Muscles and movement Saturday, 06 April 2019
Starter (5 mins) Discuss in pairs what is happening in terms of muscles and bones when the weight is lifted contraction, relaxation, antagonistic muscles and joints.
Turn to page 65 of the Student’s Book at this point The lower arm works like a lever and the elbow is the pivot. You will be building a model of how some bones and muscles work together around a joint to form a lever. Design, build and test a model of a human arm, to show how an antagonistic muscle pair works.
The students should work in small groups of 2–4 students and read through the instructions on the Practicals and Investigations sheet ‘Biomechanics’. They should start by writing a plan, hypothesis and risk assessment for the first activity ‘Investigating an arm bone as a lever’. Remind the students that carefully looking at their own arm will help them to build their model. When they have checked with you they can make a start on this activity. When they have built their model, they need to model adding muscles to the bones. Again, they should read through the instructions, write a plan and add to their risk assessment before checking with you. If you are happy with their plan they can proceed. Students tackle conclusion questions 1–4 on the ‘Biomechanics’ Practicals and Investigations sheet.
Plenary Go through students' answers to conclusion questions 1–4 on the ‘Biomechanics’ Practicals and Investigations sheet and discuss whether their predictions were correct. How did testing your models help you to decide? how could you improve your investigation and models?