February 21, 2019 Warm up Name one reason why Ancient Rome ended
Colin Powell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoThY6gjLg8
.H.2.1 Explain how invasions, conquests, and migrations affected various civilizations, societies, and regions.
Ancient Rome became bigger by conquest. Aqueducts carry water. They are important because all life needs water. Pax Romana means Roman Peace. Trade makes merchants very wealthy. The title of a leader of an empire is called an emperor. Roads and aqueducts were paid for using taxes. The Romans traded with the continents of Africa and Asia. Moving the military and trade were benefits of roads. Coliseum, circus maximus, and arch are examples of Roman Architecture. Ancient Romans borrowed the same gods as Ancient Greece but changed the name. Christianity began in Ancient Rome. One of the main problems that Romans had with Christianity was that Christianity was a monotheistic religion and Ancient Roman was polytheistic. When Rome became too big, it was divided. The Romans entertained themselves by: going to coliseum, theatre, and circus maximus. Ancient Rome ended for several reasons: bad leadership, corrupt military, overuse of slave labor, too big to govern, and did not maintain public projects
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