Key Club meeting 10.3.16 Welcome!
Fear Farm
Hendricks kids fair Officer: Andra Raibulet Date: October 14 Time 10-5 10-12 12-2 2-5 Location: Hendricks Co 4-H Fairgrounds 1900 East Main Street Danville, IN 46122 Number of Volunteers: 10-12 for each shift
Baby Item Drive Diapers Baby bottles Blankets Pacifiers Toys 2 items = 1 hour Oct 2-6
MakerSpace Officer: Lauren Hughes WHEN: Wednesday afternoons from 3:15-4:15 p.m. WHERE: Eagle Elementary School Room 145 (next to Mrs. Ramsey’s classroom) Sept 20 Sept 27 Oct 4 Nov 1 Nov 8 Nov 15
Wildlife explorers Officer: Andra Raibulet WHEN: 10/4-10/18 6-7 pm WHERE: Williams Park, Alpha Shelter Supervise Children Help with crafts and games
Send your Pictures Officer: Lindsey Lyngholm Send Pictures to Make sure to get a raffle ticket! Each quarter we will draw winners and they will receive a prize
Let’s talk Key Leader
Service leadership
Cost $250—fundraising available Camp Tecumseh Brookston, IN November 3-5 Cost $250—fundraising available Register at Return “interest form” to andra or Mrs. W.
Stay connected! Website Mass texting Instagram Twitter Mass texting Text @ab8797 to 81010 Instagram @brownsburgkeyclub Twitter @bburgkeyclub
Key club meeting Next meeting: October 10 at 7:15am in the LGI room!