to action this within their organization ….. Please provide key lessons learnt. e.g Using charitable status can get you access to use software and apps for free or reduced price. Please replace the text above with your own content ( feel free to remove the image too!)