LEAN is the way of our work <date> <name>
LEAN is a way of thinking. What is LEAN? ? LEAN is a way of thinking. The goal is to create a waste-free process, always focusing the customers’ needs and never forget to involve our workers. Talk a little about a process without waste, the customers’ needs (customer is the „king”) and also not forget to talk about the operators: how important to ask and listen the operators about their problems and ideas.
Lean is different Traditional thinking Lean thinking Benefit3 Benefit2 Selling price3 Benefit3 Selling price2 Benefit2 Selling price Selling price Benefit3 Benefit2 Benefit Benefit Manufact. cost Manufact. cost Traditional VS lean thinking. In traditional way, the manufacturer doesn’t change the manufacturing cost, so the price much be higher and higher for the higher benefit.
Lean is different Need to change the way of thinking! Traditional thinking • The source of the problems is the people • The first step of handling the problem: who is the responsible? • Problem is weakness, we must hide it. • We’ll solve the problems if we have time and money for them • Handling the problems needs specialists Lean thinking • People can solve the problems. • We need to focus for the problems • Problem is a possibility to be better than before • We have to searchm find and solve the problems • handling the problems is everybody’s work Need to change the way of thinking! Next slide is the video with „folding the t-shist”. Before play the video, ask people to fold a t-shirt (t-shirt needed )
Put the video here After play the video (many times because people will ask you to play again ) tell the people what’s happening if ayou go home and ask your mother/wife to fold the t-shirts in this way. Probably she says: „don’t tell me hoe to fold the t-shisrt. This is the only good way” – Now it is time to change the way of thinking
Why we need to change the way of thinking? And what is the solution for this?
Companies who are perfect in this Lean! But why is lean? Because the word of today and tomorrow… Our customers ask for the best service That is: high quality low price perfect customer service for all of our products... Companies who are perfect in this
Why do I need lean? I know my processes and products much better than other I know my everyday problems of the production A don’t want to be unhappy customers... Because they will choose another manufacturers’ products... I want to be in a safe side... ... and lean leads these
Why is so necessary to change? There is a small cartoon in the righ corner: a frog in a pot. Show the two way of introduction of lean – as there are two way of cooking a frog. Put a pot of water to the oven and when the water is boiling, put the frog into the water: frog will jump out the water – it’s too hot. Put a pot of water to the over and put the frog into the water. Then warm up the water: the frog will simmer (boil) because adjust his body to the slow change.ű I must say that I never tried it out, but this is a good example that a slow but continuous change is the good way to change the way of thinking.
How to learn lean? Practice: 75% learning : 20% Self-education : 5% „I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” - Confucius
... there is one thing left!
We need to pay off the myths of Lean!
Lean is not working in our factory Statement: Our production is different, this is not a car industry, it is impossible to implement lean Our culture is far away from lean thinking. We are not Japanise Our customers will not wait for months etc. Reality We are not different that the others! If we still believe this, the very first step to change this point of view! Nobody has easier way than we have. The key is to change the way of thinking!
We needs lot of money for Lean results Statement: We have many-many great ideans but we need money to realize these ideas Reality: First we need fresh point of view – this is the key point to change Change the culture and the way of thinking Investments Fresh thechnological approach It is impossible to buy everything. We need fresh ideas for the long-term results!
Lean needs hard work and presisting Statement Lean is not only the collection of „common sense” but the change of culture and we have to work hard for it every day. Reality: Lean is the change of culture and way of thinking and we have to work hadr for it every day. Nothing will be complete just because we have everything for it! I know how to prepare pancakes. I have a frying-pan. And I have all of the ingredients for it. But it is not enogh for the pancakes. Need a decision.
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