¿SER o ESTAR? Thinking about temporary states of being versus permanent states of being
You will hold up either SER or ESTAR & the letter of it’s use for each slide shown. An example of a slide: A sentence that says "The boy is sick today." There is also a picture of a sick boy on the slide. The sentences are in English because the focus of this activity is that you demonstrate your ability to understand temporary v. permanent. We will do 2 together and you will do the rest on your own for practice.
She is tall and thin.
My neighbor is creepy.
He is sick today.
He is a rambunctious monkey.
Wow! You are so happy today!
The car is red with white stripes.
Elena is my cousin.
That test was super hard just now!
My dog is shy.
Chocolate cake is delicious
Sour Patch kids are yummy.
This meatloaf is so digusting!
He’s tired today. He was up all night.
Those dogs are nuts today!
I am intelligent.