Warm Up : April 29th Why are you required to align the teaching unit you’re building to a Common Core Standard? Why are you required to use a critical lens when creating this unit? Do you still like your assessment idea? If so, how has this idea grown/changed over the past week? If not, what would you do instead and why?
Learning Target(s) Based on a standard, critical lens, and assessment of my choice, I can plan out a teaching unit for my independent reading text.
Agenda Plan out your calendar. Update/refine/polish your summative assessment work and idea.
Planning Calendar Using the planning tool calendar, map out what you will do and when in order to build toward your assessment. Here’s a step-by-step method that you can use: On the calendar, write in the date for the assessment (if it’s an essay or a project, assign the due date as July 1st. If it’s a test, plan it for July 1st. If your assessment will take more than one day, plot it out accordingly). You have 5 weeks, or, 25 class periods. For the first day, May 30th, think of a way to introduce your unit. It should be something that is both engaging and relevant to your students, while still maintaining the integrity of your unit.
Calendar (2) 3. For week 1, decide where you want your students to be by Friday. Indicate that on the top space for June 3rd, and then plot out how you are going to bring your students to that point. Include the following information as it’s relevant to your unit: A reading schedule for the week (Use page numbers! Also, assign it for homework if you want! It’s not mean because it’s not real.) Vocabulary lessons and quizzes or activities, etc. Use only words that are found during that week. Literary elements/techniques that are found in the reading that takes place that week. Anything that you want the students to be doing in order to build toward the assessment (note-taking, etc.) 4. For weeks 2 – 5, complete the same tasks as above. Be sure that each week builds upon the preceding week.
Calendar (3) Here are some ideas for daily tasks or assignments: Class discussions/Socratic seminar (create a few guiding questions) Independent tasks Group tasks ***ANOTHER OPTION – as these weeks should be building upon each other, you may elect to plan what you want to accomplish by each of the Fridays in our unit before planning what will be done each day. This way, you can be sure that all the work is aligned.
What to do when your calendar is complete: Refine and polish your summative assessment (how?) WHAT I WILL BE LOOKING FOR BY THE END OF CLASS: A completed planning calendar (main ideas for the day in the top box, details in the bottom box) A cohesive and thorough plan for your summative assessment
Reflect Answer the questions below: How do you feel about the unit you’re designing? If you were a students in this class, do you think you’d understand the tasks you created and the purposes of these tasks? If yes, how do you know? If not, what is still needed?