WALT: write a character description based on evidence from the text. Sunday 4th September 2016 WALT: write a character description based on evidence from the text.
WALT: write a character description based on evidence from the text. Finish reading Chapter 2 from Page 27 Will any of our predictions from last lesson have come true?
WALT: write a character description based on evidence from the text. First impressions of Mr Reynolds: Is there anything that makes you feel he is going to be a good or bad character? Look for evidence in the text to support your answers all of the time. What does Morpurgo tell us about Mr Reynolds?
WALT: write a character description based on evidence from the text. Main Task You are going to write a short extract for David’s fictional/imaginary diary to show his first thoughts about Mr Reynolds. You should include: the key events of the day (in order), your emotions and feelings, and different openers to start your sentences (not just I or my)! SPaG Focus: Synonyms (you’ll need a thesaurus to up-level your ideas). Can you choose a better word for the one you already know?
WALT: write a character description based on evidence from the text. Plenary How successful have we been? Peer assess each other’s work giving a comment at the bottom which includes a WWW and EBI.