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Presentation transcript:


Objective To explain what life was like during the Stone Age To analyze the importance of agriculture and domestication on early man

4 Basic Needs Water Food Shelter Clothing

The Nomadic Lifestyle Nomads-groups of men who never settle in one place Early men were hunters and gatherers Followed food (i.e. mammoths) Used rivers, lakes, ponds, and streams as a water source

Hunting and Gathering Technology-the use of knowledge and skill to make life easier Tools made from plants Plant fiber used as rope Moss used for various purposes Tools made of Animal Bone Hooks and needles (sewing) Tools made of Stone Reason why its called the “Stone Age” Weaponry such as an atlatl (boomerang looking device to help throw a spear faster and harder)

Early Cultures and Societies Migration led to differences in bands of people Wore different clothing Artifacts, or the objects they made were different Development of verbal communication Specialization-something that an individual was good at Examples of specialization Farming Sewing Craving Pottery Making

From Nomads to Agriculture About 8,000 years ago the first plow was introduced Led the way to farming, or Agriculture: the growing of food People began to settle in one location (by a water source

Pastoral Societies and Domestication Pastoral- herding and keeping of animals As early as 10,000 years ago, people started domesticate or tame animals for human use Impact = people no longer had to depend solely on hunting and gathering (New Stone Age)

Animals that were Domesticated Cats Dogs Sheep Goats Pigs

Slash and Burn Technique Early Farming was done by the Slash and Burn technique: Farmers cleared the trees Burn trees and combine with fertilizer Plant crops Once soil was worn out, move to another field

Exit Slip Write a few sentences agreeing or disagreeing with this following statement. Please support your answer with at least one piece of supporting evidence from today’s lesson: The growing of food and the domestication of animals changed the course of early human history.

Quick Review for Tomorrow’s Quiz 7th Century 500’s 1100’s 10th Century

L E A. D J C H B. K F I G

Define the terms: Domestication Nomads Pastoral Societies Agriculture Technology Atlatl Stone Age Specialization

4 Basic Needs What are the four basic needs all humans must have to survive? In your opinion, which need was more difficult for early man to get? Explain your answer with one supporting detail.