Configuration and Tests LYRA the Lyman-alpha Radiometer onboard PROBA-2 LYRA Detectors: Configuration and Tests Ground Segment Progress Meeting BELSPO Brussels 09 Jan 2007
Selected configurations filter detector nominal FWHM measured 1-1 Ly XN + MSM12 121.5 +/- nm 116-126 nm 1-2 Herzberg + PIN10 200-220 nm 197-218 nm 1-3 Aluminium + MSM11 17-80 nm (1)-2.4, 17-35 nm 1-4 Zr (300nm) + AXUV20D 1-20 nm (1)-1.3, 6-15 nm 2-1 Ly XN + MSM21 121.5 +/- nm 116-126 nm 2-2 Herzberg + PIN11 200-220 nm 199-219 nm 2-3 Aluminium + MSM15 17-80 nm (1)-1.4, 17-27 nm 2-4 Zr (150nm) + MSM19 1-20 nm (1)-1.3, 6-12 nm 3-1 Ly N+XN + AXUV20A 121.5 +/- nm 116-126 nm 3-2 Herzberg + PIN12 200-220 nm 198-219 nm 3-3 Aluminium + AXUV20B 17-80 nm (1)-2.4, 17-35 nm 3-4 Zr (300nm) + AXUV20C 1-20 nm (1)-1.3, 6-15 nm
Tests (BESSY campaigns) Flux linearity Stability, drift LEDs, dark current Expected signal, purity Homogeneity, flatfield Integration time
Summary of Results Linearity Stability LEDs Signal, Purity 1-1 MSM + -- + - 1-2 PIN + + + ++ 1-3 MSM --- - +? -- 1-4 AXUV + + ?? +++ 2-1 MSM + - + - 2-2 PIN + + + ++ 2-3 MSM -- - -? -- 2-4 MSM + - ?? +++ 3-1 AXUV + + - + 3-2 PIN + + +? ++ 3-3 AXUV - + +? -- 3-4 AXUV + + ?? +++
Recommendation Head 2 should be nominal Head 1 should be used once a week Head 3 should be used once a month … depending on the behaviour of LYRA (deterioration etc.) Consequences for telecommanding and commissioning?