County Water Resources Programs in the Santa Margarita Basin SMGWA Board Meeting November 29, 2018
County Role within the SMGWA The County is not a water supplier Our role in the JPA is to represent non-municipal pumpers and environmental uses Permitting and tracking of private wells and small water systems; Water conservation, retrofit on resale, prohibition of water waste Measurement of streamflow and water quality Outreach and staff support to the well owner representatives Oversee some streamflow and fisheries projects Land use regulation, septic systems, and contaminated site oversight
Water Users
Water Use
Santa Margarita Groundwater Basin and Streamflow
Santa Margarita Basin Contribution to Streamflow San Lorenzo River – 40-50% of Dry Season Flow Groundwater Declines of up to 250 ft. have reduced flow by 0.2-0.5 cfs. 10-20% in Lower Bean Creek Basin has stabilized at around 250 feet lower than historical levels Future threat of climate change: 30% reduced recharge, increased demands
SLR Flow Accretion 9/18/17, 80 percentile flow
Effect of Drought
Potential Benefits to Streamflow
Water Quality Issues Sandy soils very susceptible to surface and subsurface contamination Historic contamination from dry cleaners gas stations, industrial sites Much has been cleaned up Can limit management options Nitrate from septic systems and sewage discharge Addressed by septic system management and sewer outfall Nitrogen management required by State Treatment of recycled water for nitrogen reduction Water quality protection is an ongoing concern
Fisheries Management Santa Cruz County's juvenile steelhead & stream habitat (JSSH) monitoring program is a partnership between the County of Santa Cruz and local water agencies. Assesses stream habitat conditions and measures steelhead population density across four major watersheds in santa cruz county. New award-winning website: to view results in interactive data explorer.
COUNTY Management Efforts Water Conservation Groundwater Recharge Assessment of streamflow contributions and impacts of surface diversions SLVWD/County Conjunctive Use and Streamflow Enhancement Study Memorandum of Agreement with City of Santa Cruz. Scotts Valley Water District, San Lorenzo Valley Water District, County