December 2014 Parent Seminar Graduation Requirements, Registration Process, and Creating a Favorable Transcript
Objectives Review graduation requirements Discuss 2015-2016 course registration process Discuss characteristics of a favorable transcript for college applications
Who is my Child's Counselor? A,B,F- Fj Mrs. LeBright C,D,U,X Mrs. Chen G,H,Fl - Fz Ms. Anderson K Mr. Randall M,P Mrs. Chee S, T Ms. Stemp E,L,W Mrs. Gilbert J,N,O,V,Y,Z Mrs. McKelvey I,Q,R Ms. Costa Counselor Breakdown:
Quiz time!
Graduation Requirements Four Categories: Enrollment Course Credits HSA/PARCC Assessments Student Service Learning (SSL) MCPS Graduation Requirements
RMHS 2015-2016 Course Registration This year, students will be requesting their 2015-2016 courses online. Counselors will be meeting with students in early February to go over the online course request process. Teachers will use the online system to input their student course recommendations; students will be able to see these recommendations when requesting courses online. Dates to note: February 3rd – Elective Fair at lunch on Main Street February 10th – 20th – Counselors meet with students one-on-one to review course requests
Course Bulletin and Planning Resources to assist in the registration process RMHS Counseling page MCPS Course Bulletin
Building a Favorable Transcript A few things colleges look for: Positive trend in GPA Increased rigor of courses through HS years (i.e. Honors, AP, and/or IB classes) Presence of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics 3+ years of a foreign language At least 4 years of math with Algebra 2 and higher No failing grades (Es or E3s)