Geography Review
A small representation of the Earth in the shape of a sphere. #1 A small representation of the Earth in the shape of a sphere.
A small representation of the Earth in the shape of a sphere. #1 A small representation of the Earth in the shape of a sphere. Answer: globe
A large land mass on Earth. #2 A large land mass on Earth.
A large land mass on Earth. #2 A large land mass on Earth. Answer: continent
A large body of salt water. #3 A large body of salt water.
A large body of salt water. #3 A large body of salt water. Answer: ocean
A symbol that shows you the directions on the map. #4 A symbol that shows you the directions on the map.
A symbol that shows you the directions on the map. #4 A symbol that shows you the directions on the map. Answer: Compass Rose
#5 The imaginary line that divides the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere.
#5 The imaginary line that divides the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. Answer: Equator
A picture used to show/represent something on a map. #6 A picture used to show/represent something on a map.
A picture used to show/represent something on a map. #6 A picture used to show/represent something on a map. Answer: symbol
#7 One half of the Earth.
#7 One half of the Earth. Answer: hemisphere
Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? #8 Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? ?
Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? #8 Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? ? Answer: north
#9 Imaginary lines on a map or globe that show the distance from the Prime Meridian.
#9 Imaginary lines on a map or globe that show the distance from the Prime Meridian. Answer: longitude lines
#10 The imaginary line that divides the Eastern Hemisphere and Western Hemisphere.
#10 The imaginary line that divides the Eastern Hemisphere and Western Hemisphere. Answer: Prime Meridian
Which letter is pointing towards the Equator? #11 Which letter is pointing towards the Equator? A B C D
Which letter is pointing towards the Equator? #11 Which letter is pointing towards the Equator? A B C D Answer: B
Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? #12 Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? ?
Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? #12 Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? ? Answer: west
Lines of latitude measure the distance from the ____________ #13 Lines of latitude measure the distance from the ____________
Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? #14 Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? Answer: south ?
#15 This latitude line is exactly halfway between the North Pole and the South Pole.
#15 This latitude line is exactly halfway between the North Pole and the South Pole. Answer: The Equator
Are the lines below lines of latitude or lines of longitude? #16 Are the lines below lines of latitude or lines of longitude?
Are the lines below lines of latitude or lines of longitude? #16 Are the lines below lines of latitude or lines of longitude? Answer: longitude
#17 What vocabulary term refers to the 4 main directions ( on the Compass Rose) north, south, east & west.
#17 What vocabulary term refers to the 4 main directions ( on the Compass Rose) north, south, east & west. Answer: cardinal directions
Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? #18 Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? ?
Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? #18 Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? ? Answer: east
Are the lines below lines of latitude or lines of longitude? #19 Are the lines below lines of latitude or lines of longitude?
Are the lines below lines of latitude or lines of longitude? #19 Are the lines below lines of latitude or lines of longitude? Answer: latitude lines
Which color highlights the eastern hemisphere? #20 Which color highlights the eastern hemisphere? Pink Blue
Which color highlights the eastern hemisphere? #20 Which color highlights the eastern hemisphere? Pink Blue Answer: blue
Lines of latitude measure the distance from the ____________ #21 Lines of latitude measure the distance from the ____________
Lines of latitude measure the distance from the ____________ #21 Lines of latitude measure the distance from the ____________ Answer: Equator
#22 Imaginary lines on a globe or map the show the distance from the Equator.
#22 Imaginary lines on a globe or map the show the distance from the Equator. Answer: latitude lines
#23 One of the major lines of latitude. This line marks the northern boundary of the “tropics”.
#23 One of the major lines of latitude. This line marks the northern boundary of the “tropics”. Answer: Tropic of Cancer
#24 A small map set onto the main map; used to show where the main map is located.
#24 A small map set onto the main map; used to show where the main map is located. Answer: locator map
#24 The part of the map that shows the relationship between real distances and the distances shown on the map.
#24 The part of the map that shows the relationship between real distances and the distances shown on the map. Answer: scale
#25 Is the shaded portion the northern hemisphere or the southern hemisphere
#25 Is the shaded portion the northern hemisphere or the southern hemisphere Answer: southern hemisphere
Which letter is pointing towards the Prime Meridian? #26 Which letter is pointing towards the Prime Meridian? A B C D
Which letter is pointing towards the Prime Meridian? #26 Which letter is pointing towards the Prime Meridian? A B C Answer: C D
Lines of longitude measure the distance from the ________. #28 Lines of longitude measure the distance from the ________.
Lines of longitude measure the distance from the ________. #28 Lines of longitude measure the distance from the ________. Answer: Prime Meridian
The “in between” directions on a compass rose; northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest. #29
The “in between” directions on a compass rose; northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest. #29 Answer: Intermediate Directions
Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? #30 Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? ?
Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? #30 Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? ? Answer: southwest
Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? #31 Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? ?
Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? #31 Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? ? Answer: northeast
Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? #27 Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? ?
Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? #27 Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? ? Answer: northeast
Which latitude line is highlighted by the red line? #32 Which latitude line is highlighted by the red line? Equator
Which latitude line is highlighted by the red line? #32 Which latitude line is highlighted by the red line? Equator Answer: Tropic of Capricorn
Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? #33 Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? ?
Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? #33 Which direction is this on the Compass Rose? ? Answer: southeast
Which latitude line is highlighted by the red line? #37 Which latitude line is highlighted by the red line? Equator
Which latitude line is highlighted by the red line? #37 Which latitude line is highlighted by the red line? Equator Answer: Tropic of Capricorn
Which color highlights the western hemisphere? #38 Which color highlights the western hemisphere? Pink Blue
Which color highlights the western hemisphere? #38 Which color highlights the western hemisphere? Pink Blue Answer: pink
#39 One of the major lines of latitude. This line marks the southern boundary of the “tropic.”
Answer: Tropic of Capricorn #39 One of the major lines of latitude. This line marks the southern boundary of the “tropic.” Answer: Tropic of Capricorn