? 39p 1 baking potato 3
? 69p 1 tin of Heinz baked beans 4
? £2 1 piece of Salmon 5
? £2.10
? £20+ Caviar – a tin can cost anything from £20 to £300 or more. 7
? 49p
? 65p
? 99p
Do we take food for granted? How much freedom and choice do we have in this country when it comes to food? Do we take food for granted? 11
$253 What the world eats - UK Food expenditure for the week: £155.54 or $253.15 Images from the book ‘Hungry Planet’,29307,1626519,00.html 12
What the world eats - China $155 Food expenditure for the week: $155.06 Images from the book ‘Hungry Planet’,29307,1626519,00.html 13
What the world eats - Bhutan $5 Food expenditure for the week: $5.03 Images from the book ‘Hungry Planet’,29307,1626519,00.html 14
What the world eats - Chad $1.50 Food expenditure for the week: $1.53 Images from the book ‘Hungry Planet’,29307,1626519,00.html 15
There are 1 billion people going hungry in our world. 16
Millions of families in less developed countries live on less than £1 a day. 17
One child dies every six seconds from malnutrition and related causes. Could you feed yourself on £1 per day, every day? What would you buy? Could you feed your whole family on £1 per day? People often argue that food is less expensive in less developed countries. Even taking into account the slightly lower cost of food, £1 doesn’t go very far. 18
5 million people die every year because of hunger. Could you feed yourself on £1 per day, every day? What would you buy? Could you feed your whole family on £1 per day? People often argue that food is less expensive in less developed countries. Even taking into account the slightly lower cost of food, £1 doesn’t go very far. 19
1 billion people in the world are over-consuming, resulting in health problems such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
One third of the world’s food is lost or wasted each year.* A huge amount of food is wasted - £10 billion worth per year in the UK. One third of the world’s food is lost or wasted each year.* *UN Food and Agriculture Organisation 21
There is enough food in the world for everyone to have enough to eat. Why do the students think that there is such inequality when it comes to food? Ask them to suggest reasons why so many people are going hungry. 22
Can we really make a difference? 23
‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.’ Margaret Mead 24 +44 (0)20 7367 4777