Welcome to Grade 3 Mrs. Yvonne Marie
SS Manfredi Recess Music Barrett Art Cupano P.E. Cunniff Day 1 Day 2 ELA (Manfredi’s Class) (My class to 203) 8:40-9:20 Cursive Spelling Grammar Recess Playground Music Barrett Art Cupano P.E. Cunniff Lunch Classroom teacher drops class at Caf. 2 & monitor brings them back to room SS Manfredi (My class to 203 Sci) Social Studies Computer Library
3rd Grade ELA
ELA 80-120 minutes daily
Creating a Reading Life Reading Workshop Creating a Reading Life
Reading Skills Progressions: Foundational Skills - word work, context clues, envisioning, predicting Literal Comprehension Fluency
Daily Reading Focus: Interactive Read Aloud - connects to mini-lesson Mini Lesson Independent Reading 40 minutes per day at school Individual Conferences Strategy Groups Daily tracking of reading at school - use to set goals Daily tracking of reading at home - 20 or more minutes
Why should my child read 20 or more minutes per night when they already read during the day at school?
Student A reads 20 minutes five nights of every week; Student B reads only 4 minutes a night...or not at all! Step 1: Multiply minutes a night x 5 times each week. Student A reads 20 min. x 5 times a week = 100 mins./week Student B reads 4 minutes x 5 times a week = 20 minutes Step 2: Multiply minutes a week x 4 weeks each month. Student A reads 400 minutes a month. Student B reads 80 minutes a month. Step 3: Multiply minutes a month x 9 months/school year Student A reads 3600 min. in a school year. Student B reads 720 min. in a school year.
Student A practices reading the equivalent of ten whole school days a year. Student B gets the equivalent of only two school days of reading practice. If this daily reading habit habit begins in grade one and continues until the end of elementary school, and Student A and Student B maintain these same reading habits, Student A will have read the equivalent of 60 whole school days Student B will have read the equivalent of only 12 school days. Source: U.S. Dept. of Education, America Reads Challenge. (1999) “Start Early, finish Strong: How to Help Every Child Become a Reader.” Washington, D.C.
ELA Homework Read for 20+ minutes per night. Try to avoid getting up for snacks, water, bathroom, etc. We are working toward reading stamina and eliminating reading avoidance.
Writing Workshop All writing work will be completed at school. Students will aim for ¾ page to one full page or more per writing day. Genres we will study: 1)Personal Narrative 2)Opinion 3)Non Fiction
Spelling and Grammar Introduced by spelling pattern, for example short vowels, vce pattern, etc. Spelling words and rules will be practiced in school and are expected to be applied to students’ writing work.
Social Studies Grade 3 focuses on communities around the world and learning about people and places in those communities. Our goal is to study: Geography United States Brazil China Kenya
Social studies is inquiry based - students conduct investigations, usually with team members. Students will practice working as a team, and performing specific roles within that team. Social Studies quizzes will be announced on the Remind App and on my website.
Cursive Handwriting Letters will be introduced by style, not by alphabetical order. For example: i, l, t., etc. Paper placement will be taught Cursive will be practiced several times a week, often during Lunch Monitor time.
iReady is a web-based, individualized instructional tool iReady is a web-based, individualized instructional tool. Your child’s scores on the work they do on iReady help tailor the instruction teachers use during class. iReady is also used to help determine need and level of need for AIS services. Due to these reasons, it is very important that your child consistently work on both ELA and Math on iReady, and that they take it seriously.
In addition to nightly reading, students should work on their iready lessons each week: ELA 30-40 minutes Math 30-45 minutes
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PBIS School-wide positive behavior program. Launched in October. Tiger paws as rewards.
Based on positive goals and positive rewards Team 207 class rewards Based on positive goals and positive rewards Students can earn in-class privileges and positive notes home. A Team mentality is encouraged
Classroom Volunteers Please leave your name and contact info if you’re interested in helping me organize classroom activities or parties by reaching out to other parents. Thank you!
Parent Teacher Conferences Sign up with just me or with Mrs. Manfredi at a different time. Phone conferences are also an option. Thursday, November 29 Friday, November 30 Monday, December 3
Attendance Dismissal Best way to contact me is through email (on my website): yvonne.marie@wcsdny.org Questions