DSC Governance Sub Group Recommendations July 2018
Agenda Scope of change to Change Committee Change Proposal process map Change Proposal templates EQR/BER/CCR templates Rom Form and Process Change Pack High level Design documentation Change register Publication of Change Proposal’s DSG terms of reference review
Scope of Changes to be tabled at Change Committee meetings All Change Proposals raised by Shipper/DN/NTS/IGT Any change raised by Xoserve, that has an external consequential impact, for information Pass to DSG to work up suitable solution Changes to Service lines (information and to approve no requirement for EQR/BER, CoMC approve the service line change)
Change proposal process map Maps the process through the capture phase up to approval of the CP into delivery (could be data, minor or major release)
Change Proposal Templates Templates simplified The change proposal template will build as it progresses through the change cycle i.e. will append review outcomes to the CP and EQR/BER/CCR as they are produced Version control on the CP with a history of updates provided in the document Change proposal EQR BER CCR The Change proposal document shows all appendices that will be added to change proposal (dependant on the process on the CP follows) as it progresses through capture phase. Appendix 1 is completed internally by Xoserve with the output reviewed and ratified with DSG – this provides the priority score
EQR, BER and CCR Forms In most cases would only expect an EQR for major releases not required for change delivered: Via minor release Via data office Documentation changes In all instances a BER and CCR will be provided and require approval at Change Committee
Change proposal publications When a new Change Proposal is raised this will be issued out via Joint Office with a covering email confirming it a new Change Proposal to be reviewed at next Change Committee All Change Proposals will continue to be published on Joint Office website, new version will be published each time it is amended (the previous versions will also be available)
Review/Consultation phases Change Proposal Review process/consultation will be sought at 3 stages of the change process (not every change will require all) Initial review Solution review Detailed Design The process allows parties to provide a representation through the change process on the principle of the change, the solution and the detailed impacts of the change. The representations received will be included in the Change Proposal documentation and will aid Change Managers when requested to vote to proceed at each stage If a User requests their comments to remain private (not to be published) the information will not be shared but we will note the rep (not info supplied) and if the rep was in support or not. All will be issued via the change pack process.
Review/Consultation phases Review/Consultation type Description Aim/expectation Project phase Change Proposal Review (period defined by proposer) Change Managers send a CP for initial review following submission to Change Management committee Reviewer to make initial assessment of the change and if the change should progress Capture Solution Review 10 business day process Issue out high level design documents for each solution options, providing high level design impact and costs per change, and time to deliver (cost and time lines are best estimate) Reviewer to review solution options and give a view of the preferred solution (Xoserve will state to DSG preferred option where appropriate the Xoserve preferred solution option) Design Consultation standard change pack process issued out at detailed design phase providing detailed impacts including interface and documentation Reviewer to review and comment on the final solution including all amended interface documents; these form the basis of system build and design externally for all Users (once approved) Delivery (detailed design)
High level Design Documentation For each solution option the high level design impacts document will be completed, this will give a view of: The systems impacts and complexity level The high level cost of the change Estimated delivery time scales The information will supplied out during solution review for reps
Change Packs Issued each Friday following Change Management Committee Can issue extraordinary packs if required; normally this will be requested at ChMC Xoserve will only be required to respond to design consultation. Review comments will be supplied to Change Managers (if confirmed can be published) to provide a wider view and aid in voting matters on if a change should progress
Release Circular Each Release will have a Change reference number and a release circular document to support the release (rather than a CP template as per current process.
ROM process A standalone process (will not be raising a CP to get a ROM) Following receipt of request for a ROM The request will be logged The ROM produced On delivery of the ROM the request will be closed on the Change Register A CP will be required to be raised at the appropriate time if the ‘idea’ is required to be progressed
Change Register New status aligned to CP form All change information supplied will be an extract of the change register i.e. for future release purposes June 19 release button added
What change is delivered in Minor release? Xoserve Internal impacting change Non systems impacting change for any Customers Documentation only changes i.e. descriptions New reporting / reporting changes that are not delivered through automated processes i.e. IX API based solutions The proposer or DSG can recommend the change is delivered via a minor release but the final decision would be with ChMC (section on the CP to state major (and mm/yyyy) or Minor release)
What change is delivered in Major release? Changes to interfaces to customers Requires installation or modification of hardware of software for any customer Changes to format of any UK Link Communications File Format changes including addition of allowable values Anything ChMC determines as requiring delivery via major release rather than minor release
Work in Progress Extract of change register to provide high level view of Change Proposals, status of the proposal and next stage Xoserve to publish Change Proposals on Xoserve.com so all change information in one single place (a link to the information will be published on Joint Office website). Create a guidance document on raising a change proposal and the process for change Ongoing review of forms to ensure fit for purpose Full review of DSC Change Management Procedures assess against new processes and assess if changes are required.