Absolutism: Spain
Philip II Centralized royal power to control all parts of gov’t Divine Right- believed that his authority to rule came from God Controlled military, and used it to impose the Inquisition against Protestants, Jews and heretics Spanish middle class heavily taxed to pay for wars and build the Spanish Armada “Most Catholic King”
Marranos 1. Spanish Jews who were forced to convert to Catholicism (but still secretly practiced Judaism) to avoid expulsion or death
Moriscos 1. Spanish Muslims who were forced to convert to Catholicism (but still secretly practiced Islam) to avoid expulsion or death
The Spanish Armada 1. The “Invincible” Spanish fleet that sailed against England with the intention to overthrow Elizabeth I.
Read “Defeat of the Spanish Armada”
Cause-Event-Effect Assignment List 4 Causes Why did Philip II send the armada to England? List 4 Events What events contributed to the defeat of the Spanish Armada? List 2 Effects What happened as a result of the Spanish Armada’s defeat? Oops! Under each box, write one mistake that Philip made from his point of view (ex. Oops! I underestimated the English Navy!)