Forestation and Global Warming When trees are cut, they release CO2. There are fewer trees to absorb the CO2 from the atmosphere. CO2 is a greenhouse gas that causes a rise in temperature.
Causes of Deforestation **AGRICULTURE** - Land fro crops and pastures Urban Sprawl - people building houses outside of cities(urbanization) Logging – wood products and paper
Forests by the Numbers 30% of the Earth’s surface is covered by forests. The Amazon Rain Forest provide the Earth with 20% of the Oxygen At the current rate in 100 years all forests will be gone from the Earh. ½ of the worlds forests have already been cut
Primary vs Secondary Forests Primary forests have never been clear cut. Secondary forest are new growth/planted forests. Secondary forests may take 50 years to grow.
Clear Cutting Removes all trees and burns the stumps to return nutrients to the soil. Land can only be used for 3 years to farm before fertilizers must be used.