February 28-March 1 2017 STRATEGIES I am only looking for strategies on this one! **SATURDAY TUTORING: Analysis of Informational Text
Objectives You will finish reading/ listening to “Julius Caesar” Act 1 Scene II, watch a visual interpretation, and then create a 3-5 sentence summary of events in your own words with a visual You will take notes on the tragic hero and famous quotes by utilizing text evidence and advanced commentary
Grab your spiral from the box Open to your response journal Pre-SSR Grab your spiral from the box Open to your response journal
SSR Rubric
Response Journal Entry Does doing homework help you perform better on tests? Does homework seem purposeful to you, or is it basically a waste of time? Answer in a paragraph and support your opinion with at least three points. Homework (is/is not) a waste of time because____________________, ________________________, and _____________________. *speaking of homework—make sure you put yours in the turn-in box*
Julius Caesar Tragic Hero Fill out part 1 of the chart together