Letterbox referral completed by Family Finder & Letterbox support worker following Linking & Matching Meeting. Send to Admin Hub for processing Admin to scan and process the letter & send to the adopters Birth Parents are given the option of replying to the settling in letter Annual exchange Send reminder 2 weeks prior to exchange date All letters are sent to the admin hub , scanned and sent to LBW for consideration. These are saved to a pending file until they are screened by LBW Send acknowledgement email to sender LBW reads letter & ensures it is appropriate & in line with agreement If changes are needed , contact the adopter or BF to discuss & agree. Send confirmed letter to admin for processing Within 10 – 16 weeks of Placement - With Consent -Joint meeting with LB worker & Birth parent Counsellor with Birth Family *complete LB agreement *Share settling in letter *agree arrangement for counselling if BP wishes. Admin update the database/IT system with the LB agreements from both adopters and birth family. Inform the Child SW that the LB agreement is set up & confirm details Send copy of letterbox agreements out to BF & Adopters as confirmation of arrangements (or should this be just a letter corning agreement ?) Admin input details onto database/ IT system This enables a system for reminders Admin to prepare the Letterbox Agreement forms & welcome letter New letterbox case allocated to letterbox workers on an area/spoke basis Contact referrer for update Within 6 weeks of child being placed – * Visit adopters to complete the LB agreement ( with SW if appropriate) *Collect the settling in letter _ *make contact with the Birth family to inform them about LB and counselling . *advise them you will be visiting the adopters for a settling in letter and then be in contact to see them. Admin to send out leaflets to Birth family & welcome letter letterbox process If Birth Family require 1-1 support , face to face , make an appointment at the monthly surgery in each locality. Admin scan & save the letter to the casefile and send the original letter to the recipient. Email / text recipient in advance to advise the Letter is being sent. Confirm address/ collection Send letter out ( recorded delivery ?)